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Randy's Paradise Gay Story

Randy's Paradise Gay Story

Auteur: Moel

En cours


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My name is Randy. I am a man with a pretty sweet face with a sweet black skin color. I'm 30 years old. I have a wife also have a son. I also liked a man, when I was twenty-four years old. The first time I had sex with a man was when I was in a foreign town and when I was twenty-four years old. With my slender body shape and my fairly exotic skin color? I can satisfy men who like my body, including satisfying my husband's partner. I work as one of the SalesMan in a company.

Chapter 1

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My name is Randy. I am a man who has a pretty sweet face with a sweet black skin color with my pretty slim body posture.

I have a wife and also have a son who is named Dafa. I married my wife when I was twenty years old. I am known as a quiet and shy person.

At the age of twenty-four years, more precisely after my son was born by my wife, I went abroad to wander out of town.

I got a job call at a company that sells men's formal shirts. I applied for a job at the Company as a SalesMan.

Because the Job Interview process will be held the next day, I went to Overseas City on the same day, the day after I got a job call from the company.

As an initial capital to go to an Overseas City, I borrowed funds from my neighbors. In the Overseas City, I stayed temporarily at the place of my friend named Juan

Long story short, I have been in Overseas City and have been staying at my friend's place.

As usual I always wake up every morning at 04.15. As usual, I woke up to take a shower and also do Worship.

"Huaaaah." I woke up from my sleep while stretching my body.

I quickly got up and walked out of the room to the bathroom. After my bath is finished, of course I do Worship and pray.

After worshiping and praying, I immediately put on clothes for the Job Interview. On the day of my job interview, I wore a black suit. Which, I'm wearing a shirt, pants, pantopel shoes and also wearing a black tie.

I wore the all-black suit, not just for no reason. However, according to the job I applied for.

Besides wearing all black clothes, I also styled my short hair using gatsby. I combed and styled my hair to the side to make it look neat and sleek.

Even though I was just a coolie in the fields, on that day I looked very charming. Even though I already have a wife and children, that day I looked like I was still a bachelor.

After dressing pretty neatly, I immediately took my backpack. Before leaving for a work interview, of course I said goodbye to the owner of the room.

"Ju, I'll go first okay?" I said goodbye to Juan who was still asleep.

"Ooaaah, yes be careful Ran." Juan answered while yawning half awake from his sleep.

Long story short, my job interview has been completed with the result that I have been accepted to work at the company.

Incidentally, my job placement is in a mall which is not too far from the boarding house where Juan lives.

I also feel happy and give thanks, because my prayers were not in vain. After the Job Interview, I immediately returned home to Juan's boarding house.

Arriving in front of the boarding house, I saw a feminine man crying while chatting with Juan in front of his bedroom door.

I who did not dare to approach the two of them, then sat on a long wooden chair located in front of Juan's boarding house.

"Ran?" Juan called out to me.

"Oh, Yes Ju." I answered.

"Here?" Juan called out to me while waving his hand.

I quickly stood up and walked over to the two of them.

"You know, this is Angga? But he is usually called Anggi." Juan said introducing the man to me.

"Greetings, sis? I'm Randi." I said introducing myself while shaking hands with Anggi.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too Ran." Said Anggi while crying.

"So he wants to go back to Ran's village, because his mother is sick in the village. Well, he plans to say that he will not come back to this boarding house again." Said Juan explained to me.

"Yes, that's right Ran. I will not come back here. I have to take care of my mother in the village and will live my life in the village." Said Anggi while sobbing spoiled.

"Yes, yes, Ju, Ran? Anggi say goodbye?" Anggi also said goodbye to both of us while crying and walking along with his luggage.

Juan and I also took Anggi to the front of the boarding house.

"Be careful Anggi .." Juan said to Anggi.

After Anggi left, the two of us sat on the long wooden chair that I just sat on.

"So how was Ran's job interview result? Was it accepted or not?" said Juan.

"Alhamdulillah Ju, I was accepted and starting tomorrow I will start working."

"Thank God, I'm glad to hear that. Then where are you assigned to work, Ran?"

"At Ju's New Mall."

"So what's your next plan? Do you want to find a new boarding house or what?"

"In my opinion, you should take Anggi's former room, Ran? Besides you are still close to your work? You are also still close to me. Besides that, we don't have to look here and there anymore for where you live?"

"Incidentally Anggi's room key was also entrusted to me. How's Ran?"

"Okay Ju, I'll just take Sis Anggi's room. Where is Ju's room right?"

"The room is number 11, upstairs Ran."

"Yes, if you really agree? Let's just look at the room, Ran, so you can put it in today."

Then we both saw Anggi's former room.

"Kreeeeek." The sound of the bedroom door opening.

"Buju busyeeet? This room is a mess. You lazy girl!" said Juan.

"Gaaadis???" I asked with my astonishment.

"Yes, Ran's imitation girl. Wkwkwk." Joked Juan while laughing heartily.

"Hahaha, you're just joking Ju." I also laughed at him.

"Yeah, I've cleaned up Ju's room first."

"Can I help you, Ran?"


Anggi's former room is quite messy. Many used clothes, such as underwear and others, were not brought by Anggi when he returned to his village. Until finally I found something that made me feel confused.

"Ju, why do you have this?" I said while showing a used condom and also shaking my head.

"Ah, it's normal for him to accommodate things like that, Ran."

"Is it true that the condom belongs to Anggi? If so? How do you use the condom?" I say in my heart.

"Yes, even though I'm married, as long as I have sex with my wife I have never used a condom." I said back in my heart.

After cleaning the room...

"Finally, we finished cleaning up Ran's room?"

"Yes, that's right Ju. Eh Ju, then who do I pay for the boarding house?"

"Later tonight I'll call the owner of the boarding house so he can come here Ran."

"Oh yeah Ju, I don't happen to know the location of my work? Do you think you can accompany me to go there or not? I want to ask my seniors there. So tomorrow I won't be confused."

"Can Ran. Let's take a shower first, okay? After bathing, we go straight there, okay?"

Arriving at the location of work, I immediately looked for my senior brother. Coincidentally, my senior is a woman.

"Good afternoon sis?" I said to my senior.

"Yes, good afternoon again. Is there anything I can help you with, sir?" Said my senior brother because he didn't know and didn't know me.

"Look, Sis, I am the new child who will be placed here. And HRD said, later I will be your work partner here. Is this your letter, Sis?" I said as I showed him his job placement letter.

"Thank God, I finally got a partner too. Sorry, what's his name?"

"Randy sis."

"Nice to meet you, Randy? So what can I help you with?"

"I want to ask about the procedure to enter this building, Sis? I just happen to be new to working in a place like this?"

"My senior also explained in detail to me. Until finally I really understand it."

"Thank you very much, Sis for the advice and information? If so, I'll say goodbye, okay, Sis?"

"Yes, Ran. See you tomorrow, okay?" Said my senior brother.

"Ready sis."

After asking my senior brother, I approached Juan who was waiting for me to sit on one of the sofas in that place.

"Already Ran?"

"Yes Ju."

"Take a walk first, Ran? Let you know that this Mall is very good to enjoy."

"Okay Ju."

Then we both took a walk around the mall. After walking around for quite a while, we both returned to the boarding house.