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Auteur: The Italian boss and his America

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Synonyms Life had turned out to be harsh on Stephanie James. She was treated badly by the man she called father and looked up to. She didn't know what had changed ever since her mother died but what she knew that changed was that her father brought in Lucy her step mother and her children Josh and Lydia. It was then she knew that Lydia and Josh we're her father's children whom he had while she was not yet in existence because they were both older than her. Josh was the eldest by four years gap and he had his own character while Lydia was older than her by one year and two months. Things got hot when Lydia told her to help her go to her wedding for her while she quickly get something. Not knowing where Lydia had went Steph went and represent her hoping she would come before her marching into the altar to marry Damian Shaw. But things turned out to be completely different when Lydia never returned and she was married to Damian who had never seen his wife to be, and there and then she married Damien shaw as his wife. but instead of Mrs Lydia James shaw it became Mrs Stephanie James Shaw. What the hell has she gotten herself into

Chapter 1

Stephanie James sat at the car which took her to the church wearing her sister's wedding gown and waiting for her to arrive. She had refused to do any makeover because it wasn't her wedding but her sisters, Lydia.

All Stephie could think of was how she was going to explain herself to her father who had arranged this marriage.

Her father loved money and loved Lydia but she did not understand why her father would marry Lydia to Damian Shaw whose image was tinted in the front page of any newspaper in London as gay. And what baffles her was that her sister already had a boyfriend and she still accepted this so call marriage.

She kept on chanting on her thought about the marriage and why her sister was still not back from her supposed hideout.

She wasn't ready for marriage and she wasn't ready to marry a gay man, no matter how rich and handsome he was, he would always remain gay.

She looked at her phone screen for the thirteenth time and signed fearfully, she looked at the screen again contemplating if she should call her sister or not. Deciding on calling her, she called Lydia again but her call was sent to a voicemail which had been the normal things since Lydia left.

About to drop her phone on her lap she felt a light tap on the car tinted window and looked who had arrived only to see her father.

She covered her face, came down from and walked with her father to the church premises.

As they were walking silently her father decide to break the silence and also break her with his words and he said. "Never knew the wedding gown would fit you so much like Lydia.

Well, since you've willingly helped your sister and me by going through with this marriage, I'll surely spear you", saying her hatred didn't grow double triple times bigger, it would surely be an understatement.

"Father! So Lydia was never the person who set the marriage for but me. Why father? Why?". Lydia asked as hit tear ran down her face, he eyes instantly turned red out of anger and fear of marrying and gay and someone she never loved or knew by face.

She had only heard about the demon himself from her best friends mouth, Sofie had told her how handsome and wealthy Damian was and that her sister was going to divorce him in two weeks after marriage if not one because how do they expect the sex lover to endure sex in a day. Sofie had laughed and she had joined too.

But it all seems like those laughs were all hers.

"Just play along and stop asking questions and make sure you go through with it till the end and never you ask for a divorce. Oh! And make sure you get pregnant for him in a month or two". Breaking her out of her thought and telling her all of this brought fear to her body. And there and then Stephanie wished the ground could open and swallow her up. she was still in a daze when her father concluded. "And make sure never to think about running aways because I would surely hunt you down, and when I catch you just know I'd feed you to the demon, himself". Her father finished as the church door open and there stood her husband to be and her faith.

She took a glance at him and saw how inpatient his appearance was and how he looked too tall for her liking. She still watched how inpatient and grumpy he was when she saw Lydia, the Lydia sitting close to her mother and smiling mischievously at her because she had won this round.

Tears threaten to fall from Stephanie's eyes but she held it and walked to the altar to meet the man she would call her husband soon.


On the altar, Damian had been waiting for his so-called bride for minutes and he was already losing it, his eyes scanned the whole wedding Hall and it fell on his stupid father-in-law to be. Be kept his gaze on him as he spoke to his wife a girl who looks pretty but not that pretty because she was covered in artificial things.

He was still looking their way when Lydia James eyes met his and she used her hands to signal her father that Damian was looking their way.

When her father saw this he walked close to Damian and asked. "Is there any problem my son?" ..

Damian was getting pissed and he didn't want to show it because of the priest and the few relative whom they invited. "Yes, where is the bride? Is she not coming or has she eloped. You know very well what I can do to your company in a minute if your daughter disgraces me, right?". Damian said getting impatient with the man's lack of understanding.

When the words about his company entered his ears that was how he quickly plead and ran to the car assigned to bring Stephanie to the church.

When Damian saw his bride coming closer to him he couldn't help but smirk a little because this person was going to confirm if he was a guy or not.

He had already done full research on all the James family and he knew he was marrying, besides she was the prettiest and she was still confirmed by his private investigator that she was a virgin and was still untouched.

He had planned tonight and he was going to have her as his and make sure she enjoys it to the fullest and would be asking for more.

He looked at how the father and daughter got to his side and the father put his daughter's soft hands on his and he felt an electric when her hands touched his.

But then something caught him off guard when he felt he shaking and her hands were sweaty.

Damian sensed something must have happened somehow between the father and daughter, so while his father-in-law was shaking him and telling him to take good and proper care of his daughter he held the man's hand and pressed it hard that the man winced in pain.

Gregory James was Stephanie's father and he never loved Stephanie's mother because of her families money. That was why he had sex with his so-called girlfriend Lucy and got her pregnant with Josh and later Lydia while Stephanie's mother was always beaten by the man she thought loved and cared for her.

Damian Shaw and Stephanie James joined together by the priest and the congregations. Stephanie's stepbrother was happy for her because she would never be his mother and sisters slave again and now she can leave the life she had always wanted. And as for the marriage, she hopes she would find happiness with Damian Shaw.

Stephanie just hopes that she would be happy because this was a new start in her life.