
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: Reckless Overthinker

En cours




~Even through the dimmed light, I'm quick to recognize his gaze, and I know there's no escape for me anymore~ *** Having to jungle between being a PA assistant to one of the most successful CEO in the city, and having her own dirty job as a stripper to Starway club is something Kathryn Williams has to do. Keeping her dirty little secret safe is one of her top priority but what she doesn't expect is to see her boss while doing her dirty job. Kathryn is sure she'll most definitely lose her job or so she thought, but her boss has something else in mind

Chapter 1


  I've always cared about two things in the world.

  Survival and to survive.

  To survive, you just have to do what it takes without giving a two shit about what everyone else thinks in the world. That has been my greatest potential. Yes, maybe I'm doing it in secret. In fear of being found out because both sides matters but that doesn't stop me from doing it. I have a secret of my own–just like everyone else in the world does. But in my case, my secret makes me survive, and that's all that matters.


  I rock my hips to the sound of the music booming through the entire room with hundreds of men's eyes on me.

  Each of them with an undeniable lust and greed to have me in their eyes.

  Each of them wanting a one-night stand from me and each of them who will pay just to watch me dance. Just to satisfy the throbbing need that's between their thighs and I give them exactly what they want.

  I roll down the pole, wrapping my legs around it and attaching my body to it, making sure it grips it.

  With that, I swipe my head to the back and push my chest up as I flash a smile to the men who all want to have a taste of me.

  I giggle as I roll back up and swipe my hips, the stripping dress I’m putting on which is just a short gown that has a pant at the end and stops at my hips brush forward, exposing my thighs and I watch their eyes darken the more.

  It has a net over my chest, and it shows my cleavage—available for their lustful gazes.

  A chuckle rips through the back of my throat–swallowed by the loud music in the room–and I roll around the pole, kicking my leg up before sliding down it then shaking my butt to the loud blazing of the music and they all roar, all running towards me and my laugh booms through as I feel more than confident to have hundreds of men at my feet. Hundreds of men that will do anything to have this body. Hundreds of men that will pay fortunes for just a blowjob and that's what I do. I use their weakness against them to get what I want. And what do I want?–Money.


  “That was a good show, Kathryn. I expect more of it next time. ”

  The manager flashes me a smile and I return it with one of mine and walk away, heading towards the changing room.

  My gaze goes to the clock as a yawn escapes through my throat.

  I’m later than usual today and that’s because the bitch that was before me took forever to get ready.

  It’s past midnight and almost three in the morning and I have to get up seven tomorrow or my prick of a boss will find an excuse to punish me like he always does.

  “Hey babe. ”

  Carly walks in and gives me a peck on my cheek, and I smile as I successfully get out of the stripping cloth.

  It already dressed Carly in casual wears and I breathe out as I turn to her to help me with my clothes.

  Carly is my friend. My best friend actually, well it isn’t like I have any friends either but she’s the best friend any girl could ever wish for. Carly isn't the normal friend that any normal average parent would want their daughter or son to have. She's manipulative and she can be dangerous. She gets into trouble a lot and she says whatever she wants without giving two shit of what others think about her, but I love her. Not just because she helped me survive and help me learn so many things but because she's the exact person I need in my life so yes, middle finger to the rest of the world that thinks we aren't good for each other.

  Carly and I live together or let’s say I live with her since I’m the one that moved in and she has grown to be more of a sister and less of a friend in the past few years.

  “That show was insane. You should have seen the manager’s face. His eyes were almost popping out of their socket and I’m sure the dick was hard underneath with just watching you. ”

  She grins and I roll my eyes before getting into my jean even though the words always make me feel good no matter how many times she says it.

  "Where were you, by the way? I didn't think you were watching when I went up?"

  I ask her and she swipes her tongue over her lips.–A sign that she did something nasty.

  "I had to give this man a blowjob, but the poor man must not have been getting enough from his wife. He wanted more than that, but I let him have a taste of me. Fingered. "

  She winks and I shake my head at her as I grab my bag and slung it on my shoulder before loosing my hair and removing the mask I have on.

  The mask is to conceal my identity, and there are so many reasons I swung that way. Not because I hate my job as a stripper or I'm ashamed of it. No, I actually love my job and the confidence it gives me but if everyone knows who I am behind the mask and the wig, It’s going to affect my daily life and I’m sure if my boss finds out that I work as a stripper. He would definitely fire me.

  Carly and I walk outside of the building and into the car as we hit the road and sing along to Tatiana monaios song. Me and love don’t get along.

  “Hey, how’s everything going with your hot boss?! ”

  Carly yells over the music, and I roll my eyes.

  "I'm seriously thinking that you really want to fuck that man. "

  I turn my gaze to her, and she has a smirk on her face.

  "If I could have him, yes. Who wouldn't want to? He's fucking hot, but I heard he only does all those tiny leg models. If only he knows what I have for him here."

  She swipes her tongue across her bottom lip, her grip on the steering wheel tightening, and I burst into a fit of laughter.

  "Stop obsessing over him. Unless you plan to abduct him one day and have your way with him, then it's a no way. "

  "I wish I really can. He's going to be huge behind those pants, I'm sure you would have got some glimpse of it. I mean, you're the personal assistant, how do you handle keeping your eyes off him? I'll have to use more panties if I were you because I'll orgasm from being so close. "

  "I hate you. "

  I laugh, hitting her arm, and she shrugs.

  "I hate you more, bitch. "

  And we love our fucking lives. ~~~

  The first and last warning. This story will contain many use of dirty words and lots of well detailed explicit scenes, I hope you're all comfortable with it before we move on.

  If you are, drop a review for me and a heart. I love you all.