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Love After Death

Love After Death

Auteur: ZEAL

En cours


Love After Death PDF Free Download


The story is based on a selfish girl who follows a loser of a love into the world unknown, which is the after life in order to repay his love. Regardless of the darkness, cold, empty Ness and lonely Ness ,not knowing what kind of thing to expect at the end of it all she's determined to find her lost love with the hope of reality not repeating its self,not letting him slip off her fingertips like before

Chapter 1

Beautiful big brown eyes, cherry lips,white skin tenderly and fair,the most beautiful flower his eyes had ever seen. Her voice like still waters and her smile made my heart heart miss a beat . By the first glimpse he knew that it can only be her and no one else, Everything about her was so perfect but how could he rewrite the stars when everyone and everything was keeping them apart, just like light and darkness. As much as it hurt waking up to realize that everything was just wishful thinking ,a dream that not even the god of love can make true,he had to face it,it was reality,there was nothing he could do about it,nomatter how hard it he tried his hands were still tied besides he was only a kid ,how can a eleven years old boy know and understand love he said to my self for comfort,sooner or later it will all change.

Many years passed by without him seeing her or even secretly putting my love letters in her locker because her mum was transferred to another place. The thought of him never getting the chance to see her again and tell her how she made him forget he was a nurd even for a second and that he was her secret lover killed him on the inside that all he could do is always wish upon the stars to somehow be kind enough to let their paths meet even if not for forever for that would be the most wonderful moment of his life.

By every moment that went by ,his feelings towards her grow even stronger as he wandered what she looked like. Grow up Azreil,she's never coming back ,who knows if she even remembers you or whether you exist , instead of you day dreaming all day long do something more constructive and let by gones be by gones,his inner ghoust said to me. It was time for change,but ....

he just had to do it anyways.

Finally his hard work paid of ,he was accepted to study at my favorite University,"University of Zambia"and was looking forward to the big picture ahead of him but one thing he didn't know was that fate game was still on and his life was about to change yet again.

He remembered it like it was yesterday when he saw her again in like forever,time could not help but freeze,he finally had another reason to live for "love".It was on a Friday morning when she walked into his class , it was disgusting how every one looked at her ,if he had some kind of powers he would have blinded them all but still there she was ,the most beautiful flower and brightest star he had ever seen