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Auteur: MyMischievous_M





Red Tesalonica Gardner's mind quickly realized that love is only temporary pleasure. Love is only a fiction because he saw firsthand how his father left them. When her father left them she poured all the love that she can give to her sick younger brother. She will do everything for her younger brother. Her brother's happiness is her only desire. But ever since Isacar Fidel Suarez came into her life, her thoughts about love have suddenly changed. Her boyish heart fell in love with the spanish hunk. But it is not enough to just fall. Love always needs patience, braveness and courageous heart. It was as if he was in the middle of a battle not knowing where to go. Her heart became numb after she fell in love. The love she thought to be a happily ever after became the love of a broken hearted woman.

Chapter 1


  My sweat dripped as I dribbled the ball. I stared at the basket like it was some prey that I wanted to devour. Before Mark could snatch the ball from me, I immediately had to shoot the ball into the basket. "Red Tesalonica Gardner for three points!" I heard my friends shout my name after I shot the ball. I almost jumped when I saw that I scored three points. I smirked at Mark, who was staring at me like he was so amazed with me. After all, who wouldn't be surprised by someone like me? I am a girl, a woman who wants to play a ball. "Awesome! You can beat Lebron ah?" Minah said laughing. She is the closest to me among all my friends. Minah Arelliano. "Well I am Red, so what do you expect?" I said proudly while bragging my arm. We both laughed.

  I looked at Mark who was playing a one-on-one game with me in basketball. I smiled when I saw that he was very disappointed in what had happened. Maybe because I lost to him on our game or maybe because he also lost in our deal. I raised an eyebrow as I saw him approaching me. "Is there no other chance, Red?" He asked sadly. I immediately shook my head and looked at him proudly.

  "If I'm you Mark, look for a better woman. I'm not the type to have a relationship with you. So, I'm sorry." I said. I could see the frustration on his face.

  I turned my back on him as I combed my hair. Minah accompanied me on my walk and gave me bottled water. I took it and drank it in one gulp.

  The other day, Mark confessed to me that he wanted to date me. Instead of giving in to his courtship, I challenged him to a one on one basketball game, which he immediately accepted. And our deal is that if he wins, he will be my boyfriend straight away but when he loses he has no chance to with me.

  "You're really cool bro!" Minah kissed me on my cheeks. I just laughed and shook. I even saw the girls stare at me because they saw how I turned down Mark who is one of the varsity of Enverga. Tss. They are all slutty. We are only Grade 11, but is this what they are thinking?

  This is the reason why there's so many girls that are pregnant now. We just kept walking. I was still wearing Enverga’s P.E uniform and sweating profusely because of the game. We were about to leave the gym when Mark's ex suddenly stopped us. My forehead furrowed.

  "Hey lesbian!" The girl shouted at my face. I frowned at what she said. What the! Lesbian?!

  "Why? What's your news?" I asked proudly even though I was disgusted by her red lipstick. Who is she? McDonald's? "You shut up! How thick is your face to turn down Mark! You're not even beautiful! You're still a lesbian! You are a thick face! Who are you? Rapunzel with long hair?" She said with her brows rising. I winced. Such women are just wasting my time. I should be home by now and playing with Blue. "What are you blowing up with?" I saw how she made a face when she heard my wordings. "Did I say I'm Rapunzel? I can't even hold a comb to make my hair grow longer? Shameless! The strength of your line ah!" disgusted, I said.

  "Red... " Minah called me. The woman raised an eyebrow at me and glanced at Minah.

  "Do you have a relationship with Minah?" she asked maliciously. I winced even more. What? Where is her mind, and it seem lost? Relationship? Minah and me? Fuck! What the hell?! "Another word from your mouth, I'll gag you on a piece of paper! You're a jerk! For your information, I want Adam Lavigne and not my friend! Gosh!" I said, problematic.

  It looks like the woman in front of me is embarrassed because many of us are already watching. I just turned around and passed by her.

  Lots of drama in life. I shook my head. I went to the parking lot and got on my motor. I said goodbye to Minah who had been picked up by her driver. I, on the other hand, pushed my motor away. Just because of the traffic on Dumacaa Bridge, I was stopped.

  "Badtrip!" I hissed.

  I'll just clarify really. I am not a lesbian. This is just my personality. I am Red Tesalonica Gardner, half filipino half canadian. My father left us when Blue was little. I witnessed how that man left us. He found a new Filipina to marry so he left. And now I have no news of that animal. He's a useless father. That is why I was left with my mother. Mom worked hard to meet the needs of my younger brother. I have a younger brother. His name is Blue Teshron Gardner. He's just 10 years old. Grade 4 in Enverga he also studies. Fortunately, mama's salary is really high at the company she works for. Mama is a secretary of an Engineer. He works at SCCompany, which stands for Suarez Construction Company. It is the most famous company here in Lucena because it is owned by the Suarez family. That family is really well known here in the entire province of Quezon. Especially since the governor is one of them. The other is a Mayor. There is also a Congressman and Judge. See? They are all disciples of politics.

  I sighed as I watched the long traffic. I thought only EDSA had traffic. Is there one here too? Bullshit!

  When the traffic is a little gone now I almost had a party.

  "After 1000 years!" I can almost scream.

  I quickly pulled my motor but my eyes immediately widened when a white car suddenly entered next to my motor. Too fast I almost fell down! And because of that, it created a loud noise because my motor scratched on his white car.

  "Damn it!" I was shocked to see that my motor was also broken. The white car also stopped and I saw the driver seat open.

  "What is that? You've made traffic worse!" I heard a jeepney driver shout at me. I almost hit the man who shouted because my head is also heating up from what happened. Shit this white car! It doesn't look like his car was imported, he can be a daredevil!

  I turned back to the driver who came out when he went out of the white car I was about to shout at him but I was almost dumbfounded by the person I saw. A burly and tall man. Mestizo. His skin was almost red. He looks Spanish. His thick eyebrows meet. His deep eyes were not boring to look at. I can also see the light brown color of his eyes. His nose looks like it was carved during the renaissance! Too sharp! His lips are even redder than mine! But wait! Why am I praising him?!

  "Fuck! There's a scratch on my car," He said annoyed when he saw the scratch on his car. Fortunately, we were on the side of the road. But because the road is so small we are still perverse!

  "Couldn't you drive properly?!" I shouted.

  That's right Red. Don't let that man affect you. Adam Lavigne is still more handsome. I prefer american over spanish! Those are conquerors! 333 years occupied the Philippines? Where is the human being there? But as soon as our eyes met, I immediately knew that his face was familiar. Especially since he looks like a bull that will spew fire.

  "I'm really the one you asked huh?!" He yelled back at me.

  I could not speak because the police had arrived. I could no longer speak, not because I was scared but because I realized...I was talking to the son of the Mayor of Lucena City! He is the son of Mayor Fidelio Suarez!

  Son of a bitch! Of all the possible collisions, why is he here?! The boy who's always annoying me in school. The Mayor's son. Isacar Fidel Suarez.