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My Husband's Secret Affairs With My Step Sister

My Husband's Secret Affairs With My Step Sister

Auteur: Sunshine writes

En cours


My Husband's Secret Affairs With My Step Sister PDF Free Download


Amelia has alway loved Ethan Dan Greg but unknown to her the man she has always loved was having an affair with her half. He finally seek for a divorce leaving her shattered and broken. What would happen when the other woman was never what she portrayed herself to be? And now her ex husband Wants her back.

Chapter 1

"what's up?" Nick said as he sat beside Adrian who was staring at his laptop as he clicked on different pictures of girls.

"What are you doing?" He asked when he was not responding.

"Trying to find a wife" he replied.

"Huh? Is that how you find a wife?" He chuckle carrying the laptop from his lap.

" I am honestly confused, I don't know what to do" he sigh in frustration. He has been trying to find a beautiful girl, that will suit him.

His father started again yesterday, he went to visit him. He actually called for him. He knew they were going to end up in an argument and they did.

He was throwing it at his face about many billonier who are married and not just married but with kids, those that are younger and older than him.

He told him to stop comparing him to others but he wouldn't listen. He keeps acting like the father of the year when the truth is, he's the worst.

Ever since he was a kid, be rarely showed him love, yes always find a way to make him look and feel bad.

They never talk without fighting, maybe that was one of the reasons he worked hard on himself.

He thought he would be proud and stop making his life miserable but it was just a dream. The more he worked hard the more his father remind him of his mistakes.

He actually stopped trying to please him, he let him say whatever he wants. But the issue of marriage actually hit him hard.

He might not want to agree with his father but he actually has a point, after his ex left him, he has been a coward in relationship.

He is afraid to fall in love again. He sigh as he rub his temples, will he find that girl meant for him.

"Let's hold an audition" Nick suggested, "audition? What are you talking about? I'm not making a movie, I need a wife" he snapped.

" I know but looks are deceptive, we need to keep them close so that you will choose the one that please you" he said.

" So we should hold an audition?" Adrian asked, " yes, we need five to ten girls, it's going to last for a week or two after that, you will choose your bride" he explained.

" Alright, do the necessary preparations" he said more like an order and Nick nodded.


Mirabel wandered on the streets as he felt like all hope is lost. Maybe it is. She just lost her job.

She started working there barely two weeks and now she's out, her life is really the worst. If an award is to be giving to the person with the weirdest luck in history, she will definitely win.

Too bad there is nothing of such. "Why is everything like this!" She yell and her voice echoed in the background.

She stared around and luckily no one was passing by. At least she's save from those that will contact the nearest mental asylum.

She sigh and sat on the floor, Mirabel Lopez, a twenty two year old girl. She grew up with her mom but they hot separated when she was ten.

She left the house to get something for them to eat but she never returned. Being a strong girl she had no problem coping.

But life doesn't give a damn about how strong you are, finishing high school was so hard, got into college on scholarship.

She had to drop out when she couldn't pay some fees and put food on the table, it was just too hard.

She was still lost in thought when she saw some guys walking into a bar. "I will definitely eat dinner, I just have to be smart" she mumble and walked into the bar.

" Go get some drinks from the bartender we have to celebrate" she heard one of the guys said.

" Guys I think this is too much" another guy who looked like the richest said as they sat in the VIP section.

"Congratulations man!" One of the guy yell as he opened a bottle of champagne and they all raised a cup to get theirs.

"Wow! Congratulations!" A man yell as he clicked glass with Adrian. He just smiled and drank a sip from his cup the last thing he need is getting drunk.

He just closed another deal. It is really a great achievement. He is getting richer and richer as each minutes goes by.

Well he has the brain so what's stopping him from expanding his company and getting richer.

"That was a hard deal bro, I actually thought you won't be able to handle that cocky man" one of his friends said.

" What are you talking about? Of course he can handle any living thing including a pu**y" another guy joked and they laughed except Adrian who chuckled.

" He is Adrian Gonzales, he moves mountain" Nick stated with his hands around his shoulder.

"You joke a lot" he uttered removing his hand around his shoulder." Excuse me" Adrian excused himself and walked away.

He washed his hand after easing himself. He stared at his reflection in the mirror and a smile appeared at the corner of his lip.

'I should not give a damn about what dad says, I am doing great and I will do many more great things because I am Adrian Gonzales' he thought.

It's high time he stopped living up to other people expectations. He should just believe in himself.

He was still thinking as he walked out of the restroom. Someone, a girl to be precise bump into him.

"I'm sorry" she apologized and he could tell she's drunk, she stink of alcohol.

" It's fine" he said and she wink, he felt his heart raced for that second, it was so fast that he could not tell if it was real.

"Excuse me" the lady uttered and staggered away.