
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: Umaima

En cours




Both of the main leads gets into a fight during their first meeting in person, but both are destined together to help each other. Coincidentally both became neighbors,as the time passed and after they got to know eachother would they be able to make a bond.

Chapter 1

The alarm snoozes at 7:00am."ugh,just one moreeee minute ugh......shut up.....".After shouting at that lifeless clock, she agressively pressed the clock button and managed to threw that clock on the ground without opening her eyes. After few seconds she managed to open her eyes,she checked the time and got up from the bed,and after yawning for almost a minute she rubbed her eyes and walked towards the bathroom like a zombie.

Lia is 19 years old girl who lives with her mother,her parents got separated because of her dad cheating on her mom.So,she decided to live with her mom,who was working as a bank manager.She got all of that confidence from her mom.

30 minutes later

She got out of the bathroom and started to do everything in a rush now,because she just had twenty minutes left for school.Her school is like a bit far away from her home.She quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana and a bottle of yogurt,she was almost swallowing the food after almost choking herself she left the house.She quickly grabbed her bicycle and went to the school.


"Oh shit shit shit I'm already late,i hope Miss Kellie wont kill me ugh...


..." Afer entering the hallway she quickly went into her classroom and didn't saw her Kellie

So, she quickly sneaked into the classroom and sat beside Grace. Grace is her best friend they both know eachother for almost 4years."oh,here you are.I thought you are not coming today,i guess you are lucky that Kellie didn't saw you" "So,you really want me to get scold by her huh?"Lia said while breathing heavily."Anyways, where is kellie?" She asked " where you think dhe could be? huh."

"Oh yeah no wonder she had been flirting with Mr.Johnson lately." Lia said." Yeah, anyways,guess what? You know that house,i told you about which is near that

Hiphertinson University." "mmh...hmmmm".LIA hummed.

"My mom told me that if you are interested we both can live there because its near that university so there wont be a problem." Grace said while hoping for her yes."Oh,i will think about it after high school graduation." Lia said.

" Ohh yes

hugged her

i knew that you will never refuse.Well tomorrow is weekend so, why dont we go check that house." "Sure that house is really big but why are you parents moving ?" Lia questioned." Probably,some business issue or something,i dont honestly care.this is all they cared about" "dont say that"she tried to comfort Grace."they really care about you.every parent love their child." " Hmmmmmm" she sighed.

After the class

They both walked towards the lockers anh were chatting, Grace's phone suddenly ranged she took the call and it was her older brother Liam."hello! what happened?"Grace said confusingly because her brother never called her during school."why noo! Liam don't you have any other place......ugh...fine but you will have to pay for the groceries and bill.....ok bye".Grace hunged up the phone and Lia asked"what happened?"."ugh my brother told me that mom wants him to live with us".grace complained.Lia sighed."any ways its good that he agreed to pay for our bills and groceries but he is kinda cold toward others." Grace told her to beware of him.

After School

After school they both went to Lia's mom to get permission."Mom!please i promise i wont do anything bad there.its near to our university so there wont be a problem.please mom please."Lia said while pouting."ok ok you can g...."Miss Monk almost said her answer but Lia hugged her and said "oh thank you mom thank you so much!" Miss Monk said "Grace you better keep an eye on her.I trust you more than her, don't disappoint me darling!"

"Ok Aunt! I will keep an eye on her."Grace said but Lia said "why that's not fair." Grace teased her


.Miss Monk asked "So,you both will live alone?" "Ummmm no my brother will be there too but don't worry he usually come home there wont be a problem."Grace Confirmed her. " Ok ok enough investigation,lets eat I'm so hungry." Lia said when her stomach growled. "Ok lets eat grace why don't you eat with us?" Monk asked " sure no problem." Grace said.

After eating they both said to Miss Monk that they will move tomorrow to grace house.It was quite late so Grace slept there.

In the Morning

Lia packed her stuff and told her mom the adress so won't get worried."see ya mom! Love you."she waved after getting out of her mom's car. "Honey! Dont hesitate to contact me ok."Monk told her and drove away. Lia sighed finally i can live my life. They both entered the house and Lia unpacked her stuff and after 2 or 3 hours,she finally finished unpacking and laid on bed and as soon as fell on the bed she fell asleep within a second. After few minutes Grace entered the room saying"Lia you want anyt..... Oh mrs lazy already passed out."

At 1:35pm

She opened her eyes and yawned after rubbing her eyes she got out of her room and didn't saw Grace anywhere."Grace where are you.."she entered her room but couldn't find her


."she must be hanging out with her date or something."She went into the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich and sat on the couch after some time Ninja jumped over her. Ninja is Grace's dog but love Lia more than his owner."oh cute boii is here hmmmm are you hungey? Yes my boy is hungwy hmmm you want foood yes come on.she gave him food and after a while she started scrolling through her phone.After a while Ninja again jumped over her and was holding a ball in his mouth."lets go baby wants to pwaay ." They both came outside for a walk." After few minutes she got a call from her mom."oh hello mom!"she answered the call.

honey! where are you.Is ther any problem or something?

She said "no mom! Im fine everything is fine."

After talking to her mom for a while she hunged by saying love you


."mom always get worried for me.i wonder why dad left her? She questioned herself.

She realised that her hand was only holding the leash and ninja was gone. Her heart started beating faster "oh shit! What should i do.where is he." She began to look everywhere.Finally from a distance she saw him crossing the road."Ninjaaaaa"she called him hoping he will come to her. She ran towards him and saw a car almost hit him.she quickly grabbed him and dodged the car. The car stopped and she knocked on the car's window. A tall and handsome man came outside of the car and she started shouting at him. Maybe he was in a hurry he apologized but she kept saying"Mister you almost hit my dog.Can't you drive huh?" He was also donr with her so he placed his finger on her lips and said "shhhhhshh".Her eyes widened and she flinched by his sudden action. She walked backwards and said "Excuse me Mister! Behave." He kept looking at her and said with his husky voice"Miss you should be careful too you are also careless.Its you mistake also huh,you should be careful too." He sat in his car as she was just standing there like a stupid.She bent down and putted ninja's leash in his collar and said while caressing his head "yaa,you should behave as well ok or else Your mom will kill me." She came home and drank water.She went to Grace's room and saw her sleeping on the bed like she was almost on the ground.She sighed and walked outside.She went into her to change her clothes.She took a bath and realized that she forgot to bring her hair dryer with her.She sighed and went to the other room's bathroom which was next to her room while just wearing towel.

She was drying her hairs and heared a noice of door closing she thought it must be Grace and continued doing her hair. After drying her hairs she walked outside and bumped into someone she almost fell but luckily managed her balance.She looked at the person and it was Liam.She gasped and started apologizing as soon as she realised that what she was wearing she quickly rushed into her room and was feeling so awkward she started cursing herself and quickly wore her Pajamas.She didn't wanted to go outside but for clearing everything she came outside and saw him sitting on the couch she said "Umm, I'm sorry i forgot to bring my hair dryer so i used yours." He said "its fine", during this awkward silence Grace came outside while yawning and asked "oh liam! You are here earlier than before".he said"yeah i just finished my work early and came home and ...." Lia said while cutting his sentence"Grace are you hungry?I ordered pizza and your favourite Garlic bread." Grace said "thanks! I thought i will starve to death in any minute and hey are you hungry too?"she asked liam he refused and went into his room. Grace said "see,he is like this so don't look forward to him"she started teasing her."yay stop! Its not like that and why would i have feelings for someone like him whose career is gaming."

The doorbell rang they took the food and started eating like zombies.Lia asked "so, how was your date huh?" Grace almost chocked on food and said "fine!what do you even expect,he said that he is into cute girls...hmmm what he think he is, just a fu**ing liar.You know he was just 5'9,like can you imagine huh a dwarf from a snow white.idiot". She said while grinching her teeth.Lia said "ok ok don't abuse the food." When they were busy eating liam came outside and said how can you eat so much look like you both are looking forward to hibernation." Yaah stop just eat if you want " "no, I'm going out with my friends see ya!" He left the house.

Lia asked "so, tomorrow we both will graduate


days passed so quickly." "Yeah anyways what career are you looking forward to?"Grace asked." Ummm I'm really looking forward for Interior designer." Grace started laughing at her and said"you designer.....hahaha " Lia said"stop, what are you looking forward to" grace said "obviously a makeup artist and guess what I'm going to take makeup classes soon " "yeah yeah whatever"she said. Grace said you know that our new neighbor is here.I didn't get to see him but I'm looking forward for him" she said.Lia nodded and went to her room while yawning.Grace said"night night".

In the morning

Lia woke up before the alarm because of the sunlight hitting on her face she groaned"why this ......ugh...."she tossed around and saw Grace who was already dressed up and was going through her makeup pouch.Lia said "yaah! What are you doing?" Grace flinched and said "don't mind me i was just getting your lipstick that one with reddish brown shade.I am out of that colour so if you don't mind?"she said while pouting.Lia said "ohhhh...thaat one is in the bathroom but why you messed up curtain the sunlight almost poped my eyes you little jerk" Grace said from the bathroom "oh sorry sorry i won't do this again and thanks for the lipstick and it's our graduation day don't you wanna get up?"she came out from the bathroom and told her that breakfast is ready. She nodded while rubbing her eyes and went into the bathroom and after a quick shower.This time she took Grace's hair dryer. She quickly got ready and joined her for breakfast she asked that is Liam still sleeping she replied"obviously!He came home drunk!". They both had their breakfast and Grace took his car keys and they both sat in the car but Lia was worried"Are you sure,that he won't get mad at us?right." Grace said" look i have my driving licence and he will never notice,lets go put on your seatbelt." Grace drove to the school.

After graduation

They both came home and quickly went to change clothes because they both have to go to one of Grace's friends party.Lia was wearing a Brown crop top with jeans and Grace wore a pretty black dress "No wonder, you have a great taste in fashion more than me "Lia compliment her.Liam came into their room and asked about the car keys and Grace said"We have to go so can we please borrow it?".while pouting.He said "I don't care,i have to go to meet my friends so give it to me."Grace looked at him with death gaze but he didn't cared about that and again asked for the keys.Lia was standing there and said"please we also have to go it's urgent."Liam looked at her and gave her cold gaze but agreed and said" Since we all have to go then i will drop you to your place". Both agreed and all of them sat in the car.after a while he dropped them and left.Grace was surprised and teasingly said" Believe me or not he have feelings for you,oh my god my best friend won't be single anymore" Lia said"Stop and lets go".

They both partied hard and both of them got drunk.After a while Grace called Liam and he had to come because he knew that both of them are completely drunk.He drove to Grace's friends house and took them in the car.After that hard work he sat on the driving seat and Lia was sitting beside him and Grace was in the back seat. He sighed and started driving to the house.