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Illuminated by You

Illuminated by You



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Her mother had died from an illness, her father, the Alpha, resented her. Out of desperation, He married another female who had twin sons of her own. She was cruel to her. However, only one thing kept her surviving, a black obsidian necklace that was given to her by a boy she met at her mother's funeral. They may have only been children and they may have only had a moment, but they knew in an instant, they had something special together. They had promised each other that they would meet once again. But it never happened...until one night. He was a dangerous Alpha. He was the leader of the most powerful pack in the world...Blood Moon Pack. He had a very complicated past. His life was not a good one. It was filled with his own personal torment that ate at him every day. That is until one night he invaded a pack and he found the one person he thought he lost forever... The girl he gave his heart to, without even knowing it. When he is reunited with his girl...His dark past catches up with him ready to consume both them. But he would move heaven and earth to protect the one light in his world of darkness.

Chapter 1

I stand beside my mother's coffin, looking at her face. She was gorgeous. She had pale and fair skin, sandy brown hair, bright green eyes that always reminded me of the forest and her warm smile. I think that's what I'm going to miss the most, her smile.

I on the other hand, am the exact opposite. I have all of my father's looks. I have dark brown hair, light brown eyes, tanned skin and an athlete's body from training. Even though I look more like my father, I act like my mother. Well...according to almost everyone else.

I look at my father, Alpha Nikolai Crow, on the other side of the coffin. His hand is holding my mother's cheek and his other hand holding her's. His sobs rake through his body, his tears are falling on my mother's cold cheek.

My mother died from a sickness. She was human, so her body couldn't heal itself.

I didn't realise I was crying until I felt my cold and wet tears run down my cheeks.

Grief builds inside my chest. It builds so much that I start to physically feel pain. I rub my chest, hoping it will give me some sort of relief. It doesn't.

The connection my wolf had with my mother's is dissolving into nothing. The connection is getting pulled from me by force. It is making me feel so empty, so empty, so empty. I need air, I need to leave. I turn to the forest and run. I run through the green trees, I feel as if my mother's presence is here.

My tears leak onto the side of my face as I sob and run. My legs are burning, but I don't care, I keep running. I need to forget.

I've been running for an hour, until I stop at a clearing. There lyes a beautiful waterfall. There's clear water, with green bushes, and red, blue, purple, yellow and pink wild flowers, but not flowers I've seen before. These look exotic. They have exquisite swirl designs. I've never seen such a beautiful place before. I thought places like theses only exist in dreams.

I kneel beside the water and let my hand flow through it. Tears fill my eyes to the brim, I close my eyes, letting the tears run their own waterfall. I inhale a deep breathe only to exhale a grieving sob.

I'm never going to see my mama again.

A strong hand touches my shoulder. I get such a big fright that I almost fall into the water, but the hands grab my waist, "Be careful!" It's a boy. I look up only to see dark brown eyes. So dark, they look black.

"W—who're you?" I hesitantly ask.

"I'm Xander, son of Alpha Nightwalker. We came to your mother's funeral."

I nod understandingly. "Why are you here?" I asked softly.

"I saw you run into the woods. I didn't want you to be alone, so I followed."

I walk towards a thick tree trunk and sit, "I want to be alone." I sighed.

"Everyone says that, but they always don't mean it."

"That's true."

Xander walked over to me and sits down. "What's your name?" He asks.


He smiles. His smiles was beautiful. It instantly transforms his face. "That's really pretty. I'm 10 years old. How older are you?"


Xander nods and looks at the glistening water. As the wind makes ripples, the water shines and flickers with light.

"You're going to be okay Izzy."

"Yeah, I guess. I just wish I wasn't sad anymore."

"Well, I'll be there so than you won't be sad anymore."

"But you won't always be here. How will you make me not sad?"

He pulls a leather string from his neck and lifts it over his head. It's a necklace. It had obsidian stone hanging.

"My mother made this for me. I haven't taken it off once. Not even in the shower" I giggle.

"I want to give it to you."

"No! I can't let you! Your mommy gave it to you. You have to keep it."

"I was happy when I got this necklace. Maybe my necklace saved some of my happiness. If I give it to you, it might help with your sadness." Xander put the necklace on me and adjusted it a little. I touch it. It's still warm from resting on Xander's chest. He gave me his precious necklace, just so than I won't be saddened anymore. My heart filled with warmth.

We sat under the tree for hours, talking about everything and anything. We started out by naming the waterfall. It was our special place and as our special place, it needed a name. So we decided on calling it Nightcrowe Waterfall. The first part of his last and my last name. But he never knew it was my last name. I never told him.

"Do you know what mates are?" Xander asks.

"I think so. It's like what my mum and dad are right?"

"Yeah, I hope we will be mates."

"When can we tell?"

"We have to be 18."

I use my fingers to count silently.

"That's 11 years from now."

"Thats a long time."

"Yeah, but what if we fall in love with other people before that?" Xander looked angry, a growl came from his chest. It gave me a little spike of fear. He wouldn't let his wolf hurt me, would he? Xander looks at me and his eyes softened, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just don't really like the thought of you with another boy."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't like the thought of you with another girl."

Xander turned his whole body to face and crossed his legs together, "We have to promise each other we won't fall in love with anyone else."

I smile, "I promise Xander, that I won't fall in love with another boy, but you."

He laughed with joy and excitement, "I promise Izzy, that I won't fall in love with another girl, only you."

Xander slowly moves his hand to mine. He looks away when his cheeks start to blush. I lean over and kiss his cheek. His eyes widen with shocked. And then they close as he starts to lean to me. I've never been kissed before. What if I'm bad at it? Before I could refuse, Xander puckered his lips and pressed them firmly onto mine. Warmth travel upto my cheeks.

Once we separated, Xander has a big smile in his face, "There...we sealed our promise with our first kiss."

"That was your first kiss?"

"Yeah, was that yours?"

"Yes....was I bad at it?"

He giggled, "No. You were really good."

I look at Xander's handsome face. I can see myself as his mate in the future.

Xander and I walk back to the pack hand in hand.

"Xander, it's time to go son," Alpha Nightwalker says. Him and his father climb into the car and drive away. I see Xander's head pop out of the window. He had a big smile on his face and waved good—bye, "Remember our promise Izzy! Remember!"

From that day on, I never saw Xander or Nightcrowe Waterfall ever again.