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Sun Kingdom

Sun Kingdom

Auteur: willyparker

En cours


Sun Kingdom PDF Free Download


Years ago, when Atlantis was still standing, people knew the utopian city as the land with higher technology, but what people didn't know is that there was a neighboring island a second Utopian city of higher technology. They used solar power, and they were very organized. The Atlanteans called these people the people of sun city. Atlantis attacked other places because of greed, but they didn't attack this civilization; they were kind of like frenemies, showing off to each other, competing against each other, and they also helped each other by supplying resources to each other. One day, the two cities challenged each other to build transportation great enough to take them to the stars. The Atlanteans put their whole resources and money into this challenge that they were almost left with nothing. On the other hand, the people in sun city were doing pretty well. On the day of the challenge, after having all built their technology, Atlantis was struck down by raining fire and earthquakes, the sun people didn't know what was happening, but they were afraid. The people of sun city had no other choice but to hop on to their ship going to the stars. As they had reached far into the sky, their craft failed them; they floated in the dark void of space for a while until the sun god felt sorry for them and pulled them into the sun. He gave them life and power so they could live on the sun comfortably.

Chapter 1

"Princess Emily, your father requested to see you." Medina, the palace maid, said, trying not to look at Emily's nakedness.

"Didn't you tell him I was bathing in the coldest sunspot of the year? You know it is scarce for us to have a sunspot as low as 2900 degrees K," Emily said as she stepped out of the sunspot with her long golden blonde hair dangling at her ankle. She grabbed her golden robe.

Emily opens the palace doors, walks in front of her father, and bows her head.

"You sent for me, father," Emily said.

"You missed the meeting this morning, the elders and I waited for you, and you didn't show up."

"I am sorry, father, I promise not to do it again," Emily said.

"By the way, our problem is worse than we thought. The Sun's core is cooling down, the virus has reached our kingdom, and the experts have not yet found a cure. We reached out to the lunar kingdom, and there is no feedback yet."

The lunar kingdom is not the moon; it got its name because they give the moon its light

"Father, you are not listening to reason. Mom told you about this. Let's use the old way, the way our ancestors did before. One sun warrior travels to earth and grabs a suitable human to offer to the sun god! If you had listened to her, she wouldn't have been sick with the sun virus".

"We are not sacrificing humans; they are people too, our ancestors might have been brutal, but we are not. Do you understand!"

Emily stood there shaking her head and scoffed in disappointment.

"Your optimism would kill the humans that you're defending and us. If you don't find a sun warrior, then I will because I am the solar princess, and it is my duty; I must protect the Sun," Emily said, walking out of the throne room.

Emily sat in front of her dressing room, writing many letters and putting them into an envelope.

She ordered the Royal messenger to pass the letters to the entire solar kingdom, lunar kingdom, celestial kingdom, and many more kingdoms scattered around the Sun.

There was a knock at Emily's door

"Come in."

"Princess Emily, the elders are here to see you about your decision of electing the next sun warrior."

Emily gets up from her chair, walks out of the room with her long golden blond hair trailing on the floor. The maid following Emily accidentally steps on her hair. Emily let out a scream of pain and turned to one of the guards and said softly, "do away with her."

kill her

Emily opened the doors of the great hall and walked up to her father's throne, sitting down.

"Emily, we saw the letter you sent out to the kingdoms, and we disapprove." the first elder said

"Really? And why is that?"

"Never has a woman gotten to be a sun warrior or gotten to pick a sun warrior. The armor of the warrior makes that choice, And usually, males call for the picking ceremony, so I suggest you could either call one of your 12 brothers or cancel this ceremony. "

"Let me think about that," Emily said as she placed her hand on her chin. "I chose neither, now. Let me give you my options. You could accept my terms and conditions, or you could let the Sun's core die and explode, destroying all life In the galaxies, including the foolish creatures on earth who think the Sun is yellow."

The elders came together and whispered to each other. Emily arched her eyebrows, unsure of what they were discussing.

"Are you old hags going to keep whispering to each other, or are you going to give me your option?"

"We, the elders, have concluded, we will let you carry on with the ceremony as long as it keeps the sun's core burning."

"I knew you would make the right decision. See you at the ceremony."

A few suns quakes before the day of the ceremony came.

Emily sat in her tub, which was as big as a room, and her maids washed her body. One of her brothers came in and joined her in the large tub. He stayed on his edge, far from his sister's edge, as his maids cleaned his body.

"I heard you had one of the maids killed for stepping on your hair. That is the 50th time this has happened this week. Maybe you should cut your hair."

168 sun quakes, also known as a week

What he said angered Emily. With that, she went to the edge of the tub, grabbed his head, and pushed it under the tub. He struggled to get out. And when he finally did, he decided to retaliate; he put Emily's head under the sunspot tub, after that, they started to quarrel, push and drag each other hair. The maids kept quiet because they knew better than to interrupt their fight. A few seconds later, a voice from behind them yelled, "enough." Emily and her brother Chad turned around to see their mother standing there naked.

"Mother, aren't you supposed to be quarantined? You have the sun virus, and you don't want it spreading." Emily said.

"I have come to bathe now. Get out of the sunspot so that I may bathe." Emily's mother, queen Julien, said.

Emily and chad both got out of the tub naked and ran away, covering their mouth and nose with their palms to prevent catching the virus.

All the maids had turned away to avoid looking at the royal's nakedness, but one maid didn't turn away out of fright because the queen is the most feared in the entire Sun, so she was in shock. The queen walked up to her and slapped her so hard that it echoed through the whole kingdom.

"How dare you stare at me and my children's nakedness. Don't you know the rules? You may only look when you dress us or bathe us, and you can only look, not stare next time you try it; I will make sure you can't see anything again? Now bathe me till my heart content."

Emily sat on her cushioned chair as one of the maids styled her long hair to a bubble ponytail, while the other maid brought out a box which lily opened and took out a sparkly tiara.

"Are you nervous, princess Emily." the maid Medina said.

"Nervous? I would never be nervous. Now get ready; we want all family members there." Emily said."

" Yes, princess Emily," Medina said.

At the ceremony, lily sat at the throne with her father, twelve brothers, and father, and her mother wasn't there because she had the virus. They watched as the guest came into the great hall.

The king leaned over to Emily and said," the lunar prince has been looking at you for a long time now. Maybe you could go over and talk."

" Father no way, I am going to him; he should come to me if he's interested in me."

"ay ay ay, young girls these days, when I met your mother, I gave her a look, and she knew what I meant, then she came to me with flowers."

" All the guests have arrived, your highnesses." The guard said while closing the great hall's door."

The king picked up his wine cup and raised it to the air, making a toast.

" Even though I am against human sacrifice, but today I am excited that the armor, and like always, we show our kingdom rules before we proceed."

"Now we have seen the first scroll of our rules, and that is enough, time for the picking of the sun warrior."

A boy barged into the great hall, breathing heavily and stammering. He said, " I-I-I saw them, and they are coming."

" Who is coming? Speak up, boy." The lunar queen said.

" The three sisters of the house of light."

There was murmuring across the room.

" If they are here, it means danger for everyone," Emily said, telling one of her brothers that were sitting beside her.

The great hall door flew open.

"We, the sisters of the house of light, have come with a prophecy," they said together as they stretched out their arms and murmured some words. A golden cauldron appeared in front of them. One of the sisters dipped her hand into the cauldron and said,", this very day, something new would happen, something different would happen. Someone powerful will bring change to the Sun, and not everybody would accept that change, which would lead to a Sun civil war. This person's heart might be prickly like a thorn but would soon soften over time."

" How do we stop this change?" the king asked...

" Cancel the ceremony." the sisters said, then walked out of the great hall.

Everybody at the ceremony was whispering to each other and soon started to leave after a short time.

When Emily got up from her seat and said, "wait, why are you all leaving? Is it to prevent the prophecy? What if, in the process of preventing the prophecy, we are causing it to happen? Remember, the ceremony is to save lives and our home. We need a sun warrior to save us."

" She is right, and we do need to save the sun; let's go on with the ceremony."

Emily signaled one of the guards to bring the warrior's armor that was on a mannequin to the middle of the hall.

" The rules are to touch the warrior's armor, and if it doesn't sting you, you are the chosen sun warrior," Emily said.

One by one, every man came to touch the armor but was disappointed each time, the Luna queen's son tried, but he failed.

Emily, not knowing, placed her hands on the armor's shoulder and said, " well, looks like there is no sun warrior here today, but anybody is still welcome to try at any time."

" Wait, look, the princess's arm is on the armor's shoulder, and she is not stung by it."

" Impossible; she is a royal and a lady."

" The sisters were right, something new and different. We are all doomed."

" She can't be the warrior; she is a rudely spoiled brat."

People were furious and were about to leave.

" Guards, close the door. No one is leaving until this ceremony is over."

"Emily, stop this." the king said

"Shh, father, you would ruin my day for me."

" We all know how the ceremony goes; the elders bless me and tell who the sun god has picked for me, so where are my elders,"

there was no answer; Emily grew angrier and angrier.

" Elders, I am giving you five seconds, or my guards, you will kill everybody in this room, starting from the right. 5-4-3-2-1, guards, you know what to do."

"Oh, sis, you're bad, and I love it."

"oh thank you, brother."

As the guards drew their swords and were about to kill, the elders yelled stop and went to Emily kneeling on one foot.

" We are here, princess Emily, and we give you our blessings to be the sun warrior to save our world."

" oh, thank you, I am so lucky," Emily said, putting on the armor.

one of the elders said, " god of the sun, Ra, show us who we must bring for the sacrifice."

on the ceiling was a glowing outline of a man, and underneath was his name, Mark Jenkins.

Later that day, Emily was sleeping in her room. When a man snuck into her room holding a knife and was about to stab her, but she woke up and as she did her eyes glowed bright yellow, and the man flew across the room hitting his head on the wall which made him unconscious.

The man was still trying to regain consciousness on the floor as Emily walked up to him with flames in her hand.

" you see this fire on my hand; this fire is ten times hotter than the sun, so that means it could kill you, but first, I want to know why you tried to kill me."

" because you are a monster, a diva, and I know you would abuse power like you are doing right now."

" well, you are not wrong," Emily said, then caught him on fire; his screams echoed throughout the castle.

the next day

" what happened a few sun quakes ago. I heard screaming." Medina asked,

" someone decided to try their luck, and they weren't so lucky." Emily said coming out of her room

Medina, confused by what Emily said, took a look inside her room. When she saw the burnt body, she turned away immediately

" Princess Emily, how were you able to burn someone."

" the power from being a Sun warrior, I wonder what else I could do."

" by the way, princess Emily, the elders are waiting for you in the throne room."

" what do the old hags want."

Emily opened the door to the throne room.

" Good morning, princess Emily; we wanted to tell you the instructions you should follow as you go to earth."

There was an awkward silence for a while.

" well, what are you lazy fools waiting for? Tell me."

one of the elders was struggling to open his bag and bring out the instructions.

Emily watched in frustration. " can one of you help him." Emily told the other elders.

They finally brought out the list of instructions and some other things.

the elders said with their voice shaking. " umm this. is sun essence, you have to give it to the chosen person for a year, to prepare him to enter the surface of the Sun. and the instruction says you shall not kill, or harm the chosen person, umm....."

" oh, Ra," Emily said, walking up to the elders and snatching the instructions.

" well, that's all, right?."

one of the elders gathering all his courage said, " you killed my grandson; you don't deserve this power, you evil witch."

" your grandson tried to kill me either way death was involved and I would kill you, but I want you to live with that pain," Emily said, walking away