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Cinderella's Little Diary

Cinderella's Little Diary

Auteur: Sally14@ .

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Cinderella's Little Diary PDF Free Download


Jane Mayweather has never been in a relationship before and never had a life. She was a sixteen year old girl who was raised in a farm house in a small county side. But after her parents divorce and her mom remarry. They move to the big city. Jane Mayweather finds herself in a town she knows nothing about and in a school where she would learn to love. Hate and struggle. Read the fascinating struggle of a sixteen year old girl in a new world full of new people and freaking rules.

Chapter 1

June 1st 2002

Dear diary.


Awkward how everyone seems to start like that why don't they just go straight to the point. Well I guess it just like meeting up a friend and exchanging complementaries. Is this what it about.

Anyways. I am Jane Mayweather. Yeah. It not the kind of name you come across on regular basis. It unique. Although I don't know how but it is. I am unique as well except in a different way. I have a big warm heart. It isn't every day you come across with that. Apart from that. I am just another regular small town girl with green eyes and really long reven hair that I usually love in braid. I am not rich. At least for now. I am a student with bad scores which my mom silently prays would come up when we move to the city and I get into a new school.

I have a crazy life and I sure do hope it not about to get my crazier. It wasn't always crazy believe me. Infact it was great and fantastic. I had the best family and we were happy. That type of shit. So I don't need to go into details. But one day it all went wrong. A witch suddenly showed up and cast a spell on my father making him go madly in love with her and he just left.

I have an imagination. That what my mom and twin brother say all the time. But I like to think of it as being creative

and yes there was actually a witch. except she had now become my step mother. An evil stepmother like in the movie Cinderella. The only difference was she didn't have two annoying daughters named Annabelle and... What was the other bitch name? Well who cares.

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It been three years my father left with the "witch" and things hadn't been the same again. It was just lonely without him for me and my twin brother ken and my mom. But she is married now. To her prince charming in shinning armor and a horse.which means his darn rich. Has two daughters from his previous marriage and lives in the city. Yeah. That should explain why I am sitting in a plane right now and for the first time in my life. Wondering what the city would be like. It use to look big and dreamy in movies and I always use to dream of moving to the city. Except living home, where I was born. Said my first word. Took my first step and had my first big fight. Was a very tough decision. But we made it and right now. We are on our way to the city..

How on earth do you end a diary. Maybe like you end a letter

Your faithfully

J *M * W

Epilogue of chapter one

Jane Mayweather pressed her nose against the airplane window and breathed with relief this was a dream come true. Whoever would believe that dream really did come through. Though she was a bit sad. She had always dreamed of going to the city with her family. Her mom and dad still together. But that didn't happen and as she watched the impressive summer skyline she promised herself not to worry so much about it."I have made a list of things I want to do when we get to new York" ken announced popping his head full of red curls over the chair in front of them." I am good shopping. And getting myself a new girlfriend"

" And what about Eva" Jane asked concerned. Eva had been her best friend and also her brother girlfriend before they left the country" what we had is over now sweetie"

Jane suddenly felt hurt. She missed her friends and her life back in her small country. But it was all going to change. New York city was big and unlike the small country she came from the city was modernize. She feared she would never fit in or belong. Her mother must have red her thought because she patted her head and in an assuring tone she said"you are going to do great. Maybe you should make a list of things you want to do in the city "

She had already made a list but wasn't sure which to do first. She told her mom she wasn't sure about what to do first and Mrs Cullen suggested they went shopping for her new room and then some change of clothes.

"Or we could try out some Chinese food" ken said.

Mrs Mayweather was flipping through a fashion magazine she obviously hadn't stolen from a middle age woman's bag at the airport."Chinese food are going to have to wait hon."

Jane looked out of the window again while her finger ran through the White fur of her poppy summer who lay asleep on her lap.there was a quick announcement asking everyone to fasten their seat belt as the plane was about to land. Jane had a mixed feeling as the plane touched ground and ran through the runway. This was it. She told herself. Once she stepped out that door her life was going to be different. She wasn't going to be the Jane Cullen she once use to be. But Jane Mayweather. She would have a new town. New family and new friends. She just hoped it All went well