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A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time

Auteur: Maryam



A Moment in Time PDF Free Download


Grace is a beautiful girl that loves partying and drinking. She has a gang of friends that she goes clubbing with. She got sacked from her previous work because she fought at work.. Her friends supported her idea of beating up the girl that crossed her part. Still wallowing in sadness and anger for losing her job, her friends decide to take her clubbing to cheer her up but she ends up drinking more than she can handle and she ends up going home with a stranger. What will she do when finds out that her new boss was her one night stand.

Chapter 1

  Under the dim light of the warm room, the two naked bodies move together in sync. Like jigsaw puzzles they fit each other perfectly well.

  Musty smell of sweat hung on the air as soft moan and groan sounds in the silent room.

  The sound of their intense sex filled the room.

  "Ahhhhh... Faster...

  "Yea...hmmm. " her moans echo in the night.

  With drunk and unfocused eyes she stares at the handsome man above her as she reach her climax.


  Grace Pov

  I stormed off to the bathroom pissed off because of their secret sneer at me, honestly I'm used to their childish act but today I'm in a really rotten mood for their act.

  I felt the door to the restroom open behind me but I pay no attention to it as I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

  At that exact moment water splash on me, when I say water I meant cold ass water.

  "What the fuck! " I yelled immediately losing it.

  "oh! I'm sorry I didn't even notice that you are standing here." she slurped out in her annoying high pitched voice.

  Mandy is my example of a basic bitch, since we have been working together here there hasn't been a moment of peace between us.

  Today being today I have enough of smelly cunt because I'm going to feed her shit back to her whole.

  We all know she is our boss whore that is why walks around like she owns the place.

  "well if you can't see me then you better get your eyes fixed, or you can try reducing your fake lashes because they are covering up your eyes. " I replied in the same annoying way she talk to me mimicking her bimbo voice.

  "What did you just say? " she asked fuming mad.

  "Don't tell me you can't hear also, you can hear right? "

  "because it will be very sad to the loose the use of your eyes and ears at the same time." I replied faking sympathy.

  Fast than I can comprehend a hand connected to my face landing a hot slap on my left cheek.

  Like a robot that run out of battery I stand there rooted to the same position as the pain fades away.

  I have been looking for what to vent on and like a scapegoat she presented herself to me.

  Without mercy I returned the favor as I slap her on her makeup choked face.

  She seems shocked as charged at me wanting to attack me but I'm too good for her sloppy fight.

  Before reach me I sent her flying out the bathroom with a kick to her rib, I followed her outside.

  I grabbed her by her hair and slapped the hell out of her already swollen face.

  Some staff gather around as I beat the living hell out her. She looked so different from her previous self.

  Her makeup is messed up and her clothes dirty.

  It is such a pity and a complete waste that she can't withstand my special treatment more than five minutes. I have been aching for opportunities like this for days now.

  "what is going on here? " A stern and familiar voice said above the noise shutting everyone up immediately.

  Mr. Luke is known for his promiscuous way and wickness, I really hate his fat ass.

  "Grace beat Mandy up." said Alice. She is Mandy best friend so it is expected that she won't hesitate to rat me out to our boss.

  He stare at the Mandy that was still on the floor writhing in pain her underwear almost showing from her too short skirt.

  "Follow me both of you." he said and turn around back to the direction he was coming from.

  Today isn't going to be any worse than this right.

  I have been standing for quite some time as I watch Mandy cried in Mr Luke's office.

  "why are you wailing for no reason, I didn't break any of your bones and you are there crying like a toddler." I said to her annoyed unable to ignore her horrible acting in front of Mr Luke

  "How dare you talk to her like in my presence! " Mr Luke boomed at me..

  "Because you always fuck her right? " I get the drill" I yelled back at him..

  Their faces paled at my bluntness.

  I'm so done with how they treat me in this establishment but the only reason why I have been enduring it all this while is because I really needed money.

  But I don't care anymore..

  "what did you just say? He asked boiling with anger.

  . "that she is your whore, I wonder what your wife will do if she finds out" I fired back at him.

  "Grace Walter you are hereby sacked from this company, if you set your foot here again you will receive a later from our lawyer." Mr Luke said chillingly as if I'm miles away rather than standing in his office.

  OKay, the deal is done.

  "Fuck you " I said showing my middle finger before leaving his office to pack my things.

  I only have one true friend here and I'm sad to leave her, the rest of the staffs seems to be happy at my dismissal.

  I turned on the radio as I drive my car out of the parking lot with one last glance at the building I speed off to my rented apartment.

  I shower and warm some food to eat before I dialed Mellisa and Stephanie's but they didn't pick up so I left them each a message.

  Lisa and Steph has been my allies since I can remember, we have known each other since high school.

  Luckily we went to the same college. Our bonds has been unbreakable throughout the years.

  Lisa is the protective and possessive one, Steph is our guardian angel and richest among us. While I'm the stubborn and the troublesome one of our clique.

  I lay down face down on the pillow as I mourn the loss of my job, what will I do? Mom nursing home bills needs to be paid.

  I will figure it out later as I drift off to sleep on my tears soaked pillow.