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Love That Homecoming Guy

Love That Homecoming Guy

Auteur: istolethecookiez



Love That Homecoming Guy PDF Free Download


I was dared to ask him to homecoming. I didn’t actually expect him to say yes. +++ New town, new school, new friends- a new start. It’s all Olivia could really ask for. Having to move in with her extremely cheerful aunt and her snobby cousin, Olivia’s taken by surprise. It’s a change, of course. But is it a good one? With a cousin like Vivica, who’s one of the popular girls in school, Olivia has to undergo a lot in order to be accepted into that crowd. They’re the only people she knows, and she’s not exactly a social butterfly. And a part of the pressure that she has to endure includes her having to ask Maddox Finnegan, a considerably misbehaved guy, to homecoming.  And she didn't expect him to say yes.  And she really didn't expect everything to change because of his answer.

Chapter 1

"You must be Olivia," the blonde in front of me speaks in a bored manner, brushing a strand of wavy, blonde hair over her shoulder. I nod, trying to ignore the fact that she's nearly a foot taller than me. She's definitely grown up quite a bit since the last time I've seen her, given that was almost nine years ago. I'm sure I grew as well...a couple of inches at the most.

"You must be Vivica," I smile at my cousin. She doesn't exactly smile back; instead she shifts her cheer-leading bag on her shoulder and looks at her mother. Rude.

"Chelsea and Tracy are coming over at five. Can we order a pizza?" she inquires as she traces her long, manicured nail.

Her mother nods. "Yeah, can Olivia hang out with you guys?" my aunt asks and I immediately feel my face go red. I spent the time Vivica wasn't home preparing for when she arrived. I got a drink and a snack just so I wouldn't have to engage in conversation with my stuck-up cousin. Now my aunt's just throwing me into the fire.

"No, it's fine! I can, uh, I can make my own friends," I attempt to dismiss in an attempt to not make Vivica hate me anymore than she apparently already does. I have a feeling that I left quite the impression on my cousin all those years back. Vivica glares at her mother with narrowed eyes.

When my parents told me that I was going to be coming here for the rest of my junior year, I tried to keep an open mind. However, the day before I was dropped off, my mom decided to let me know what exactly I was going to face. She warned me about my cousin's personality and her "impoliteness," as my mother called it. Basically, my mom said that she was spoiled and ungrateful. Well, she didn't exactly say the words, but she said something along those lines.

A few years back, when I was around eight years old, I had to come and stay with Aunt Genevieve, Uncle Thomas, and Vivica during the summer. Vivica, however, went to a day camp; I remember her yanking me aside and demanding that I stay out of her room. I also remember hitting her and telling her not to touch me. And then I remember my father coming back to get me a few hours later, even though I had been there for only a week.

"No, Vivica won't mind, right, dear?" Aunt Genevieve asks, looking at her daughter with the pointed expression that I know too well. My mother has the same one, probably because the two are sisters. Honestly, I don't want to hang out with Vivica and her friends. But I also remember my mother telling me to treat my aunt well and to not take advantage of her kindness, seeing as her daughter already does.

"Of course not," Vivica says with a flat expression. I feel awkward as I stand between the two with my gaze locked on my feet. I hear footsteps and a door closing quite aggressively. Knowing that it was Vivica throwing a tantrum because of me, I hold back a sigh. My father won't be coming to get me anytime soon.

"I'm sorry, she's just been having a bad week," my aunt excuses, trying to rack her brain for a potential reason as to why her daughter has been experiencing a bad few days. "She, uh, failed her French test."

I nod and, with a short lived smile, head towards my room. Not all of us can be good at French, you know? "She'll warm up to you, I promise!" my aunt calls from behind me and I nod again before opening and closing the door to my new room.

I'm sure she will...when I'm leaving. And who knows when that will be? And who knows if I can keep my cool until then?

+ + +

It's approximately 5:26 when Chelsea and Tracy appear and my mood immediately drop. I'm fetched from my room, where I'm hiding and unpacking my things, by a light knock on my door. Aunt Genevieve insists that I hang out with the girls no matter how much I protest.

"No, I think I'll just unpack. And I need to study my schedule and the school map so I won't get lost."

"No, it's okay I'll just stay in here."

"I'm tired from the car ride; I'm going to take a nap."

I'm going to punch your daughter in the face if she says something to me.

Well, of course I didn't say that last one. I mean, my parents taught me some manners. The point is that no matter how many excuses I conjure up, there's no way I'm getting out of this. As my aunt drags me down the hall to Vivica's room, I'm thinking up excuses as to why I could leave early. Obviously, Vivica won't want me there, and I doubt her friends will. I feel like an intruder- a violent, reluctant intruder.

We reach the door and a loud honking from outside jolts my aunt. "That's the pizza, I'll be right back. Stay here," she tells me before running off to the kitchen.

As I stand outside of the door, I hear faint voices from inside, followed by laughter. "Well, on Friday, he crashed Adrianna's party. They got so drunk and they were trying to drive the four-wheelers around in the woods but the cops came," a voice I recognize as Vivica's relays. "Anyway, back to what I wanted to tell you guys, I asked him."

"Don't tell me you asked him when the police arrived," one of the other girls responds in a joking voice.

"No, Chelsea. I asked him before everything went down. I left as soon as the cops showed up. The last thing I need is my mother breathing down my neck about nearly getting arrested," Vivica retorts sourly. "But I asked him and he said no! In front of everyone!"

"In front of everyone?" a different voice inquires curiously. I lean in a little closer to hear better. Now I'm kind of interested...

"Did I not just say that, Tracy?" Vivica snaps in her familiar high-pitched tone. "He said no and his friends laughed! Those goth freaks had the nerve to laugh at me! I assumed that popular people go to homecoming with popular people; I didn't even stop to think that he might've said no. I mean, it's an honor to be asked by me, right? I was so embarrassed so I just called for my ride. He showed right when the cops did."

"Maybe, he only said no because he had a few too many drinks," the same girl as before suggests hopefully.

"I messaged him this morning before practice and he didn't respond. He read my message. He still hasn't replied," Vivica sighs.

"How'd you get his number?" the girl Vivica called Chelsea inquires.

"One of his friends gave it to me," Vivica confesses. "She gave it to me. And I know it's the right number because she showed me the contact, and it was actually him. I don't know how I'm going to face him on Monday."

My aunt's footsteps sounds up the steps and I immediately retract from the door. Though I didn't know who or what they were talking about, I couldn't help but grow intrigued. Who had the nerve to turn down Vivica? Don't they know how rude she is? Aunt Genevieve appears carrying a large pizza box and she motions for me to open the door, so I do.

"Hey girls, this is my niece, Olivia," my aunt introduces as she places the pizza box on the dresser not too far from the door. The girls are smiling, despite the fact that we've just interrupted an in-depth conversation. "Be nice to her. She's new in town."

And with that simple statement, she closes the door, leaving me to stand there like an idiot. Like I predicted, Vivica's room is pink and purple. All of the girls are on the white carpet, and one of them motions for me to grab the food and sit down. She's brunette and is the only dark haired one of the three. She's a lot shorter than them, too. I can tell because even with her perfect posture, she can't sit up taller than the slouched girls.

"I'm Tracy," the brunette introduces as I slowly and cautiously sat down, trying not to drop the large box of pizza.

"Chelsea," the blonde announces. I smile nervously at both of them, noticing that they're both wearing cheerleading uniforms, much like what Vivica was wearing when she first walked into the house. She changed, though, into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

"Olivia," I introduce with a nod. I guess they don't seem that bad. They're sort of amicable, as far as I can tell.

"We know," they respond in unison. Vivica keeps her hands on her phone and texts away.

"We were just playing truth or dare, weren't we girls?" Vivica ask with a smirk. She slowly tucks her phone away. I want to sigh as the words leave her mouth.

"I thought it was dare or dare," says Tracy with a grin. I stare at the carpet, urging to just get up and leave. Amicable, yeah right.

"Oh yeah," Chelsea nods her head. "It's your turn, Olivia."

"But—," I begin to butt in. I don't want to play, especially not with people that I barely know, and already don't like. They lied straight to my face.

"You have to go. We all went," Tracy adds sharply. Vivica stares at me with narrowed eyes, as if scrutinizing me. I can tell that they're judging me based off of whether or not I'll agree to take my turn. Refusing to come off as wimpy, I nod.

"Okay," I state.

"Maddox Finnegan," Vivica smirks broadly. The other two girls' eyes go wide. I simply quirk an eyebrow. What the heck is a Maddox Finnegan? Is that who they were talking about only moments ago?

"That's a good one!" Chelsea coos. "Okay, so on Monday, you have to ask out Maddox Finnegan."

"To homecoming!" Tracy adds with a mischievous grin.

"Yeah!" Chelsea nods excitedly.

"W-who's that?" I ask as I look between the three girls with a lost and embarrassed expression plastered on my face. It better not be the guy who rejected Vivica. If he rejected Vivica, he'd surely reject me. Vivica scoffs and the other girls simply grin knowingly.

They refuse to say anything else and I can only sit there and watch as they snicker and laugh at my expense. This is going to be a great year.