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Auteur: D_falcon

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Nechela PDF Free Download


Nechela is a business woman involve in a foulplay of the Black Lady Bug's game. Her life was pretty silent and peaceful before she knew the truth behind the curtain. The sacrifice for her love one will make an off spring of new beginning and new hope. Hiding her cloud from the darkness and the darkness ferociously following the shade of it's cloud. After months of fighting for the justice will they succeed? Will they find the truth and present the truth on the court for the justice they've been gasping for? Will they make the Lady Bug go to sleep if she herself can't? The truth is coming forth will they be ready? "Nechela are you ready?"

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Who is who?


“Why did you do that?” The investigator said. He’s been asking me the same question for over an hour.

“I didn’t do it.” I said firmly.

“You shouldn’t lie child. Your case will be pushed through if you don’t tell us the truth.” He said a little bit irritated now. What's the difference? Whether I tell him the truth or not if the justice is not on my side it's the same. It''s been six months already. Life is hard inside the prison, darn hard. But who am I to complain?

I put my hands interlocking in the table. The small light hits it, lighting them away from the darkness. “Whether I tell a truth or lie in their faces they will still push through it. I understand the thought that not everyone can have the legal theory by which fairness is administered.”

He look at me straight in my eyes, as if begging me. As id it's touching my heart softly and whispering words of trust.

“Please Baby… Don’t give me a hard time. Just tell me the truth. I can defend you.” His baritone gives tingling sensation on my ears. It’s like hearing his voice makes me more sane. Yes, you can defend me but it'll be hard. I don't want to share my burden to anyone and be their burden. That's my limit. His principles? How about it? He's gonna turn his back to his principle just to defend me?

“What is the truth? You don’t need to zealously defend me as your client, you have no obligation to actively present the truth, right?”

“I’m a criminal defence lawyer, yes. But please, you’re not a criminal!”

“Then why am I here?” That made him silent. That's the truth. World is too ruthless sometimes, you're lucky if everything goes well but how about those person that's been a victim of foulplay? How about me?

“Tell us the truth.”

Even me doesn't know the truth. What will I tell?

“What do you want to believe?”

“People outside this room can kill me for all they like, anytime and anywhere. It doesn’t matter.”

“It matters to me! Everything about you matters!” His looking at me with his eyes bloodshot in anger. I want to hold his fisted hand but he drew away. As if I'm stretching is patience way too hard but he's still hanging onto it just to keep his self sane.

“I’ve told you before Tres, I know when to stop when my words doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Those people filed a lawsuit against you!” I smiled at him but he just look away and loosened his tie in frustration. I’m sorry for giving you a hard time Baby. He ran his hands through his hair making it a messy one. I can't help but to appreciate his handsomeness even at this moment.

“I’m fully aware.”

“It’s a reclusion perpetua!” His voice ringed on the whole room. If someone is listening to us outside. I don’t know what to do now. It's actually nice that they opened my case again. If not I'm gonna stock here in the prison for life impresonment.

“Just stop it Tres, I’m accepting everything. And besides it's opportunity.”

“Well I’m not! It is but the evidence was lost and we all know that they intend to do that to hide the truth!”

“Transfer the case to Atty. Yehson.” I mentioned the attorney who’s been wanting to get my case. I don’t know him personally but I heard he’s also good. I don’t trust him as much as I trust Tres but that would do I guess.

“Can you hear yourself! I’m doing my everything here! At least have faith on me!” He bursted. Slamming his hand on the table making me mobe back. He's really angry. I watched him punching the wall in front of me. Leaning on it afterwards.

I trust him but I think he has a plan on his mind right now that will only be possible if he's not my lawyer...for now.

“I love you…” I said. He shook his head on me. I saw those tears falling from his eyes. He walked out of the room. I flinch when the door almost got destroy from his banging.


Someone's POV

If caring is a sign of love, I would love to care. But if it’ll destroy me in the process I’ll gladly step back.

They’ve told me to always follow my heart? It’s stupid. Following your heart means being stupid. Why? How can I follow my heart when it’s broken in to pieces? Tell me which will I follow! It’s stupid right?

I regret it! I regret it so much! Loving someone who just treat you as a trash? And maybe I’m an idiot who put up with our set up. Who put up with our pragmatic relationship.

“What are you writing ate?” a little voice came out somewhere.

Ate means sister

“Hey!” He walk to me smiling with his chinky eyes and his fluffy cheeks holding a bottle of juice. He put it in my table and tiptoe to see something on my laptop.

“I’m writing a sad story, Cloud.” I said, brushing his hair.

“I want to see! I want to!” he said almost shouting while giggling from where he stand. “Okey, okey, hold on...Come.” I settle him on my lap as I read the first stanzas on my prologue. Reading sentence per sentence while brushing his soft hair, a small yawn escape his pouty lips. I smile creep my lips. He really cute.

“Loving means fighting but sometimes loving means letting go. It’s your lovers’ happiness more than yours. It’s your peace to see your lover smile even you’re not the reason of it. And it’s the contentment you feel when your lovers’ no longer in your arms but held by someone they trust. Loving means trusting, it’s trusting that person to catch you when you fall.” I said, in a low voice as I look at him sleeping peacefully. He’s the blessing in our family that we didn’t expect to come. The blessing that I didn’t expect to love, the blessing that help us to start again.

I shutdown my laptop and held him tighter. He’s a big boy already but I still wanted to baby him. I heard the door open, revealing an immaculate woman who bears a child at a young age. A mistake she risk years ago but she’s been forgiven. It’s the blessing. Cloud will never be a curse nor a burden. Or a failure.

He’s naughty and loud but it’s what makes the house more of a feeling called home. “I’ll let him sleep on our room, did he disturb you again?” Nechela ask carrying his son on her arms. I shook my head off and smiled at her.

“Sleep now. You still have your class tomorrow.” She said smiling at me with her soulful eyes. How can a man leave such a perfect girl? How can a man leave a girl that gives him everything? He must be an idiot. Tsk!

Men are trash! They’re not trust worthy! I felt the heat of in my body escalate and the words in my head formed like another person, whispering something. Dangerous.

I shook my head off trying to block all the evil things in my head. Forgiving the past enlarge the future. Healing for the present in the peace for the past.

Gosh! It’s making my night bad!

I heard the movement of the curtain and the rays of the sun hit my face. I gotta go to school. It’s boring but I need to, I walk to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

Looking at myself in the full length mirror a smirk creep my lips. The look I’m seeing right now is the look of the past but more on bright and clean with so much scars left to remember.

“Eat your breakfast first!” I heard my sister calling from our house. I look back at her while holding my bag where my laptop is.

“I’m already late Echel!” I run into our fence until I felt a strong grip, her thin hands grips my collar. What the holy cow?! “Eat.” She said handling me two sandwiches while panting so hard. “Fine.” I ate the sandwiches in front of my sister glaring at me. Aish!

“I’ve finish them all. I need to go. Pleaseee!” I said pleading, pouting and tugging her dress from the side.

“Are you shouting at your sister, Lucinda Cresenciana?” She said with her brows shot up and her hands on her waist. Goodness. I did I live with her for twenty-two years? I don’t even know.

“Of course…not. Why would I shout at you?” I said a little more slower than I did earlier.

“Good we’re clear. Do well on your school.” She said patting my head while gazing my whole body lovingly, she smiled.

“I always do, Echel.” She smiled at me holding her spatula in her other hand. I never noticed that! Good thing she didn’t slap me with that. “Always be honest but with control, self control Lucresia. Are we clear?”

I nodded at her while looking at my watch and back to her again. Her brows raise again. Goodness. “We’re clear.” I said defeated. She’s really scary. Really scary. Nechela’s scary. The wing blows wildly. See? Even the wind agrees.

She nodded and turn to back to the house. She look at the road weirdly before coming in. I heard her locking the door fast. She’s being paranoid again. No danger is coming that for sure.

I walk out of our house almost got hit by a man who’s walking furiously with his suit on? I raise my brows on him and my hand on my waist. Who the holy cow is he?!

If I didn’t dodge him I will surely see myself hugging the smoking pavement.

The man look down at me with his deep and furious eyes beneath his long lashes, the narrow bridge of his nose added to his dark features. “Be careful.” He said as the shadow of the sun hide his eyes while he looked down to my feet and to our house again. Taking a few steps back, he leave.

I was left confused by his actions. His features seems familiar, did I saw him before? I look at my feet and into our house seeing the curtain move from my sister’s room, I take a step backwards seeing that familiarity. It’s not coming back right? My line of sight went to the man who’s opening his crimson car as it roared to life.

My sister, that weird man and me? Cloud? Who is who? And what is the pile of questions raising in this head of mine? The connections between everything is a blur. I’m the unknown princess.

But with different story and this is not my story. Should I be selfish and turn everything upside down?