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A Pirate's Wife

A Pirate's Wife



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Abducted from her parents’ castle in Portugal, Rosa Lee became the Falcon’s ransom―a brutal pirate king on the island of Madagascar―in exchange for her younger brother Pedro’s life. It was here she met the Falcon’s son, Roberto de Ville, a man equally fierce, albeit with a hidden agenda. Taking Rosa Lee from Portugal, Roberto takes her to the Falcon on the Isle of St. Mary. From stories recounted by her brother, he came to one conclusion; she would be his. Roberto was more than willing to set his life as a pirate aside, but first a plan had to be set in motion―one that would change his live forever. However, he could trust only one man, Pierre, his second in command, to assist him in seeing his plan to the end. Never judge a book by its cover. #sexualviolence #adveture Parental guidance of 16 is advised. A Pirate’s Wife is created by Lynelle Clark, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author.

Chapter 1

Proverbs 1:1-33

The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth— Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, ...


It was Christmas of 1623 when six people stepped onto the dock at the harbour of Lisbon, Portugal. It was a cloudless, sunny day with a definite bite of cold in the air. People scattered around the harbour, pulling jackets tight to keep body heat in, each busy with luggage, hauling crates off various colossal wooden hull ships. Each had three masts rigged with sail and heavy tackle and supplies, ready for trade to new destinations. Sailors shouted at each other, in anger or in banter, in their usual sailors' dialect, accompanied by loud and heavy thuds as the gigantic ships were either unloaded or reloaded, depending whether they arrived or were departing on a new course.

In between the shouting of the sailors, animals bellowed, clucked or whinnied, waiting for attention. Everyone raced to finish so that they could go to the already awaiting soiled doves waving seductively to the tired but aroused sailors. Their half-clad bodies teased men hungry for female companionship after six months or more at sea.

No one gave the group of six passing by much thought. They looked like ordinary citizens. Led by a tall blond man, the two women of the group were attracting a few lustful looks of unwanted characters. The men protected them though, guiding them through the throng to a waiting carriage ready to take them to their destination.

They had lost everything of earthly value but discovered who they were as human beings. They were survivors of the vast untamed Continent of Africa, overcoming the greatest odds against them, gaining new friends and unlikely love. The company consisted of the stout blond sailor and his old sailor friend, the Contessa who held a little girl by the hand, the sea captain, and a slave girl. Bone weary, they entered the carriage. The blond giant closed the door behind them, tapping on the roof to signal the coach driver to move.

He wrapped the frail body of the beautiful black-haired Contessa Qonchita in his steely arms. Rosa-Lee, the little girl, slept in her mother's arms. The gentle giant gazed at her with love and adoration. One thick finger caressed the soft pink cheek of the little girl he had accepted as his own. Cisco's thoughts back to where their journey had begun.

Two years ago, they had embarked on a voyage from India to Portugal, a supposedly easy and hassle-free voyage. But it had tested their endurance and their faith in the Hand of Providence and in each other.


Diary inscription from Qonchita and Cisco Almeida.

Qonchita - September 12, 1621

We have finally arrived on the ship Armando on our long-awaited journey. Five years I stayed in this hell hole. Finally, I am leaving, a disillusioned wife and mother. Rosa-Lee is the only highlight of it all, born out of abuse, but a shining beacon in my life.

The sea seemed to be calm enough and Captain Laurenco Breno assured us that our voyage would be without problems. That remains to be seen since the ocean could change instantly.

I didn't like the captain's beady eyes, his expression cold and stormy, with a glimmer of evil in the black depths. His lustful eyes raked over me and I felt violated by this act. I had to stop myself from shivering in front of this obnoxious man and will keep my distance the entire trip.

Rosa-Lee made a friend today. It was the first time I saw her openly speaking to an older man as she did to the giant sailor, with such familiarity. I hope we don't cause him any trouble. The look of disdain from the captain towards the blond sailor was undeniably menacing.

I never saw such a big man. His tanned, hard body stretched his white cotton shirt, his height towering over all on the boat including Faro, who is not short at all. But he was kind to Rosa-Lee, humble in his approach. Careful, maybe, with only a slight smile on the handsome face caused by her continuous chatter. There is something different in him. I find myself standing close to observe him better, something I have never done with any man, not even my own husband. Faro calls me “ice princess" and I like to I keep it that way.

I hope I can see the sailor again.

Qonchita shut the old leather-bound diary, set the pen down, and crept under the soft blankets of the bed in the cabin appointed to her and Rosa-Lee, already in a deep sleep. She brushed the dark locks of her daughter and kissed the rosy cheeks.

“I love you," she whispered to the small child, and lying back she prayed softly for a safe voyage.


Cisco - September 12, 1621

New people boarded the ship today: a man and his wife and their young child. The chatter of the little girl was interesting to say the least. I never thought I would love her attention so much. What would the fellows say if they hear about this? Big Cisco Almaida falling for a little girl's kindness.

She stood next to her mother, a striking woman with dark hair coiffed perfectly. The eyes were shadowed as if to hide something deeper. She was not happy, even if she was married to the rich merchant. Faro Iago's reputation preceded him. How could she be married to that scoundrel, who was far beneath her? The man clearly did not appreciate her or his daughter.

How many times have I wished for a wife and child of my own? Like this man had. After nineteen years on this ship it was only a dream, but the little girl did something today. She touched a very deep desire for a family of my own. Maybe even a piece of land where I could retire. An impossible dream for any hardened sailor.

Can I be so bold to continue this dream?

Cisco sighed and closed his eyes. The hammock swayed with the gentle movements of the ocean. A sway he hardly noticed anymore. He touched his fingers to his forehead, then to each side of his chest, and prayed silently to the God he had learnt to trust above anything else.