
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: Dark vee

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WHO WE ARE PDF Free Download


There are patterns to life. In this book we meet Charlotte Waters and her encounters in discovering the Deja Vu events and patterns as she tries to understand the traits in the guys she keeps crossing paths with. On this journey, she discovers hidden parts of herself and her attraction to damaged minds.

Chapter 1

  "Get up right now I say, " yelled someone in a distant followed by indistinct chatters. I try to sit up but I can't. It feels as though I'm paralysed and can't move. I begin to panic and can't breathe. I look around and try to figure out where I am but can't because of the flickering light. There's a weird, chocking smell like rot. Outside I can hear loud dragging of something like metal against the floor. As I try to focus more by taking slow deep breathes, I can make out the fading grey colour of the walls. There's a framed picture of somebody on the wall. I can't really tell what the person looks like due to the unsteady light. There's a loud shrilling sound and I scream out due to the unbearable piercing pain through my brain. Through my blurry vision, I can see somebody walking in through the door.

  "you're awake bear," comes the soothing sound of a man. He gently caresses my hair pushing back some strands from my face. "I was beginning to think you'd left me." He said brushing a light kiss on my lips.

  I've heard this voice before, oh so relaxing and feels like home. I make another effort to get up but all I manage is a whimper due to my painfully exhausted body.

  "There, there bear, it's okay. You're fine. I got you."

  I can tell he's smiling. A smile so gorgeous and lovely. I once loved this smile, I'm not sure how I know this but I'm certain of this.

  " I.... I..... I can't move," I stummer as he reaches for my hand.

  "oh," he whispers."I'll show you something." He stands up and walks towards the dressing table and brings the mirror and lifts it above me.

  My eyes widen in horror. There are tubes inserted into my brain with some liquid flowing through them. My head is pinned down on the bed with tape. He takes away the mirror and puts it back on the dressing table and then sits beside me.

  Why can't I remember what happened? Who's is he? Who I'm I?

  "Bear, we can't have you running around wildly now, can we? Gotta keep you in check."

  I'm in danger. I may have loved this person once but he's trying to kill me right now.

  "wh... as.... What is this? I manage the words through my panic, fear and anxiety.

  "Time to send you back bear, I'll see you soon."

  "Ba.... ack.. back where?"

  "Where you belong bear, with me of course."

  "No! No pl....eee.. ase." I murmur amidst slow panicked breaths.

  "You'll like it there. I promise. I'll take care of you." he says as he pushes a button on the monitor beside my bed. The loud shrilling sound goes through my brain in electrifying shocks and before I know it, I drift off.

  I wake up panting and sweating, with shivers. My pillow and sheets are socked in sweat. I struggle out of bed and trip over my sheets as I rush out of bed. I ignore the pain in my knees and crawl into the bathroom. I hold onto the sink and pull myself up to face the mirror.

  "you're safe." I tell myself as I inspect my face I'm the mirror.

  There's a red sour spot on my forehead.

  Everything seems and looks familiar but why can't I pin anything together? It's a feeling of Deja Vu. I know I live here. I have, for the past 6years. But the strange thing is how I know all this. I feel lost!

  I move closer to the mirror and move back in fear. For a second I could have sworn my reflection smiled back at me. But that couldn't possibly have happened. I'm definitely losing my mind.

  I take a seat on my toilet and try to pin all the bits of my nightmare together. I can remember I was in extreme pain but other than that everything else is blank. I hate days like these.

  A phone rings from my room and I get up hurriedly and rush to answer it. The name on the screen reads Nat, but whose he/she? Why can't I recall?

  Pick it up! Orders a voice so loud I could have sworn there was someone else in the room with me. I almost dropped the phone as I unsteadly took a few steps back and almost fell onto the bed. I took a deep breath and answered the second ring.

  "You picked up!" Came a male voice from the other end.

  "Who--who's this?"

  "I really don't have time for this Charlotte!" he replied angrily. "I have to get off my shift on time today. And no, I'm not covering for you! Get to work in 10minutes or you'll explain yourself to Mark, I'm sure you don't wanna do that. The key is on the second shelf in the reception desk." he said hanging up.

  Mark! He was my boss. This much I'm sure of. Memories of him suddenly flooded through my mind.

  "You got one last chance Missy or you go in the cube!" This words rang through my mind repeatedly send shivers through my body. I didn't think again. I automatically grabbed my keys from the dressing table, threw on my coat, grabbed my shoes and ran out the door bare feet. One thing I was certain of, is that Mark wasn't someone to mess with, and the CUBE was a death sentence!