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The Vampire's Bride- The Dark Council Series Book One

The Vampire's Bride- The Dark Council Series Book One

Auteur: Anna Kendra



The Vampire's Bride- The Dark Council Series Book One PDF Free Download


“You seem to have forgotten that you’re not marrying a commoner, Alina. You’re marrying the prince of all vampires, so look alive and get me some coffee.” Alina Deluca lives a normal life up in the Californian north. At least that’s what she makes the world believe. Locked within her hypnotizing emerald eyes are horrors she could never speak of, even if it killed her. Erick Stayton, the vampire prince, is her nightmare. To her, he was no more than a cold, savage predator that lusted for her blood and took away everything she had during that one traumatizing night four years ago. Problem is, she is bound to be his bride. Mustering every strength to set things right in her awry life, she gets embroiled in an ages-old feud and a struggle for power of mind-boggling proportions. Strangely enough, she finds herself connecting with Erick in ways she never knew she could. Suddenly, everything is not what it seems. Is Erick the heartless monster Alina makes him out to be? Will a vampire law made eons ago be the undoing of the whole vampire race? Will heated passion bloom in these bloodiest of times?

Chapter 1


"I'm sorry, love. I really am, but your marriage was her last wish. I hope that you'd at least give it a try," my father said to me. Worry was evident in his voice.

"Please, Papa! There has to be another way." I pleaded as I sat on a chair beside his hospital bed. His hands trembled in mine, but it wasn't due to old age. My father was dying.

"There would have been if Sheena was..." His eyes watered as he spoke her name, and my heart broke all over again. He loved her even now. I knew that part of the reason his condition kept getting worse, even after the best treatment in the world, was because he had given up on life the day my mother's heart stopped beating. The only thing that held him here, right now, was me.

"B-but I don't want to get married, Papa! Not yet! I'm only twenty-two." I tried to keep my voice pleading, but even I could hear the panic seeping in.

"I'm so sorry, my darling. I don't want to see you get married so early either, but I don't have much time left. I have to know that you'll be well taken care of," my dad said sadly, "that you'll be safe."

"But, Papa, they're va—"

"Ms. Deluca, visiting hours are over." The nurse cut me off as she strode into the room, saline bottle and more medicines in hand. "He's been better this past week, so try to visit as much as possible, but he does need to rest now," she said with a smile.

"Yes, of course. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Papa." I gave him my best smile even as tears pooled in my eyes and planted a kiss on his forehead before I turned to leave.

"Goodnight, love. Be safe."

I walked out of his cabin and said goodbye to people I knew. Today, though, I couldn't even manage a smile.

The instant I walked out into the parking lot, the heavy rain hit me like a bullet, drenching me from head to toe.

Good, I thought. At least, it would hide my tears. It would keep people from knowing the demons that haunt me and of the secrets I could never tell even if it killed me.

I stood alone in the parking lot next to my car with the rain mercilessly tattooing against my skin. The only thing I wished with all my heart was to erase a night four years ago that had changed my life forever.

Scientists agree that it took millennia to ultimately result in the perfect modern man who has made Earth the supreme habitat.

If you believed the same, you couldn't be more wrong.

Human beings weren't the only creatures who survived the eons of trial that Mother Nature inflicted upon us. No, there were others, beings who were stronger, faster, deadlier, and higher on the food chain.

They never lost the habit of devouring raw flesh and blood, surviving purely on animalistic instincts, speed, and agility that were a part of their genetic makeup.

For centuries, they'd been in hiding, never letting any human be aware of their existence until it was the last thing they knew. They preyed on us and stayed out of our sight just like a predator because they were the most impeccable of them all. They were the vampires.

How did I know all of this? It was because my father worked for them.

I ought to know because I was engaged to a vampire. I was to be Erick Stayton's bride.