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My Best-Friend's Step-Brother

My Best-Friend's Step-Brother

Auteur: Yeoliebae_



My Best-Friend's Step-Brother PDF Free Download


"Not here Ace" I begged as his fingers went under my short skirt and straight to my knickers. I was so anxious. We could get caught at any minute, but this bad boy seems thrilled with the idea. "Come on, live a little. Nobody can see us" he said barely glancing around before inserting two fingers into my heated core. "Mm, so wet for me. Turn around" he commanded, pressing his obvious bulge against my back. I heard the rattling of his belt buckle as he unbuttoned his jeans then drop his pants and bend me over.

Chapter 1

  Ace POV

  "Oh yeah, Oh my God, So good, I'm almost there" I pant as I pounded my step sister's pussy mercilessly. We've been going at it for about an hour or so and I can feel my orgasm getting near. Her screams have subsided due to her voice getting hoarse. "Ahh" I grunt as I felt my orgasm getting nearer. I pound her harder causing her to grab the sheets as if it would magically help her. She should be accustomed to this by now, I've been banging her for months, she should know me by now, everybody does and everybody knows that Ace Montgomery likes it rough, as rough as it gets, pull your hair, squeeze your tits, slap your as, pump you hard rough. I was not even at my full potential with her and she was already reacting like this. I get that my 'size' is a bit on the extra large side but Ashley is not a virgin. Her pussy is really tight though, but I think she should be able to take me without all her extra-ness.

  Her hoarse scream brought me back to the task at hand. I reach forward and played with her clit causing her to orgasm as I emptied myself inside her with a few hard thrust and loud grunts. Damn that was good. My little sister's pussy never ceases to amaze me. And in case you were wondering, yes! I used a condom. I'm all for the thrill and what not but I definitely don't want kids so I always make sure to protect myself. I know ladies believe in that happily ever after bull shit and fairy-tale ending but you can't expect that with me. I would NEVER marry or have kids with nobody. I just want the sex, not all the problems and complications that come with it, which is why I chose who I have sex with. I don't like clingy women, women that are too flirty, f**k I don't even like younger women even though their pussies are amazing. I seldom have sex with younger women because they're are usually the ones that feel like i'm broken and they need to fix me. The F**k? I don't need fixing. This is just the way I am.

  My step sister is different though. Although she is seventeen and I am twenty eight, she gets what I'm about. She doesn't need the commitment like these other girls. She isn't clingy or anything. Plus she lets me f**k her whenever and where ever I want. Which is why i'm balls deep inside her every night. And she never complains. If I didn't know any better I would think she looks forward to our sessions every night. I had to get my walls sound proof so we wouldn't wake up our parents because Ash is one heck of a noisy lover. Although I love the sounds women make when i'm pleasuring them, sometimes I think they are a bit over done like those porn characters which is why I put a pillow over her face sometimes or take her from the back and push her head in the pillow roughly. She likes when I get like that though. It's not like i'm forcing her or anything.

  I love fucking my step sister ever since I had the first taste of her sweet pussy about six months ago at our parents wedding. She had just broke up with her boyfriend and needed a shoulder to cry on so I gave her mine, as well as my dick which she rode like a champ.

  This is not one of those cliche stories where you expect me to say I have feelings for her or something like that. F**k no. I am incapable of falling in love. I am blessed with an ice-box where my heart used to be and I am genuinely happy about it. I have no significant other to cling to me, I have no relationship drama to deal with and I don't have to keep an eye on every guy to see if he looking at my girlfriend. I am a free guy and I am loving it. Girls have claimed me as theirs numerous times and I have no problem with that, I just let them know I would not be responsible if they get their hearts broken.

  Ashley and I met when our parents introduced us after three months of them sneaking around. Well they though they were teenagers once again and I was not gonna be the one to rain on their parade. I knew my dad was dating though. He would always make the excuse of working late and coming home when he thinks I was already asleep. I always heard when he came in at those late hours and there were always more than one set of foot steps. I even heard them have sex sometimes and let me tell you, like mother, like daughter. Dad was amazing though, he works as a brain surgeon in the hospital down town and Cara, Ashley's mom is his nurse. What always has me intrigues though was how he would bring her back here after late shifts and f**ked her and still had enough energy to wake up early every morning to work. He deserved a medal for that.

  When Ashley and I were first introduced, I was a bit upset that I now had to play nice with an annoying little brat. Who knew I would actually come to love playing nice between her legs. She was around 16 at the time when we first met but our parents married a few weeks after she turned 17. She is the youngest woman I've ever been with. I'm not a pedophile. Normally the women I f**k are either older than I am or just a few years younger than I am. My biggest age gap before Ash was a woman that was five years my junior. Ash however, was eleven years my junior which is one of the reasons no one can find out about us. I'm not saying she is my dirty little secret but in a way she is.

  I was not always this deviant in the past. I love sex, which is why I often slept with different women. However, gearing up to the wedding my dad confronted me about bringing different women into the house. He says it's a sign of disrespect to my step mom and step sister blah,blah, blah.

  I never saw it that way but since I am living under his roof, I decided to abide by his rules. I should have already moved out but ever since my mom left I promised I would look out for my dad. Now he has a wife and step daughter to do that, I should move but I know dad would feel over ruled with all the estrogen floating around which is why I am still here. He won't admit it but I know he is glad to have me here. Well dad is one of the reasons I'm here and Ashley's pussy is the other. Now that I think about it, I might have a sex addiction.

  However, like I said before I don't believe in all that cheesy romance shit. I believe in screwing a woman's brains out and satisfying all her dirty needs. Nothing makes me happier than having my cock buried deep inside a woman's pussy. I was out of sex for a while though, which is why I was so horny at my dad's wedding. If he hadn't forbid me from bringing different women into the house I wouldn't be screwing my step sister right now.

  6 Months ago.

  "You may now kiss your bride" the pastor said and my dad definitely laid one on his new wife. I really don't get it. My dad still believes in love after getting hurt so many times. I don't think I could ever be that stupid. I sighed and took a glass of champagne from the passing waiter. I took a sip and scanned the whole reception. People were congratulating the newly weds and laughing and dancing all about. It was such a cheesy happy environment and it only made me nauseous. Why did I have to come again? Oh yeah, he's my dad.

  I was still looking around when I saw my usually cheery step sister sitting all alone and looked to be deep in thought. She looked as if she was crying. I don't usually make the first move to talk to people but she looked really sad right now. And as much as you may think i'm an ogre, I'm not. I made my way over to her and sat on the opposite side.

  "A penny for you're thoughts?" I asked. Not that I care. I'm just trying to be the wonderful brother that Cara wants me to be to her daughter.

  "Like you care" She responded. She knows me so well. Like hell I care. I don't even wanna be here.

  "You're right. I don't but it'll be good to ease your mind won't it? Besides I'm the only person here you could talk to. She sighed.

  "My boyfriend broke up with me. After I caught him cheating on me, he chose to break up with me. That was suppose to be my job. I was the one that was supposed to dump him." I chuckled at her silly reason for crying at a wedding. I didn't mean to laugh but I can't tell who is more stupid of the two. I didn't tell her that though. It shows I have a heart.

  "Any guy who cheats on you is a douche, he isn't worth you're tears. Just move on. He just made room for prince charming to walk into your life." I told her. I grabbed her and hugged her. We stayed like that a while with her crying on my shoulder. I didn't believe any of the stupid shit I just told her but it seemed to work so I did good.