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Waste Of Time

Waste Of Time

Auteur: messymizi

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Waste Of Time PDF Free Download


Sansa Loriel Guttierez is the only child of the wealthiest man in the whole Poblacion Cantabria-and that insinuates that she have it all and she gets whatever she wants in just a word. But to tell you this, she is not the typical rich girl of every movie that you see because of all the things that she have, her dad taught her to become a time-keeper and not to become a procrastinator. The clueless Sansa thought that she have applied the lessons that her dad have taught her, but the tables have been turned... Because a new transferee came and her time got wasted.

Chapter 1

My manager, Leanne jump a mountain when she read an email from the Cargell Clothing. She run as fast as she could until she reached my location.

I wonder if she's bringing a good news to me because she is smiling widely. She also looks so excited and eager to say something.

"Omg! Cargell Clothing is contacting Sansa to be an endorser for their fashion brand!" she said happily. "They are having a branch here in the Philippines, and they chose Sansa to model their brand! Their collections are so popular in Europe and United States!" She teared up due to so much happiness.

I heard the deafening applause in the room. My staffs are giving me their hands as they heard the announcement of my manager. They come towards my direction and hugged me tightly. They were giving me some congratulatory words that made me smile so wide and cried because of joy.

My manager went away from me to talk with the other staff. That's why I am here, alone, sitting and squealing because I didn't expect that the famous brand will going to hire me as their endorser.

Cargell Clothing is like the relative of the other brands such as Gucci, Dior, Chanel and many more! It was classified as the the best clothing brand in Asia!

My personal make-up artist went near me. "Congratulations, Ma'am Sansa!" He muttered. "As a part of your staff, I am so proud of you."

"Thank you so much, Jason!" I smiled at him.

My manager walk towards my direction. "You will be more famous Sansa, I am so proud of you," She said. "Your fame will grow not only in Asia but in different parts of the world." I can feel that she's proud while she said that. I nodded and smiled widely.

After the announcement and some other happenings happened, my manager decided to throw a huge party just to celebrate. She invited some big names to go for our party, like big politicians, models, celebrities, singers, artists and many more!

"Hey, beautiful lady." I feel someone is holding my waist. I tilt my head immediately, I gave that guy a seductive smile. It was Kaiden! The famous handsome model and a close friend of mine.

He was wearing a tuxedo with a bow tie, he was also wearing a black slack pants and a black suit.

"Hey there, handsome..." I smiled and laugh. He just chuckled and leaned his head closer to my ear.

"You're gorgeous with the dress that you're wearing," he whispered.

"Thank you..." I smiled as I said 'thank you' to him.

"Also, congratulations for being part of the Cargell endorsement." Now, he removed his hands to my waist. He entangled his arms to mine.

I smiled at him again. "Thank you, again, Kaiden."

After we do some talking, I leave him for a while so that I can entertain the other guests. The party lasts for eight hours. I feel so tired entertaining the guests and responding 'thank you' with their congratulatory words. That's why I sleep so much.

A week later, I went to some studios to do some photoshoots. It was very tiring but I enjoyed it at the same time. Most of the days, I didn't sleep a lot because the schedule of mine was so tight. That's why I take some short naps in my cargo limousine so that I can still gain energy. As a model, I am used to this.

That was the events happened to me, everyday for that week. I am so thankful that I surpassed that tiring but enjoyable week because I can sleep a lot now.

"Hello Sansa! It's nice meeting you." Alessandra greeted me from afar and walks towards my direction. We are going to model Alfasar Medina's collection. AMC runway is like a home to me.

But sadly, this will be my farewell walk in AMC runway because I'm going to work in Cargell Clothing later on. I also want to give my full best in Cargell Clothing that's why I'm not going to renew my contract in AMC. I am so glad that Alfasar is not mad for what I did, he was just so very understanding.

I'm looking forward to made my farewell walk look legend and unforgettable. I remembered that my preparation was extravagant so my walk must be memorable for the crowd.

"Hello! I missed you so much!" I happily said and hugged her tightly. She was the first model who approached me when I was competing in Asia's Next Top Model. She was just so friendly and kind and we became friends after that.

Alessandra is pure Thai but she appreciate Philippines so much.

"You're so pretty gosh! That's the beauty of an ASNTM winner." She proudly utter. I just answered her by my giggles.

Last two years, I joined Asia's Next Top Model. A lot of sacrifices was made and fortunately I became one of the contestants that's from the Philippines. Struggles, crying moments, hardwork, dedication, and perseverance that made me get the title.

"You're always pretty, Alessandra!" I winked at her and she just chuckled.

We were done with our make up so we were just relaxing and chilling in the backstage. My outfit looks sizzling hot, I wear a red short dress with a floral print that looks so vintage, matching it with a black suede stiletto and a black mini-bag.

While Ali was wearing a black floral midi-dress and a belt that makes her so sexy, partnered it with a black suede short boots, and a baguette bag of Alfasar's collection.

We were interrupted from our talking when photographers went to our direction and asked for us to pose. "Ladies, pose for us please." The photographers mandate.

I raised my sunglasses and put my hands on my waist holding my mini-bag, I made my pose fierce, through my spiced up sleepy eyes, sharp cheekbones and my plumped lips.

I saw Alessandra crossed her arms while holding her baguette bag on her left hand and gave an 'I don't care' expression to the photographers. She also looks so fierce and hot.

I heard the photographers compliment our poses. That's why we laughed and exchanged high-fives.

Alessandra walked first and later on it was my time to shine. Because it is my farewell walk, I ambled and made an intense look in the runway. I model my outfit pleasingly and I heard the sound of their applause as a result.

"She is so focused and professional," I heard someone in the mid thirties said.  "No wonder that all of the collections she wears will be out of stock." I smirked and made my look more intense as I heard them talking.

Days later, my manager informed me something that made my lips curved. She informed me about the endorsement.

"The CEO of the Cargell Clothing is now in the Philippines, Sansa." Leanne informed. She sounded so thrilled as she said that.

"Really? When will be the signing of papers?" I asked because she didn't informed me about that.

"Tomorrow, at 1:00 pm." She utter while checking my schedule. "Oh shoot, you have a photoshoot before that... Would you like to cancel it?"

"No, no, no, I can handle that," I answered immediately. "I'm fine with it." I don't want to cancel anything, as long as I have the energy to pose and work, I am going to do it. I am not a procrastinator, I don't want to waste any time.

"Noted." She smiled at me. "Mr. Cargell is perfectly handsome." He giggled and squeaked.

"Really, isn't he old and wrinkly?" I asked. She crinkled her forehead and made her face difficult to understand.

"Huh? What?! No! He is young and fresh, he is also single and ready to mingle with anyone." So she became his stalker, huh. "Do you want to see his picture?" She offered.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Nah... I'm not interested." I'm so tired interacting with handsome boys in the world that's why I am not caring about him. "I don't care if he's attractive or not."

After I announced that I will stop modeling in Alfasar's collection, it became trending and controversial nationwide or even in some different parts of the world. I got so many different reactions when I announced that, some of it were happy, sad, and some even got angry. I'm not asking for their opinion anyway.

"Love the posture of yours! Please pose some more, Sansa." He was lying on the surface while he holds his camera and clicking the shutter button.

I am currently having a photoshoot for the glamour magazine. It is a magazine that is very popular, nationally. This is a high fashion modelling.

I quickly show the photographer, some different poses of mine. I also gave some various emotions, some of them were fierce and sleepy eyes. I can say that I am doing my job perfectly because his eyes glittered as he saw me do the poses. He also did his job great.

"This is so good!" He gave me a high five. "Nice work, Sansa." I gave a high five too.

After that, I changed clothes and went to the van. I sat beside Leanne. "Can we stop in McDonald's. I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse right now..." Even though, Glamour gave me free foods, it doesn't make my stomach full. My hungry stomach is begging for McDonald's.

"Sure thing, babe." Leanne responded.

We stopped in a McDonald's and ordered some food. Later on, she hand me the cellophane with the food inside. I get the food and put it on my mini-table.

After I ate, I did some retouch in my make-up. I want to look presentable while signing the papers. My make-up is very light. I also wear an indigo jumpsuit with a trench coat matching it with an indigo round-toe pump heels.

After thirty minutes, we went to the location. As we were walking, some staffs greeted me, some people even take a picture and video of me and I waved and smiled at them as a response.

We entered to the conference room and sat in the swivel chair. There were few people in the room. "Good afternoon." I bow a little and greeted them. I heard them do the same.

Minutes after, Kaiden entered the room. I was surprised but I didn't act one. I don't want to look ignorant or something like that. He didn't tell me about this one. Damn. I stood up and went to him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. " I didn't know that you're part of this endorsement." I whispered.

"Yea—" He was about to answer that, but a man with a baritone voice cut our talking. My eyebrows crossed its way when he interrupted us. How dare he interrupt our talking?!

"Don't flirt inside the room." He said coldly. What the hell?! We're not flirting. I am just talking with Kaiden, we're not doing something wrong!

I immediately tilted my head to see the guy who interrupted us. He is so rude and out of his sanity to give us a word like that. How dare he?! Is he blind? Me and Kaiden were just talking, I am just giving a friendly kiss on his cheek.

My lips parted and my tongue got stucked on its place as I saw the guy who cut us. I can't talk... I'm speechless... Because I saw the man who was with me long ago and bad memories are starting to flash in my head.

Seeing his face makes me want to run and stop this signing of contracts. I cannot forget how he hurted me, years ago. 

He was the man who broke my heart into pieces.

The man, that I used to be with... The man, that I used to loved...

The man, who wasted my golden years, just to love and be with him.