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OMG! I slept with my bf's dad

OMG! I slept with my bf's dad


Steamy Stories

OMG! I slept with my bf's dad PDF Free Download


Finding my boyfriend cheating on me shouldn't have driven me right into his daddy's arms. But that's exactly where I found myself...staring into the eyes of the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen. A man older than me, and he looked at me like he wanted to inhale me into him. Maybe something was broken with me, but I wanted everything he promised. Because while my ex treated me badly, his father was about to show me how a real man treated a woman. One weekend I told myself...but what if I couldn't walk away?

Chapter 1


"Oh, Daddy, make me scream, make me scream," I heard a female voice call out of my fiancé's bedroom as I walked into the house he lived in with his father.

"For fuck's sake," I mumbled under my breath, rolling my eyes at just how sad he was. He knew I was on my way over to pick him up to go to dinner, but he was in there watching stupid porn again. With the sound all the way up. What if his dad had walked in to hear that?

His dad would have probably laughed, I thought to myself, just before a dirty grin lifted the left side of my mouth. Now, his dad was certainly the kind of guy that I could call daddy without a single qualm about whether it was silly or not. That man was a god in all of my secret sexual fantasies.

I banished the thought quickly, feeling disloyal to my own man, Owen. Especially since it was his father that I harbored a hidden, super-secret-dark crush on. Owen couldn't help he sucked in bed, which was part of the reason I had those super-secret-dark fantasies about his dad. I'd tried to guide Owen to my good spots on more than one occasion only to have him either get mad at me for making him 'feel stupid', or he'd insisted he knew where the magic buttons were better than I did. The last time he'd wandered off course I'd tried to explain my butthole was not, not, my clitoris. Owen disagreed.

I bet his dad knew where it actually was, I thought with a silent snicker.

I threw down my heavy handbag, loud enough to make a noise, and expected the noise to suddenly die down as he pulled up his pants, and tried to pretend he hadn't been in there jerking off to some video on his computer. Only, the sound didn't stop, it became more excited, more graphic, bordering on a screech, the closer I got to his room. In fact, it was so loud, it sounded almost...real?

My footsteps slowed on the hardwood floors, silenced by my sneakers, as I came up to his bedroom door. That's when I heard the sound of his bed squeaking and his uncontrolled grunts. I walked into the open doorway and felt my jaw drop as my brain tried to process what I was seeing.

A trim blond, with huge boobs, from what I could see from behind, and a fake tan straddled my boyfriend, a single hair extension hanging from her scalp loosely. For some reason, it was that extension I focused on, wondering if all of her hair was fake and how much of her was real. I watched them, noting how she seemed to be enthusiastic about fucking the man I considered to be a very mediocre lover, wondering if she was a prostitute and was being paid to be that enthusiastic.

Owen sucked as a lover, and he'd never been able to raise more than a slight blip of desire in me. He'd never gotten me off, but Miss Hair Extension over there seemed to be enjoying his attentions incredibly. I couldn't figure out why. He had a micro-penis, which was nothing to be ashamed of I'd told him over and over again, but still, riding his dick was like riding a miniature tube of Chapstick. Or a baby carrot. Which wouldn't matter if he'd be a little creative when it came to getting it on. But he didn't. And he was spreading that bad sex around?

"Owen!" I shouted his name, betrayal and hurt washing over me as I saw how he grabbed her slim, almost boyish, hips. His fingers dug into her skin as if he was holding on for dear life, and considering how she was grinding on him, maybe he was. Well, holding on as tight as he could to make sure he didn't pop out. The fucking weasel.

I stalked over to his bed, knocked the hair extension lady off of him with an angry shove, and leaned over to smack him right across his stupid face.

"Quinn? What are you doing here?" he shouted at me, as if I was the one in the wrong here and not him.

"It's our date-night, asshole, remember? We were supposed to be going to Honkers...," I paused, looking back at the girl and recognizing her as his favorite server at his favorite restaurant. That should have been my last red flag that he wasn't the kind of guy for me. His fascination with the place bordered on obsession. But maybe she was the reason behind that. "Although, it looks like you've already been there, had the meal, pulled out her hair extensions, and are now having dessert."

"Excuse me!" The blond with lips such a light shade of pink they were almost white scoffed at me. "I do not have hair extensions!"

I leaned over, pulled the extension hanging by a hair to the rest of her head and handed it to her. "It's hard to lie when it's hanging there for the whole world to see, sweetie. But good try."

She snatched the extension out of my hand and rolled off my soon-to-be-ex. Fury and heat swallowed me. As soon as I walked out the door, I was done with him. I'm not the stand by your man kind of girl, not when I'd just caught him in bed with another woman.

"Quinn, please!" Owen cried, bouncing up out of the bed, covering his privates with a pillow. Not that he really had that much to hide. "I didn't mean for it to happen!"

"No, cheaters never do mean for it to happen, do they, Own?" I said blithely, so not ready to listen to his whining. "You just accidentally brought her to your dad's house, you accidentally dropped your pants, and she accidentally fell on your, ahem, dick?"

I glared down at the pillow, then back into his brown eyes, noting how his blond hair stuck up in all directions. It had been enthusiastic sex, at least, normally, he hated having his blond hair look messy, but there he stood, hair a mess and he didn't even bother to smooth it down. What hurt hard was that fact that he seemed to enjoy her more than he ever did me.

"Wait, this is your dad's house?" The woman I think was named Stacy asked. Or maybe it was Stephanie. I couldn't really remember right now. "Dude? I thought this was your place? You lied to me! That is so not cool."

"Oh, so me standing here as his fiancée isn't the problem, it's that he lied about whose house this is?" I asked her, but she ignored me. I wanted to smack her, but she'd just finished having sex with Owen, she'd already been punished.

"I swear, if I knew this was your dad's place, and not yours like you said it was, I wouldn't have put on such an act." She grabbed up her tiny pink shorts and the even tinier tank top she'd thrown on the floor and put them on. "Because that was all an act. You really suck in bed."

"I've tried to tell him that, but he thinks he's a sex god," I answered for him, but she was still ignoring me like I was invisible.

"Tracy, wait!" Owen called, obviously not listening to a thing she'd just said to him, but that was a pattern with Owen. He never listened. To anyone. "Quinn means nothing to me!"

"Wait, aren't you supposed to be saying that to me?" I asked, astonished at the audacity. "I'm your fucking fiancée after all, remember?"

"Quinn, I'm sorry, but well...," Owen shrugged, and I just shook my head.

"You piece of shit. I'm done with you and your sucky sex." I sighed heavily, my chest squeezing unbearably tight, and my heart starting to swell with the tears I refused to shed in front of him. Fuck, how had I been so stupid to pin all of my hopes on him? "I hope she gave you and STD."

"Quinn!" he erupted in a shout as I left the room, got my bag, and stalked off to my car. I ignored his shouted apologies and kept my back straight as I unlocked the car to climb in. The tears fell then, once I was away from my now-ex, but I brushed them away. I needed to get back to the home my grandmother left to me once she passed away.

I had no family now, my parents were both in prison in some far-off country for drug trafficking that happened when I was a kid, and Owen was the only person I had in the world to call my own. Now, he was gone too.

Just then, his dad, Daniel, pulled up into the driveway of the two-story log cabin-style house, and waved at me as I tried to compose my features. I gave a watery smile to the devilishly handsome, dark-haired, older man and waved before I put my car in reverse and drove away. I looked back at the man one last time, knowing I'd probably never see him again.

Too bad, he was such a stunning man to look at. He was tall, able to fill out a pair of jeans in all the right places, and amply supplied with muscles that filled out his shirts, with the kind of filthy, dirty tattoos that made me love the times he'd come out to join us in the in-ground pool at the back of the house. I'd always had a hard time not knowing whether to look at the muscles, the tattoos, or those mesmerizing light green eyes that had made my knees weak more than once. Daniel Walker was a walking wet dream that knew how to subtly flirt in ways that left you wondering. Too bad his son was such a giant dick with none of his father's charisma or sex appeal.

Well, maybe dick was the wrong word, considering the size of Owen's penis. Asshole, I decided as I drove away and headed back to my own house. Owen was the world's biggest asshole and now I was alone in the world. Not for the first time, I wished I wasn't so shy, so reclusive sometimes. I'd have a friend to cry into ice cream and rum Jello-shots with me.

Instead, I was driving back to my empty house, my heart broken, and my life turned upside down. How could he do this to me? He'd promised me forever and we hadn't even made it down the aisle before he cheated on me. What was wrong with me?