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In Another Time

In Another Time

Auteur: Eugene_mends

En cours


In Another Time PDF Free Download


Bryce and his other four half brothers: Kevin, Daniel and twins Jack and Wesley are sent on a quest to find five magic gems and protect them with their lives from other evil creatures from taking over the world or destroying it. After they found the gems, they find themselves In Another Time. They must protect the gems with their new found friends and family.

Chapter 1

On September 1st, 1820 afternoon, grandma got a visitor which was really surprising since they lived high on the mountain and grandma was overprotective. Jack l, being the youngest of five half brothers rushed to tell the others of the visitor. Bryce, the oldest of the brothers went to check what was going on in the house but the visitor was already gone. Grandma told him to go and get his brothers for she had news for them. Bryce brought all his brothers and grandma started talking. "I have kept you on this mountain for long enough, but it is time for you to leave. You must go on a quest, a magical journey to find five gems and when you find it you must protect them with your lives". She further explained to them that she was a witch and they too had the power of warlocks.

Shocked, the five brothers began asking questions of why she would keep such a secret from them. And she answered, " l was only trying to protect you from the people and the people from you". After a long conversation, the brothers had calmed down and understood what would happen on the quest. Finally they were ready to leave. She gave each of the brothers something they could use to go through their journey. For a Bryce, the oldest, she gave him a spell book. For Kevin,the second brother, a guide book it the creatures they might encounter on the journey. For Daniel the third brother, a map to follow to find the gems. And the twins Wesley and Jack each an amulet to protect themselves as they were the youngest.

Grandma started speaking in tongue, the wind started blowing stronger by the second and a bright light shone all across the room and suddenly everything was quiet. They opened their eyes and a portal had been opened by their grandma. And she told them to go through one after the other. They all went through and found themselves in a creepy lifeless forest so creepy that it sent shivers down their spines. They proceeded through the forest walking close to each other following the map. After minutes of walking, they came across a very big and beautiful tree. Kevin searched through the book and found what it was. "It is a fully grown Mandrake tree which is also enchanted, touch it and it will start speaking". Daniel immediately after hearing this touched the tree and the tree started talking. "To find what you want you must circle me seven times and on the seventh time you will find a way".

Without wasting much time they started circling the tree and after the seventh time it started shaking making cracking sounds and the ground began to shake. The cracking sound grew louder then the tree began to divide. The tree divided to reveal a doorway to an empty room with a door on the side. They entered the room cautiously, one after the other. They walked to the door and Bryce tried to open it but heard a loud growl which came from inside the other room. They were scared to open the door but Bryce was eager to open it that he quickly opened it. A hideous beast stood far away in a very big room with its walls painted with gold. The beast looked like a lion but with a tail of a crocodile, and a legs of a person but covered with fur. Kevin checked the book to find what it was and started saying, "a chimera, a creature with with parts of it being parts of different creatures. But this chimera is very cunning. When it lies, it walks backwards but when it tells the truth, it walks normally. The chimera guards the gems of destruction. These gems could be used to destroy the whole of humanity". " So grandma sent us look for the gems and protect them", Daniel ask. "I guess so, but we have to get pass the chimera", replied Bryce.

They walked cautiously across the room near the chimera. The chimera noticed them and started talking, "I am the chimera that guards the gems and to get them you must pass my test", walking normally towards them. "If you pass the test you shall go ahead and take the gems but if you fail I will not eat you but you shall be sent back ", the chimera said walking backwards . Seeing this the brothers immediately knew that the chimera would eat them if they failed. Bryce started flipping through the spell book for a spell to use if they failed the test. "If you answer my riddle correctly you pass", the chimera said said. "I am the beginning of the end and the end of before, what am I?", The chimera asked. They began thinking of the answer, Daniel shouted, " the letter E. The answer is the letter E". The chimera replied, " correct, now for the second riddle", but before it could finish the second riddle, Bryce said, " we've answered your riddle correctly, we passed the test", but the chimera ignored him and said, "to continue I must be fed the fruit of the earth, not from tree or bush but from the ground itself. I need a cherry and two grapes". "What, that's not even a riddle", Bryce shouted. "Answer it", the chimera shouted back furiously. They began thinking but they didn't know the answer. "Time is up, you don't know the answer, you have failed the test", said the chimera. It began growling at them with fury in its eyes. It pounced on Wesley to eat him but his amulet protected him and Bryce shouted, "FESMORA CONPLOSA INCENDIO", then the chimera exploded into many pieces. And as a result of using a dark magic spell which he had not mastered yet he broke his arm.

Bryce began screaming and fell to the ground, the others surrounded him to raise him up. Wesley and Jack look for the gems, they found them and brought them to the others. The gems started glowing and floating. The gems went to each of them and they touched them. The gems began to merge with them. They all fell to the ground shouting as pain ran through their bodies. They all fainted as the pain was too much for them to handle.

Later they woke up outside the tree they went through. As they got up on their feet they realized that thier surrounding has changed, there was no longer a room painted gold or a creepy forest. It was night and they were facing a city with big buildings and loud noises everywhere and lights coming from the buildings. What had happened to them, where were they and what how did they get there?