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I Broke The Deal

I Broke The Deal

Auteur: Preshy__

En cours


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Ruby signs a contract and makes a deal with the ruthless billionaire Jasper to bear a child for him, she signs the contract to save her late father's restaurant. Ruby is treated like a maid and she is insulted and mistreated by Jasper and Tiffany. Caden, who happens to be Jasper's stepbrother, is the only person who treats Ruby like a decent human being, but things take a turn when Ruby gets pregnant for Caden and not Jasper as agreed in the contract she signed What will become of Ruby when Jasper finds out she's pregnant for another man's child?

Chapter 1

I stood there with a pen in my hand. My hands trembling as I carefully read the contract on the table in front of me.

"NO RUBY! You don't have to do this Ruby, we can find another way" My mother stood beside me and begged me with her tone of voice filled with desperation.

"Mom you know that dad put his life into this restaurant and we can't lose it even if it means me signing myself away and it's just for a year so don't worry mum." I sighed, feeling overwhelmed and desperate. I hesitantly signed the contract and my mother began to cry.

I turned to hug her and wrapped my hands around her as her face was bowed, tears dripping from her eyes. I too wanted to cry but I just had to be strong.

"Don't worry mum I will not disappoint you" Then before I knew what was happening one of the tall dark-skinned bodyguards came from behind me and grabbed me by my arm with all his force, his heavy muscles hurting my soft hand.

"Ouch! You're hurting me" I said as I turned to look at him in his black suit and black glasses. I tried to use my other hand to make him let go of me but he was too strong. I turned to look at my mother once again. I saw the pain in her eyes.

"Let go of my daughter can't you see you're hurting her" my mother said her voice quivering in fear as she raised her head to look at the man.

The man held his grip unmoved by my cries or my mother's cries. He kept a straight face "I'm sorry ma'am but she may be your daughter but she belongs to my boss now." He said in a low-pitched but very deep voice

He began to drag me by my hand out of the restaurant. I really couldn't do anything so I just waved my mother goodbye and watched her cry as he dragged me out of the door and then he led me into a luxurious black car and I entered the back seat.

As much as I tried to be strong and hold back my tears, I felt a sharp pain in my chest with force a tear to drop from my eye. I was so heartbroken seeing my mother cry and now abandoning her, making me think if I was making the right decision.

The car drive was long and boring till we finally arrived at the mansion which was even bigger than what people on the Internet say it was.

When I stepped out of the car I was given a seat and 30 minutes later a tall woman in uniform came to me and said "he wants to see you now, follow me"

I stood up and quietly followed her into the mansion, then we stopped and she knocked on the door and then she opened the door for me "You may enter now Miss" she said before turning around and walking away.

I entered the room and there he was the handsome billionaire Jasper Tate. He was even more handsome in real life than in pictures. He was sitting on a chair in front of me "Miss Ruby, are you going to keep staring at me or you're going to get seated."

I came back to my senses and quickly sat down on the seats set in front of him. Then he brought out a small red box and handed it to me. I looked at the box for a minute.

Are you going to keep staring at it? Or are you going to open it? He asked as he looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

I couldn't help but think how someone could be so handsome but yet very rude. I opened the box and there was a beautiful diamond ring in it.

"Wow this is a very beautiful ring," I said looking at the ring. I had to remind myself I wasn't here to have fun or wear expensive things, I was here because of a contract I signed to save my father's restaurant so I looked up at Jasper and said.

"No, I don't need the ring, besides this marriage is fake." I closed the box and I handed the ring back to him.

Jasper stood up from his chair and adjusted his suit and said "Listen, I'm not giving you this ring as a gift, I'm giving it to you so that we can fool everyone so they can think we are a real couple and if they don't see a ring on your finger they will find out that all this is a scam so it's either you wear the ring or go back to your poor family."

I raised my head up to look at him and his face was looking so fierce and serious, this was the man I was going to spend the next one year with and also going to have a baby with because of the money he was paying me I just had no choice but to tolerate and obey him because I need that money to save my dad's restaurant from going into debt.

"Okay, I will wear the ring. I'm sorry about that" I replied to him in a soft gentle tone as I opened the box, took the ring and put it on my finger.

"Oh and another thing my father is having a dinner party tonight and he will want to meet you. I'm gonna tell the maids to help prepare for this event and don't disappoint me." He said and then walked, opened the door and walked out of the room.

I stood up and I followed him behind and then a maid came to me "Hello ma'am I will show you to your room now"

So I followed the maid and she brought me into this beautiful room with a queen size bed and then she went to the wardrobe and brought out a beautiful red dress.

"This is was you will wear for the party get the bathroom is over there get ready and then come downstairs and you will see Mr Jasper waiting for you" Then the maid walked out of the room and left

I looked around and sat on the bed, I had to constantly remind myself why I was here. I removed my ring and my clothes then I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

Then when I was done I put on the beautiful red dress I was given by the maid I did my hair and then I left the room and went downstairs

I saw Jasper waiting for me, when he saw me he stood up and walked outside into his car and I followed him

I got into the car and we drove off to the dinner party centre. When we got there I came down from the car and all of a sudden lights started flashing in my face. I used my hand to block the flashing lights then some came beside me and held my hand. It was Jasper.

"If they ask you anything don't answer them" he said as he held my hand tight as we walked through the crowd.

"Mr Jasper, is this another one of your new girlfriends?" One of the paparazzi asked shoving a microphone In Jasper's face

"No she's my wife" Jasper responded still trying to enter the push through the crowd

"Well, we don't see a ring on a ring on her finger," one of them said while flashing cameras and taking pictures.

Jasper turned to look at my hand he was holding and he didn't see a ring, I quickly hid my other hand behind my back so he wouldn't look at it.

We were able to get through the crowd and then into the building, and then Jasper turned to look at me with rage in his eyes "Why didn't you wear the ring? I thought we had an agreement" he asked as he angrily let go of my hand

Seeing him angry almost made me want to burst out into tears "I….I for…got" I stammered as I bowed my head down my eyes facing the ground in fear.

Jasper took a deep breath and let his anger out before leading me to a nice table. I sat on one of the chairs while Jasper sat on the seat in front of me worried that Jasper might be angry with me.

A few minutes passed and then an old man came and approached us. Jasper stood up and hugged him.

"Ruby, I would like you to meet my dad," Jasper said. I stood up and offered my hand out to give him a handshake.

"Father this is Ruby the woman I married" Jasper told his dad looking towards me,

I put a nice smile on my face and said "It's very nice to meet you, sir."

"I hope you and your husband are enjoying the party?" He asked, looking at me.

"Oh yes the party is very lovely" I replied with a smile on my face even though I knew I wasn't happy

After the little chat, Jasper's father left and then a young very beautiful woman approached Jasper and gave him a bear hug and a kiss on his cheek.

Jasper didn't even resist her or push her away "Oh hey Tiffany" he said looking at the woman in front of him.

"Oh Jasper I really missed you. I'm happy we can now get to spend time with each other now" She then turned sideways and saw me and she looked at me from head to toe then she turned to Jasper and asked. "Do you wanna go and dance on the dancefloor?"

"I would have loved to, Tiffany but this is my wife and I'm here with her" Jasper replied her pointing at me.

Tiffany gave me an evil look almost like she wanted to kill me "Okay then see you later then" she said as she walked away.

I felt that there was something up with Tiffany, Jasper grabbed my hand and took me to the dance floor

And as Jasper held my waist to dance a very loud gunshot sound echoed and before my eyes, Jasper fell to the ground and there was blood on the ground.