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Wanting Her Back: The Alpha's Redemption

Wanting Her Back: The Alpha's Redemption

Auteur: KM Ramos

En cours


Wanting Her Back: The Alpha's Redemption PDF Free Download


Married with the Moonshadow's Alpha, Kiara's life is far from cushy. All because she fell in love with a man who married her as a sign of rebellion. Coming from an Omega family, she was belittled and ridiculed by the Moonshadow pack. Her only saving grace that kept her from falling was her son. That is, until she lost that son to a Rogue King. She's now on the verge of losing her title as the Luna of Moonshadow pack, as if them hiding her identity as the Luna from other packs wasn't enough. Because she loves her husband in name, she was willing to ignore everything as long as they're together. Until...he saved her from getting her title as Luna stripped from her only to have her agree to be in a three-way relationship with him and his first love and fated mate. And her whole world crumbled before her. To top it all off, Kiara gets swept in a conspiracy where the end goal is to get rid of her. Will she keep on fighting for a love that seems hopeless? Or should she end it all right there and then? What will happen if she did and all of a sudden, she's actually not the Omega that the Moonshadow pack should have belittled and scorned?

Chapter 1


“I demand order in the pack! Order! Cease this racket!”

One of the four elders bellowed to be heard over the din of the pack. It was not unusual for the pack to be noisy and chatty during this Moonshadow Council session, especially when the offender being judged was someone who should not be there.

When it comes to justice in a werewolf pack, things are a little different compared to that of a humans.

The Moonshadow Council is a sacred assembly for the elders, the alpha, his mate, and the packs alike. Unlike a traditional court, where the judge, the accused, the lawyers, and the jury are seated in a massive building, the Moonshadow Council holds their assemblies under the cover of night, with only the stars and the moon as witnesses.

“Alright, we will make do,” another one of the elders mutters when the noise settles down from a clamor to a hum. “We should move on with the session. If we wait for everyone to settle down like little puppies, we won’t be getting anywhere.”

Two of the elders nod their assent and the first elder who shouted for order before, Talon, nods back.

“Very well, we shall begin.”

Elder Talon motions for me to stand in the middle of a small circle decorated with perfectly round stones that seem to glitter under the moonlight. And I comply.

“According to our findings, Kiara Moone, you have not been pregnant for more than two years already. Is that correct?” Elder Talon starts the session ruthlessly, making me struggle to swallow my grimace at his words and keep my facial expression calm and collected.

In our community, assemblies with the council are only held when everyone is present, including the lowest of low Omegas. However, the fact that this meeting is happening without the Alpha's attendance—someone whose presence is mandatory—shows how little they respect and think of me.

“Yes, Elder Talon,” I force myself to answer through gritted teeth, my hands clenching on my sides.

“With your confirmation and how we observed both you and your husband so far, we,” Elder Talon nods to his fellow Elders beside him, “hereby declare that you will no longer be the Luna of our pack.”

My brows scrunch up in confusion. However, before I can ask, Elder Nova pipes up.

“We are aware of what you are thinking, dear. Your presence in the pack as the Luna is a secret from every other pack. Only members of our pack know that you are the chosen mate of our Alpha. However, this time, we mean to fully strip you of your title from being the Luna.”

"Dear Elders," I speak up, my voice strong but respectful. "I would like to know why I am being stripped of my title. I have abided by your terms and kept my identity as Luna and Chosen Mate of the Alpha of Moonshadow a secret. Despite this, I have continued to fulfill my duties to the pack without fail. I would appreciate an explanation."

Elder Briar—as her name suggests, derived from a thorny briar rose—reels back and glares at me, pointing a finger in my direction on top of that.

“How dare you, cheeky little—”

Elder Crag, a quiet and reserved Elder, places a hand on Briar's arm and lowers it. "If you must know, Kiara, we will tell you. Elder Talon, will you explain?"

"With pleasure," Elder Talon says, clearly eager to cause me harm. "I have evidence that proves you are unfit to be Luna of the Moonshadow pack. First, your origins. You are from an Omega family, which makes you unworthy to be the Chosen Mate of the Alpha, let alone the Luna of the Moonshadow pack. Second, your inability to continue the Moonshadow bloodline. It has been more than two years since we lost the first heir of the pack. We would have deposed you a year ago, but we have been patient and merciful enough to give you a chance. However, patience has its limits, and time is of the essence.

“Indeed,” Elder Briar adds, nodding her head in agreement. “Although you may have done your duties…decently enough for the pack, those trivial acts will never outweigh the severity of these two significant factors that make up the Moonshadow pack. So, my fellow Elders, what say you?”

Elder Briar glances between her three companions. And when all three of them nod their agreement, Elder Briar and Elder Talon’s eyes lit up with delight.

I wanted to be considerate and understanding of why they were acting this way, but sometimes enough was enough. I wanted to curse them with all my might.

Those sons of—

Before I could finish my thought, the pack, which had been silent until now--probably waiting with bated breath to see what I would do next, suddenly got rowdy once again. Something had caught their attention, and when I turned to see what it was, I realized it was a "who."

It was my husband, Grayson James Thorneston, the current Alpha of Moonshadow pack.

From the corner of my eye, I can see the Elders shift uncomfortably as they glance at each other upon discovering my husband’s arrival. Huh. So this assembly is something that even the Alpha of the pack doesn’t know about.

I waited for my husband to come for me, hope and elation are slowly blooming inside of me. However, given our relationship, it would be foolish of me to show that his presence has lifted my spirits.

“It seems that you all are having fun without me,” Grayson comments coolly, stuffing his hands inside his pockets and regards everyone in the Moonshadow with an icy stare.

Me included.

I know I should be used to his treatment by now. After all, it's been like this since we got married. But sometimes, I can't help but hope for something more.

“So, what’s happening here?” he asks casually.

“W-well, as the Elders of the Moonshadow pack, we had discussed and decided that it was high time for us to take action. It has been over two years since the unfortunate death of—”

“Just get to the point,” Grayson cuts off Elder Talon with a vicious growl.

“There’s no need for such hostility, Alpha,” Elder Crag interjects calmly, placing a hand over Elder Talon’s shoulder. Either it was to comfort the Elder or signal him to back down, I’m not sure. However, Elder Crag had given a precise and concise summary of what’s happening so far.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to defend that, Alpha?” Elder Briar points in my direction with a sour look on her face.

I turn to Grayson with a hopeful look on my face. Surely he’s here to defend me, right? Because if he’s not, then why did he have to interrupt the session when the Elders are about to strip me of my title?

Hope blossoms in my chest as I wait for Grayson to speak. But as the seconds tick by, it slowly withers away. The Elders, especially Talon and Briar, smirk in triumph. The pack members start to whisper among themselves, and I could hear some of them snickering at me behind my back. My cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Then,” Elder Nova’s voice pierces through the hubbub from the crowd. “If the Alpha doesn’t have anything to say in defense of Kiara…”

However, before Elder Nova can finish, he spoke, “Rescind your verdict, Elders. Despite her flaws and shortcomings, she is doing her job as a Luna to the pack better than most. I think that’s enough reason for us to keep her for a little while longer. Assembly dismissed.”

Grayson grabs my arm and pulled me out of the Elders' meeting without waiting for them to adjourn. I can see his car parked on the side of the road as we hurried out the forest. He didn't say a word to me, just nodded towards the passenger seat. I obediently got in.

As soon as we're both in the car, I was about to open my mouth and thank him when he simply drops a piece of paper my way as he buckled himself up.

Curious, I read the paper he threw my way and my eyes widen at the contents.

It was an agreement where I get to keep my status and privileges as Luna. On the condition that I accept a three-way relationship with him and his first love and fated mate, Amara Morrison.

It looks like, in order to keep her place in his life, she has to make a deal with the devil himself.