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My Babysitter Is God of War

My Babysitter Is God of War

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Realistic Urban

My Babysitter Is God of War PDF Free Download


A thousand years ago, Tang Feng climbed the Kunlun Mountain, accidentally fell off the cliff, crossed the ancient Starry Sky Array and entered the sea of stars. From then on, he embarked on the road of cultivation. After a thousand years of war, he swept across the universe, achieved a supreme immortal body, and became Zi Weixian. Tang Feng crossed the Starry Sky Array, consumed his primordial spirit, and returned to the earth. But he found that only six years had passed on the earth, and he also had a pink precious daughter. She was the ex-girlfriend of the tall and cold overbearing female president and the smart daughter. From then on, Zi Weixian, who caused the sea of stars to tremble, started the life of the ultimate healer.

Chapter 1

Tranquil Sun.

In an ordinary earth-level city in the middle of China, the people walking on the street were in a hurry in the hot summer.

A ragged-dressed young man stood on the roof of a run-down building and bent over to look at the whole city. On his tired face, there was a smile.

"I'm finally back."

The soft shouts were filled with too many bitter memories.

Perhaps, Tang Feng had never thought that he would be able to return to this planet in this life.

Looking at the familiar but strange city, the beautiful figure that he had been dreaming of appeared in front of him again. He didn't know how many years had passed since he left Earth.

Even though thousands of years had passed, he had to come back for that promise.

In the Star Area, after thousands of years of fighting, he was tired. He had crossed the endless starry sky and countless broken Transmitting Formations of the starry sky. Even if his primordial spirit was destroyed because of this, he did not regret it.


That low and deep bell sound rang. Following the bell sound, he looked over. On top of the tall building in the distance, the great stupid bell in his memory rang again.

When he saw the huge clock under the big bell, Tang Feng was stunned. His eyes were fixed on the time displayed on the screen, and he became excited.

It was the 28th, August 23rd, today.

When he had left, he had left on the 20th of August. That was to say, after he had been teleported to the depths of the starry sky by the broken Starry Sky Formation, only six years had passed on Earth.

"Six years. Six years. Mengjia is still here. She should still be in this city." Tang Feng stood there, his body trembling. When he spoke, his voice was trembling.

Who would have thought that Crape Myrtle Star, the ruler of the Daoist-Fiend world, would lose his composure like this?

"Find her. I want to find her immediately." Tang Feng kept mumbling in his heart. Instinctively, he was about to step on the air and leave.

His feet stepped on the roof of the building smoothly. Then, under the influence of the earth's gravity, his whole person fell from the roof.


More than ten seconds later, there was a dull sound from the bottom of the building.

Tang Feng struggled to get up from the pile of rubbish. His already tattered clothes were becoming more and more tattered.

He had fallen from a tall building of more than a dozen floors. Thanks to his strong body in the starry sky, he had been trained to be strong enough. Otherwise, he would have died.

"Damn it. After going through the broken Starry-Sky Array, my primordial spirit is on the verge of collapse. Now, I can't use any magic power at all. Now, I can only rely on my physical strength." Tang Feng said bitterly to himself as he climbed out of the ruins.

Fortunately, this was the unfinished building and there was no one nearby. Otherwise, if he was seen by others, he would probably be sent to the headlines tonight.

In order not to attract too much attention, Tang Feng went to a residential building and quietly took away a set of clothes that had been dried by others.

Relying on his memory, he returned to the community where his home was. However, when he returned there again, the familiar community had disappeared. Instead, it was a high-end community.

He searched for several times, but he didn't find a familiar person.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take the risk to use his primordial spirit again to find his mother's position through the same bloodline aura.

His primordial spirit was completely destroyed. Now that he was using his primordial spirit again, it was extremely dangerous. If he wasn't careful, he might be doomed eternally. However, he couldn't care less about these things.

His primordial spirit was activated, and his Divine Sense, which was broken to the extreme, spread out and began to extend in all directions of the city.

"East, three miles away, there is the same bloodline aura as mine. In this city, the only person who has a bloodline relationship with me is my mother. This should be my mother."

Due to the damage of his primordial spirit, he could only sense the existence of the bloodline aura. He could not see anything at all.

After confirming the location of the bloodline aura, he retracted his Divine Sense, suppressed his consciousness, and quickly ran in that direction.

When he got close to that position, what he saw was a dilapidated factory.

It was unknown how many years this factory had been abandoned. Looking inside from the entrance of the factory, there were weeds half the height of a man everywhere, as well as all kinds of abandoned industrial waste.

Why did her mother come here?

Looking at the abandoned factory, Tang Feng was full of doubts.

He frowned slightly and walked quickly into the factory. As he entered the factory, he could clearly feel the exact location of the bloodline aura, even if he did not rely on his Divine Sense.

He passed through piles of industrial waste, bypassed a collapsed factory, and finally arrived in front of a warehouse.

At this time, there was a domestic off-road vehicle parked at the door of the warehouse.

He lowered his footsteps slightly, walked to the side of the warehouse, and looked inside through a broken place.

In his eyes, in the warehouse, several men of different heights were sitting at a table playing cards and drinking wine. In the corner of the warehouse, a little girl curled up and wiped her tears.

When his eyes fell on the little girl, there was a buzz in his mind and he was stunned.

Because he clearly felt the same bloodline aura as him in this little girl's body.

As a true monarch of the Heaven Realm, even if his primordial spirit was damaged, he could still tell that the bloodline aura of this little girl was inherited from him. In other words, this little girl was his daughter.

At this moment, Tang Feng was in a daze for a long time. He almost didn't need to guess. He already knew what was going on with this little girl.

At that time, he and Lin Mengjia graduated from college and went back to Pinglu together. Six years ago, he followed a few donkey friends to explore Mount Kunlun on foot. On the way, he encountered changes and fell off the cliff. From then on, he would never come back.

At that time, Mengjia must have just gotten pregnant, and this little girl was the daughter of him and Mengjia.

After figuring it out, Tang Feng looked at the little girl and his eyes gradually became gentle. At the same time, when he looked at those strong men again, there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

He wasn't sure what exactly had happened before that, but after roaming the sea of stars for thousands of years, how could he not have noticed that his precious daughter had been kidnapped by these people?

"Since you dare to provoke my daughter to cry, then you have to pay the price." Tang Feng said in a low voice.

At this time, the tattooed strong men in the warehouse were still playing cards and drinking wine. They didn't know that they had been targeted by a violent fierce beast.