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Surprised Love

Surprised Love

Auteur: Foru


General Romance

Surprised Love PDF Free Download


Every boy in School waited for Frizzie (real name Fenzie) to grow up to ask her hand for marriage. The boys believed that despite a cold heart and a passion for martial arts, she would become a soft woman when she grows up. The lovers always imagined her as the soft wife who would grow up into the most beautiful woman on earth. No one dared to speak their desires or wish to marry her as they were afraid their bones will be broken the next minute by their hopeful future wife. On top of that, she is not a believer of love. Growing up seeing her parents fight every day, she very well knows that love between a man and a woman does not exist. In fact, there is no purpose in a marriage and love is fake. She will have to meet a man of another era to fall in love. Has God already planned a man of another era for marriage? Read through the story to find out!
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Chapter 1

  "Good Morning Teacher." The students in the class greeted their class teacher who entered the noisy classroom. Seeing the angry look of the teacher and not replying over their greetings, she stared at all with cold eyes. The students had a confused look on their faces and wondering what they did wrong to deserve such a scary look. The teacher cleared her throat and began speaking ''Dear students, I currently have a meeting with the dean of the school along with the other teachers, I am cancelling the viva for today." Students grinned their teeth with a sly smile. Friezzie was the only one in class who looked awful because she knew that she prepared really hard to score the highest in the viva and continue to be the topper. With the announcement, the teacher added "I do not want to hear anyone screaming on the top of their voices and I don't want to hear any noises coming from this room. I hope for the next 50 minutes, you will maintain silence. I will come back and take your attendance for this class. I don't want to see anyone roaming in the corridors. So, just stay inside this classroom." Giving a last glance from the right to the left, she left the class. All sat down with their besties.

  Friezzie decided to narrate a story to her three girlfriends, Jannis, Taylor and Abby. She was a good story teller and her friends supported her well. It was then that a group of mischievous classmates started looking at the four girls. The glare from the right back corner distracted friezzie. It was Patrick. Seeing the sight of Friezzie, all looked towards the same direction as hers.

  Taylor patted Friezzie's hands and said ''I heard Patrick has a crush on you but he is afraid that you will beat him black and blue." Friezzie gave a mischievous smile and said "You know me so well girl. I hate love and crush stuff. Whoever tries to crush on me, you see I need to make them hate it like a reverse gear if you know what I mean." Jannis gave a sigh and faked a yawn. She finally spoke, "Love is so sweet. Have you not seen Titanic or the Cinderella story. I hope someone crushes on me too. Where is my Prince Charming."

  Abby who was all silent finally spoke, "Leave all these for now. Please narrate a story. Which novel did you read recently?"

  It was then that Patrick walked up to her and said "Abby, do you mind if I sit next to Friezzie? I have been given a dare to sit next to her and say that I like her." Friezzie froze and gave an angry look to his friends who were smiling at her with innocent eyes.

  Looking back at him, she said coldly "Speak and off you go. I will ignore you like dust. I heard you have a crush on me. It better not be true."

  Abby stood up leaving the sit for him, Patrick sat next to her with nervous eyes, clenched his fist and said "I like you". He rushed towards his friends like fast wind and seemed like the Superhero Flash for an instance. Her face was red both out of anger and shyness.

  Jannie smiled with all her teeth out and started clapping. Abby gave her a disappointing look considering the mental state that Friezzie was right now. Taylor added "I hope my crush comes over and proposes me now." Hearing this, all the four girls started giggling. Friezzie with a cheerful smile spoke ''Do you know what is a crush?"

  All the other three girls got confused with her question. She smiled even more brightly and said ''You know when you have a new dress, you instantly fall in love with it and started liking it so much that you are excited to wear it right away. Similarly, a crush is like a dress. When it is old, you throw it away in your old closet. So, basically crush is temporary. So, don't long for it. "

  "Ahem" Jannis gestured her hand towards Friezzie's heart "Did you mean you fell in love with someone and not crushing on anyone. Is he the one you plan to marry? Is that what love is?"

  Taylor got excited and Abby spoke "I am your best friend. I know you chase boys away who pester you. You didn't tell me how did you fall in love?" Seeing their excitement, Friezzie added coldly "Girls, who said am in love. How can 'Friezzie' fall in love. No boy exists in this world who can make me fall in love with him. What I mean is, there is no such thing as love."

  Abby said "I want to marry someone I love and I know love exists. You don't believe it's okay but don't demotivate us please. I already planned my honeymoon destination."

  "Hahaha." They burst out laughing with tears in their eyes. Abby started hitting all the three girls. Friezzie gave a signed of relief and took a deep breath, and finally spoke ''Buy yourself a pet dog, you will fall in love. You can travel wherever you want with the dog."

  Taylor gave a disgusted look to the girl who just compared a lover with a dog. Ignoring her look, she added "Girls, don't live in illusion. There is no such thing as love. If at all you are with some guy, you will not study and wait for his texts or calls like all the time. You will be roaming hand in hand embarrassing the teachers in the campus. Not to mention the names like "Kuchi-ku" is ew. I feel like vomitting when I hear such in my school bus. You fight and stare at each other and the infamous dialog 'I will marry you when I grow up' but the truth is when you leave school, you will lose contact. So please, stop being gross and earn lots of money after you finish studying instead of honeymoon planning."

  Taylor told her to calm down her nerves if anger as she spoke. Jannis started singing a romantic song to taunt her. A line in the song she repeated "I can't breathe without you." Friezzie laughed loudly and said "How can you not breathe without a person, the respiratory system is not connected to another human right." Abby laughed hearing this, "Hahaha. Jannie stop singing such a stupid song. It makes no sense." All the four started laughing and Friezzie told all the three girls proudly "You see, love is a funny thing."