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Princess With Blue Eyes

Princess With Blue Eyes

Auteur: MissLoveSong



Princess With Blue Eyes PDF Free Download


It’s funny how thing’s are changed I once a Princess and a heiress of Lahanan City but now I’m Just nothing but a thief right now I keep saying I hate how the Lahanan City become but then I didn’t do something to change it even though I have all the right to fight the mismanagement of the government. I thought I will always been like this hiding in the dark and never show my self to other. But then someone came to help me out. Someone came to make me realize that I need to fight for the future and I’m going to fight because someone there with me and the Lahanan City people is hoping that one da the City will be back to the way it use to be. But then it’s all a lie….. They make me believe to deceive me and to betray me.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Princess Thief

"Would you die fighting or alive but hiding?"

Many people in the world, different countries, various languages, billion people, diverse beliefs, and different faiths. Some were fighting alone, and some people can't stand alone. Others believe in destiny while most people are gained and work hard for that one day, they see themselves successfully.

What I'm saying is everyone has a choice and can choose. Right or wrong, for you or for all, whatever they are going to believe. What they want for their future, it's all their choice.

And what about me? What my choices are? Well, my choice is 'would you die fighting or alive hiding', and I choose to hide not because I’m afraid to die, but I’m afraid to lose someone I have attached with. I’m afraid the poor people of Lahanan City might get affected, and thousands of people might die if I try to oppose.

Would you call it selfish? If I didn't choose to fight the mismanagement of the government to my city just because I value the life of the weak and poor people that leaving in my city?

Whatever you say or even though you see me selfish and cowardly. I choose to become a thief than a princess and it’s my choice, and I decide to do what I believe is best for the poor people of Lahanan

I’m running out of breath but still I run faster without any care to my surroundings, it’s been an hour since the trooper from the palace is chasing after me. I'm already breathless, but what the hell! The warrior's that chasing after me is still fast and immovable.

I tried various way to lost them and if my count is right there’s a total of five troopers that chasing after me but there’s only two warriors left. Geez, what a persistent warrior.

Well, what can I say? they are troopers from the palace and have trained ever since they're little but they're not the only ones that trained to fight. I'm trained not in the way they trained. Either way experienced is the best teacher.

I look around to find somewhere I can conceal or find a way to hide, the downtown market is messy and crowded place since this is the place where everyone is busy buying and selling products, but compared to day light this crowd is nothing since its night time where the only source of light is coming from the open shop.

I turned to my left and huddle myself to the crowded area while removing my brown hood together with my hat, I throw it somewhere and lose my hair that I tied a while ago just to disguise myself as one of the civilians for me to escape from those troopers in the most peaceful way. Well lucky for me downtown market is a crowded place so it's easy for me to hide my presence.

Why do I need to escape to those troopers? Because I'm a thief or should I say a notorious thief in Lahanan City and one of the thieves that have a bounty on their head so that warrior is dying to catch me.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I called to the middle-aged woman carrying her son on her left arm. The boy is so thin and looks like he doesn't have enough food to eat. It’s a pity that the people who needs the food can’t have something to eat while the elite who gets the most of food just take for granted their privileges.

"Yes?" she answered, the tiredness is clear on the lady's face, but she warfully smiles at me, I wondered how she managed to smile like that despite the tiredness in her eyes.

I smile back to her, "can I have your pink hood in exchange for this," I ask and show her the expensive necklace that is probably a piece of jewelry I stole a while ago. Pink is not the color that I prefer to wear, but I don't care the only matter to me now is to escape those warriors. For pity's sake, it's been an hour since they start chasing after me, my foot is soaring like hell!

She looks at my hand that holding a dazzling necklace that is worth their whole life provisions, her face turns to a bit of shock at the same time hesitant. I got fine item from stealing from the city’s known jewelry shop and it won’t hurt to give them a bit of those so they can afford to buy food to eat,

"This gold necklace for an old hood?" the woman unbelievably asks me.

Oww... Come on do I have to repeat it twice? Geez, who wouldn’t doubt If I exchange this necklace for a hood anyway?

"Yeah, I need your hood exchange for this necklace," I smilingly explain, come on just take it I don’t have time for this!

The woman looks at me for a minute then she smiles at me and she gives the hood to me. In exchange for it, I give her the necklace just like I promise. I just wish that the woman with her son won't get into trouble because of that necklace.

“Thank you," the mother said as she takes the necklace,

I just smile while wearing the pink hood and walk for me to escape from those idiot's trooper, but I stop when someone calls me.

“Miss!” called by someone.

"Miss did you see someone running around with a brown hat and hood?" someone with a baritone voice asks me.

They're the trooper that chasing after me a while ago. I shook my head saying I didn't, and they’ve just nodded their head to me tsk... What an idiot.

I continue my walk, but I stop when the trooper calls me for a second time. Did they notice?

"Ahm… Wait, Miss!" the warrior called me, this time it’s louder and make me worry for myself. They might notice that I’m that notorious thief, if that’s the case then I might get caught and imprisoned.

I face them with my left eyebrow creased, " What? "I've responded to the trooper at the same time I’m getting ready in case they found out,

"Uhm... can I get your number? "The warrior shamefacedly asks me.

I've even imagined being imprisoned! But this flirt just calls my attention to ask for my number tsk... jerk

I rolled my eyes and turn my back on the trooper continue to walk, but the insistent trooper calls me for the third time. Seriously, what is it this time?

"Miss! What's your name? "The warrior shouted.

Can I choke this trooper? he annoyed me so much to the point that I want to kill someone. But no, I'm a thief not a murderer anyway.

"I have no name!" I reply and continue my walk,

"Nice to meet you miss no name," the warrior shouted and laughs. Eh, what's funny?

I prevent turning back and choke the trooper because that can only get me into trouble. I walk and didn't look back and now I'm going to answer the warrior question.

What's my name?

I'm Westly Yuson my father is once was a King and a leader of this city, but he was killed and betrayed by the people who he trusts the most and now here I am I was once a princess but just a thief who had nothing. Well maybe that's how things are meant to happen I need to live like normal people and just leave the city management to the one who stole it from my father.

Those betrayals happen when I was 15, I don't know what exactly happened but I'm sure the family who manages Lahanan city now is the one who is responsible for it. They chase after me and tried to kill me, but I manage to escape for those people and somehow there were people helped and save me.

I know my father won't likely be happy when he sees me like this, like stealing things that weren't for me even if I can do something better than this, I choose not to do so. To hell if I’m princess I’m going to live the way I want to live!

If there's one thing, I learned in life it is "Never trust anyone other than myself." Too much trust is dangerous it can make you lose anything that you have like what happened to me.

My father's trust so much ended up being back-stabbed by greedy people and that's the last thing I want to happen to me and in my whole life I will never trust anyone like how my father did.
