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Lab Rats-They Are Different

Lab Rats-They Are Different

Auteur: Authoress Joy

En cours


Lab Rats-They Are Different PDF Free Download


Voices of children could be heard as they wailed, some asking for their parents, some asking of food while some just lay on the cold floor...dying! "Silence" I strong voice demanded, everywhere became as quiet as a grave yard. Walking out from the darkness, the man came into view. He was tall and muscular, his jaws were clenched together, his pierced eyebrows sent a deep sense of fear down the body of some children, the visible parts of his body which was his face was filled with horrible scars. "Who are you?" One of the children, a young boy asked stepping out of the crowd a puerile voice. "Who I am should be of no business to you, but you can call me Boss" The man replied with a smirk. He had watched many of the children die, and some out of fear killed themselves. "So Boss what are we doing here?" A female voice came up behind the man. Turning slowly he came in contact with a girl, almost the same age or so he thought with the young boy earlier. Saying he was surprised was an understatement, this kids left him surprise. "You're here to prove true and bring to life my life work" he replied caressing her face. Straightening up to his full length, he walked back into the dark alley he emerged from. "Welcome to Pasia".

Chapter 1

Just shut it Romero, for Christ's sake I can't feel my ears. Don't you get tired of talking? Cos sincerely I am tired of listening and hearing your annoying voice" Ciara snapped clamping shit Romero's mouth with her palms. He made muffled sounds before she released him.

"You are the only one who complains. Everyone yearns to hear me talk" Romero whined staring up at her with a pitiful face.

Presently, they were in the Armor room getting ready for a mission. Ciara looked worn out, Romero wouldn't keep talking and sincerely, it was pissing her off.

She stared towards Romero who had his eyes fixed on her expectanting her to say something.

"Well, that's because you always hide this side of you. Whenever you're with them you act like a good person" Ciara replied swinging a pistol between her fingers before inserting it into her trouser sheet.

"The only reason you get to see this side of me is because you are my partner in crime, and I will do anything for you" Romero flirted.

"Ouch...what was that for?" He cussed rubbing the spot Ciara had hit with a batton.

"That's for trying to twist our discussion and for flirting with me" Ciara specified and walked to a lone hanger which was situated in the middle of the room. On it was a black jacket which Ciara took off and put on.

Romero took that opportunity to stuff himself up.

"I'm done" Romero said walking towards her.

"So tell me" Ciara piped after they were already in the vehicle conveying them to the venue of the operation "why are you an introvert to everyone but an extrovert to me, even when I've told you countless times I hate you?"

"Because I like you" Romero voiced causing Ciara to scoff.

Romero was a full blown hunter. He chased girls and girls chased him like a piece of tasty meat.

Sometimes she wondered what they saw in him.

"You zoned out" Ciara cocked her head backwards to see Romero staring at her with a fixed expression.

"Take your eyes off me, jerk"

"You got me worried, I thought you had been hypnotized or something?" Romero joked causing Ciara to snort.

"Hello, Ivan forgot to call you" Ciara said immediately she put a skin coloured Ear bud in her ear, totally ignoring Romero!

"Great" Romero muttered and did the same, he put the Bud into his ear.

"Is there anything we need to know before the mission that may have popped up?" Romero asked.

"No, nothing has changed since the last few days" Ivan's voice came up.


The van stopped some miles away from the estate and sped away, Romero and Ciara got down, each catching sight of the two power bikes parked casually outside one of the houses.

"Seems everything is in space already" Romero hinted as they both walked casually, each looking for an escape route with their peripheral vision.

"Everywhere is surrounded with armed men and security cameras" Ciara also hinted, as her ears quickly caught the tiny sound made by the cameras accompanied with the dim red light.

A normal person wouldn't see it even when it was night, they were all placed at hidden strategic points.

"I'll create a distraction, get ready to go in" Ciara said walking forward immediately.

Romeo could only watch as she fell right on top of one of the armed men, who caught her in his arm.

She looked drunk to them and just like Ciara expected they surrounded her, arguing lowly how they were gonna take advantage of her.

Taking that as a cue, Romero placed his hands on the wall, since it was midday, the sensors which were always turned on around the wall was switched off, making it easy for Romero to scale easily.

He jumped into the compound and found himself in the middle of two burly looking men. He had received the instruction not to kill anyone, with his quick reflexes he snapped their neck and laid them far from were they would be discovered quickly.

Ivan back at the organization hacked into the Mansion's camera and kept the camera still, making the operators inside not to see what had happened to the two guards.

"Sup Ciara, how are you holding up?" Ivan asked after watching two men disappear with her into a corner of the building as he lost sight of them.

Ivan waited patiently as he heard sounds of ruffling clothes and low groans before her voice came up, "pretty well".

Staring down at the two unconscious men, Ciara secretly thanked them for giving her free access into the building.

"Do you think I need to disguise to get in?" Ciara asked staring at the unconscious men.

"I would say no but if you want to, you can"

"I think I'll go for the first, their uniform looks ugly and has the smell of drenched sweat on it"

Romero passed through the many guards patrolling the whole building unnoticed before finally locating the SafeRoom.

"The door is open, I hacked into it" Romero heard Ivan say through the Bud in his left ear before sliding the door open with his gloves hands.

"Listen now Romero, any slight mistake and the safe would explode. The code is JSB982N" Ivan spoke again and Romero did exactly like he was instructed to and the blinking red light suddenly turned green and a click! Sound was heard.

Sliding the safe open, Romero reached for the Shiny Blue box which sat comfortably inside the safe. He brought it out and opened it, The Shiny Blue liquids shone across the room in the syringes and Romero couldn't help but wonder what it was.

Placing it into his arm, Romero made to turn around when a voice abruptly stopped him.

"Drop it" he felt a cold metal being placed at the back of his neck.

'Someone shouldn't make me disobey' Romero muttered already guessing the cold metal to be a sword or anything of that sort.