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If I Ever See You Again

If I Ever See You Again



If I Ever See You Again PDF Free Download


Some say that nothing worth having comes easy. Jeon Jungkook is an Alpha born to traditional, wealthy family. His view on Omegas is not the best, but he hasn't yet found his mate so his friends hope there's still time for him to change. Park Jimin was disowned by his parents for not fitting the traditional ideals of an Omega. Now as an independent, unmated university student, he has little to no desire to have an Alpha tying him down.

Chapter 1

Jungkook never wanted much in life. As an Alpha from a well—off home with a stay—at—home mom and a CEO dad, he always had enough. Enough food, enough clothes, enough entertainment, enough money, enough love. Jungkook never had room for 'want'. When he was a child, his Christmas lists would stretch long across the floor, each item later accounted for under the enormous and carefully decorated tree. As he would pick through his expensive gifts, he would always thank his parents as though he hadn't expected to get any of it.

His mom, an Omega, had always been home waiting for him after school; a tray of snacks prepared for his study sessions. His dad, an Alpha, always brought him home gifts from the foreign countries he would visit during his business trips. Looking back on it, Jungkook realizes how thickly the line between ranks had been drawn in their family. His mom had not been equal to his dad, and to this day remains to be 'lesser' in his father's eyes. As a child, he had never really noticed the difference in treatment. The way his father would order his mother to complete various tasks, the way his voice would change when she voiced disagreement. All of it had seemed so normal to him who had grown up knowing only that order to the world. Being carefully raised with his parent's traditional values, Jungkook also grew to admire what it meant to be an Alpha, to be at the top of everything, even other people. And of course, his parents knew he would present as an Alpha, everybody knew it.

As a teenager, Jungkook's desire for material goods began to wane. They were too easy to come by if he even somewhat desired something; he could have it. How was that any fun? Instead, Jungkook spent his birthdays overseas. On a whim, he even came home from school and asked to study abroad. All of it happened, and any stain of mischief with the law or otherwise; was wiped away with money.

Now, as a twenty—two—year—old university student, Jungkook desires nothing more than independence. Although his parents still front the cost of his education, he works as a barista at a coffee shop on campus to pay for any personal desires. Even with the menial work of fulfilling orders and being yelled at by overly tired professors and students, Jungkook doesn't want anything other than his degree and maybe an A on his next essay. Besides, his first few years of college had been spent doing enough partying and sleeping around with faceless Omegas, now he just wants out.

The early morning sunlight is daunting to Jungkook as he drags himself out of bed. From beyond his bedroom door, he can hear Taehyung humming to himself as the smell of eggs and sausage begins to fill his nose. After washing his face, Jungkook pulls on jeans and a black t—shirt before making his way down the short hallway of their apartment and into the small kitchen.

"You're up early." He comments as his eyes sweep over the mess of eggshells and sausage wrappers littering the counter space.

"Can't help it, your snoring could wake sleeping beauty herself." Taehyung grins back at the younger, his voice baring no hint of the tiredness displayed on his face. Dressed in just a white shirt and boxers, he turns away from Jungkook to continue digging his spatula into the eggs he's currently scrambling in an

oversized skillet.

Taehyung and Jungkook had first become friends a few years ago when Jungkook first entered university. The freshly presented Alpha had been awkwardly watching a group of Omega's giggling together in the cafeteria, his sandwich long forgotten beneath his hormone—induced dirty fantasies.

Taehyung had apparently spotted him creeping on the Omega's from across the cafeteria and somehow, he took that as a sign to go sit with Jungkook and strike up a conversation.

Regardless of his reasoning, the younger Alpha has always been thankful for Tae's friendship. University had been lonely before that, Jungkook had been raised in such a different way from his peers that he couldn't easily connect with others, and he began not to want to. However, Tae is somehow different,

someone Jungkook wants around. It may also help that Taehyung has a pleasing scent, one Jungkook could only refer to as 'a dew—covered forest in the early morning.'.

"My snoring woke you up so you're making us eggs?"

"Whoa, I'm not sharing! Wake up earlier and make your own breakfast! Or better yet, fix your snoring so I can actually sleep until my alarm goes off!" Tae jerks his chin in the direction of the coffee maker behind him before turning his egg—riddled spatula to the sausages cooking nearby.

"But there is coffee if you want some of it. If I drink a full pot, I might never sleep again."

Jungkook snorts before heading to the cabinet above the coffee maker, taking out a random mug.

"Maybe if that happens then you'll make breakfast for both of us. I'm going to starve today you know, I'll make sure my parents know it's because you wouldn't share your eggs."

"Your parents would make a personal appearance to inspect our fridge and pantry if you tell them you're not eating, is that what you want?" Tae shoots Jungkook a pointed stare before pointing his spatula towards him.

"Maybe, it'd be worth it to watch you getting shamed by my mom." Jungkook snorts at the mental image as he fills his mug with the piping hot coffee.

"You know…" Taehyung begins as he turns off the heat under the eggs.

"If your mom comes to shame me, I'm going to tell her we're in a relationship."

Pressing his back against the counter, Jungkook raises his eyebrows at the other boy as he takes a sip of his coffee. Grimacing immediately as he pulls the mug away, too hot.

"You know how she feels about Alpha—Alpha relationships. It would be a joke until they stopped paying for my tuition, then what?"