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Mates With The Unwanting Alpha Heir

Mates With The Unwanting Alpha Heir

Auteur: FCNS

En cours


Mates With The Unwanting Alpha Heir PDF Free Download


“After me? There’ll be no another,” she grinned at him whose eyes alone could kill and dishevelled his hair. With just a few months left to live, College student, Vanessa Hudgens decides to make the best out of her life. Fall in love, have her first kiss and go on dates. She had her bucket list already planned out, but finding her mate and accepting their mate bond wasn't one of those plans. What happens when the moon goddess mates her with the most popular guy in school? The infamous and cold as ice Avyaan Stewartson, son of their Alpha. Hurting her mate with her sudden death wasn't what she planned, but then, this mate didn't seem like he would care.

Chapter 1

The alarm blares, waking me from Dreamland. It is Monday in the first week of resumption, and I'm excited to be at school.

My name is Vanessa Hudgens and I have six months left to live. I am a terminally ill senior at Crest Moon High, a school for Crest Moon Pack members built by one of the ancestors of our Pack's present Alpha. I've got a heart disease, and until this summer break, I have been an introvert. But that is going to change starting today.

Henceforth, I, Vanessa Hudgens, am going to live the rest of my days as though they are my last, because they are. I already put together, during the holidays, a list of things I would like to do before my time comes.

Fall in love, find a boyfriend, go on many dates, have my first kiss, and so on. Being marked by my mate was one of them but I have to cancel. With my death day so close, finding my mate is out of the option. I have seen how people who lose their mates go mad with pain or fall deep into depression. I wouldn't want to do that to my mate.

I step out of the shower and throw open my wardrobe. I ransack through the hangers of old and dull-colored clothing, but nothing fits the extroverted life I intend on leading. I pull open one of the drawers on the row and pick out a box wrapped in pink gift wrap, with a note in Kim's handwriting pinned on it.

"Please wear this someday, bestie." Hearts and please!

I chuckle and tear the wrap open to reveal a black rectangular box. It was a present from my best friend, Kim. I recall her telling me on my sixteenth birthday that in it was a beautiful baddie outfit. I open it to find neatly folded, one white material that looks as small as a handkerchief. One piece of leather, and a pair of white Nike sneakers by the side.

I gasped on seeing the Nike sneaker. These cost a lot. Just how much had Kim taken out of her allowance just to get me these? I take them out the box and inhail sharply.

"Here goes transformation!" I mutter to myself. In a few minutes I am done dressing. I walk to the mirror and an unfamiliar face smiles awkwardly at me. The girl in the mirror is donning on a brown leather skirt, white midriff top and a pair of nicely fitting sneakers. Her ink black waist length hair is let down and her makeup is simple but beautiful. In the past, I wouldn't catch myself looking this way. My old baggy jeans have given way for a mini skirt, and my faded pass me down shirts have given way for this body displaying top.

My cleaves were literally almost popping out.

"Gosh! This is way too exposing. I can't help but wonder how girls in school do it. Feeling so comfortable in such revealing things. Guess I am going to have to find out for myself. I head for the door, but stop.

Or maybe not. I made an abrupt halt, took a sharp turn and head back into my room. I grab one of my leather jacket from my closet, then rush down for breakfast with my backpack draping over my shoulder. Mom and Dad are already setting the table as I arrive.

"Good morning, Mom, Dad." I greet.

"Good morning, darling, you're quite ea..." She instantly stopped talking when she sees me. She gives me an assessing once over, her mouth hanging open in stunned delight.

"Wow, honey, you look so..." Mom stutters, her eyes already welling up. Dad comes standing next to her in the next minute.

"Beautiful!" He helps her fill in the word and wraps her in his embrace.

"Yes, and different." Mom adds. Leaning her head on dad's shoulder, both staring at me as though in admiration. They have always wanted me dressing like girls my age. And now that I'm fulfilling their wish, I can only guess how happy that makes them feel. And emotional too, considering the fact that I am going to be gone soon. But whether they were emotional or not, they try to conceal it.

"Thanks, Mom, Dad. Can we eat now? I'm running late for school."

"Of course," Their reply came in unison. They both hold my hand at each side and walk me to the table. I led the prayer at the table and we dive into my plate of simple breakfast that had me almost biting my fingers. Mom is an outstanding cook. One of the ways she found her way into Dad's heart is through the art. So does Dad say.

After breakfast, I thank my parents and kiss them goodbye before hurrying off. I book a ride on my way out and it arrives in less than ten minutes. In a about thirty minutes I arrive at school.

I stand in front of the building and stare at the tall school building. For school this year, I have got just one plan. Live a life opposite to the one I used to. And that means, to live happily, make as much fun memories as I can, and take the bull of my life by its horn.

I smile and walk in, blending in with other students. The school bus roll in and students screaming excitedly begin piling out. Amongst them are the cheerleaders of Crest Moon Pack rocking mini red skirts and midriff tops of same material with their group name written on it. They've got lots of uniforms, but this is my own favorite. The second bus rolls in and the band members step out in a file playing the drums, jamboree, Trumbull and all. They match toward the cheerleaders and they begin dancing. Students gather around them soon enough to watch the performance. I have never liked watching these performances no matter how beautiful they look, so I head inside.

I open my locker to take out my books. I hear footsteps behind me.

"Wow, someone finally decided to quite dressing like an alien." and a chortle behind me.

I roll my eyes knowing who the person was. I shut my locker and turn around to look at her. There as expected was the 'I made myself queen bee of Crest Moon Pack, leader of the cheerleaders and my all time bully, Natasha.

Red haired, tall, perfect banging body and very pretty. She totally has almost the entire school at her beck and call.

"But guess what honey, you still look like an alien no matter how much you try." She says and her minions laugh behind her.

I roll my eyes at her. "You literally walked up to me just to say that?" I scoffed. "When do you intend to grow up Natasha. You and I know all your outfits from grade one until now don't stand a chance against what I'm wearing today."

The earlier smirk on her face wipes off and shock takes it place. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that. In the past, I'd never talk back at anyone who bullied me, especially not her, Natasha McCarthy. She was just the queen of bullies.

"How dare you compare this trash on your trashy body to my dress sense?" She demand, her hazel eyes emitting fury. She looks me up and down and her eyes turn taunting. "Look, your skirt isn't even proper leather. Where'd you get that from?"

I look down at my skirt. There was a stain in it. A bloodied stain that looked like chocolate. Truth was I don't know what brand I was wearing, but Kim had gifted it to me, so I trusted her. If there was anyone that had great taste in clothing, then it's Kim. Her Dad is a member of the elite group in the Pack, therefore everything she wore and purchased were expensive.

Lost in my thought, I felt a cold liquid glide down my body. I looked at my legs where something chocolaty was dripping down. Then I looked at Natasha. She was holding a cup of chocolate milkshake and had a taunting smirk on.

"What was that for, Natasha?" I wanted to yell, but ended up gritting.

She shrugged, "just a warm reminder, your nerdy self looks better on you."

"Just as being locked up in a mental asylum would look great on you. Cause you've gone mad, Natasha." I said, spelling out her name.

Her face turns red with anger and she storms off, her Minions tailing behind her.

When she's gone, I give myself a once over. My skirt was partly ruined. I key my locker and storm off to the bathroom, thankfully not many people are in the hallway yet. Else, I'd have to worry about a video of me going viral.

I huffed.

What a great way to start the session.