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Loving Him Forever

Loving Him Forever

Auteur: GinikaM



Loving Him Forever PDF Free Download


Sammy holds a lot of anger in and with the things happening at home, it's no wonder that he isn't happy. Elijah comes back home hoping to reunite a long lost friendship but then maybe Sammy is too different for him or maybe different or not, Sammy is love.

Chapter 1

  Sammy Walcott

  The whistling of the Kettle woke me; the fucking whistling Kettle. My body automatic rolled to the edge of bed, my legs swinging over and resting on the cold wooden floor. A turn of my neck brought forth a snapping sound that literally brought aches to my already aching body.

  Standing up to my feet and producing another snap sound, I walked to the standing mirror occupying about 15 percent space in my already tiny room.

  Why do I even have this thing here?

  Oh right, to check myself out; I can't have me running out into the streets looking like a zombie, like now.

  I sighed when my mirth filled eyes landed on my reflection. My hair was a tangled mess, my pale skin looked paler and after my damn boxers, my legs looked like twigs. How do I manage to survive with a body like this? I know I'm not ugly not even in the least bit. In fact I'm pretty hot for a guy my age.

  But I can only be so egoistic on a terrible Monday morning; the fading red bruise beside my right eye wasn't really boosting my confidence on my looks.

  Dragging my feet, I walked into the bathroom and did my business; shrugged on black pants, red hoodie and Adidas to go before running down.

  "Sammy, Good morning" My mother greeted pouring coffee into a mug and pushing it to me. "It’s about time you came down."

  I hummed something even I didn't understand simultaneously blowing air into the mug and taking a gulp. The hot liquid went down my throat, leaving a satisfying hiss at its wake.

  "How do you do that?" Mum asked, shaking her head at me and turning back to the stove. "Eggs?"

  I took another gulp of the coffee before letting my eyes fall to her dyed ash blond hair that she had up in a messy bun. I missed her pure blond hair. I get why she dyed it but seriously, who picks ash when there's blond? Most definitely a psycho

  "Samuel? Eggs?" Mum called again, she was turned towards me, her tired eyes on me and one hand on her waist.

  I didn't let my mind ponder too much on the bags underneath her eyes or the wrinkles on her forehead. I blinked away, pulling a stool and sitting down on it. Choosing to ignore the fact that she called me Samuel, I replied. "No, thanks"

  "No thanks? Then what would you eat?" She asked raising a brow.

  My eyes swept around the kitchen table and spotted the bowl of fruits. Not fresh but who cares. "An apple"

  "Sam- Sammy you'll get so skinny and fall one day." She complained rubbing her fingers on her temple.

  I got off the stool, took two steps and placed a kiss on her forehead. "But I won't die."

  She sighed giving me a look. I finished up my coffee, grab my bag and waved. "Bye mum."

  The weather was damp and sad; giving a hint of how today was going to be. Although it hadn't rained, everywhere was wet and there were clouds covering the sun. I took a bite out of the apple and as suspected, it was bad and too soft for a fruit. Not to add problems to an already problem filled body, I threw the fruit away and walked on.

  "Yo Walcott!"

  I turned just in time to see a bright red Volkswagen riding into the packing in an illegal speed. I jumped out of the way to avoid being sprayed with mud water. I guess that's why they called, assholes, shouldn't they be the one to slow down instead of warning me to move?

  "Thanks man." The guy that had his head poking out of the window yelled raising his thumbs to me. He is also the one who called me. I share classes with him and I think he's even on the team but I can't bother with remembering his name right now.

  I guess warning is better than nothing right. They probably splashed other people. Well they won't try splashing me anyway, unless they want their car to be redesigned. I've got quite a reputation around here.

  I might not be the richest or the smartest. I might not be the most good looking or friendly guy. But I'm feared although it’s not the best thing ever; it'll have to do for now.

  "Hi Sammy"


  "We're having a reading session after school, care to join?"

  "No, thanks"

  "He probably got that bruise from fighting his Mafia leader, god that's hot."

  Hidden smirk. I wish.

  "Don't look at him Anna, guys like that are dangerous."

  Yup, very right. Anna, be wise.

  I stopped by my locker putting in the boring code; same old thing every fucking day. Can't someone bring a dancing penguin to school one day and just let it lose in the hallway? Or a clown to scare some girls and create some kind of excitement?

  "Crystal, did you hear?"

  Oh great. From the corner of my eyes I looked at my locker neighbor and her gossip magnet friend. I bet they are scared of clowns.

  "Heard what, hope it's not about Mr. Hotstick? I got in trouble last time you heard something about him." My locker neighbor, Crystal, replied.

  I smirked. From the looks of things not enough trouble.

  "No, I'm over that teacher. It’s about a student. Someone we all know that left years ago."

  Hmm, Interesting, girl’s gossip are sometimes interesting, sue me. But I have class. I pulled out my last book.


  And shut my locker.

  "Elijah Garcia."

  And these books came tumbling down.

  "Sammy? Sammy, are you okay?" Crystal asked rushing to my side with her friend.

  I blinked. Shook my head but the shock was still there. My heart hadn't regained its normal beat. You know how a whole system is destroyed when just one step, beat or key is missed? Yep, my heart skipped a beat and that put my whole system in shock.

  "Maybe you slap him? Or kiss?"

  "Sammy?" My hand reached out grabbing the wrist of the girl that that her palm pressed against my cheek. "Sammy?"

  I released her when I noticed I was holding her too tightly. "Sorry, Crystal."

  Her friend gulped, and pulled back, taking Crystal with her. They handed me my fallen books and I collected them with a nod of thanks, walking out of their curious stares.

  Elijah Garcia. I haven't heard that name in six years.
