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Wildcat- The Bodyguard Season Two

Wildcat- The Bodyguard Season Two

Auteur: Talis peshii

En cours


Wildcat- The Bodyguard Season Two PDF Free Download


Carlos and Arabella have made up their own family with sara and Daniel. They are moving out to a new home when their kids happen to make friendship with a new girl in town, Amanda. Carlos's son, Cheetah develops a liking for the girl and names her wildcat. He hands her his mom's necklace and they part ways. Years later fate makes them meet but not in a so good way. Wildcat is handling his uncle's illegal business and is later sent on a mission to bring down Armstrong not knowing he was Cheetah. Their love story becomes complicated when a war of betrayal, jealousy and revenge revolves around them. Will they make it?

Chapter 1

It's been years since Carlos and Arabella got married. They have a small cheetah by the name Armstrong. They have been living together with Daniel and Sara who have a little fox called Shedrack. Life has been beautiful for the four of them or let me say six of them. They had been living in Carlos's hide out ever since and now they were moving out to a new place.

Carlos and Daniel had retired from the army and were now beginning a new life. They had together opened up a business in Katarine city and that's where they were going to live hence forth. Cheetah and fox were outside at the car waiting for their parents who were still packing. They were about 9 years old each. They then saw a boy bullying a little girl and they ran to help her.

"Hey, handle someone your own size. What kind of boy are you who mistreats a girl?" Asked Armstrong and the boy ran away.

"I'll get back on you Amanda" said the boy running away.

"Are you okay wildcat? Who is that boy?" Asked little Armstrong

"Am okay but my name is Amanda not wildcat. That boy is my cousin. He always does that to me" said the little girl in a white dress.

"You are a wildcat to me. You are strong and fierce. Don't let your cousin get to you. Fight him back next time" said little Armstrong.

"Thank you. Are you leaving the town?" Asked little Amanda

"Yes. Our parents have started a new business in Katarine city. We have to go there " said little Shedrack.

"I thought you could be my friends but you are already leaving" said little Amanda

"No matter where we go, we will always be friends wildcat" said little Armstrong

"How will I be sure of that?" Asked little Amanda. Armstrong was wearing Arabella's necklace. He looked at it before taking it off and gave it to her.

"You can have my mom's necklace. The C is my father's name Carlos and the A is my mom's name Arabella. For now, you can keep it and the C will be my name cheetah. Let the A be your name Amanda" said little Armstrong and Amanda hugged him.

"If my name is wildcat and yours is cheetah, what is his name?" Asked Amanda referring to shedrack.

"My name is fox and cheetah is my cousin. My dad and her mom are siblings. My dad gave me this watch. It has a fox sign. You can keep it hence forth. These are signs of our friendship" said shedrack and Amanda hugged him.

"Thank you fox. I have nothing to give you guys. I just hope you won't forget me" said little Amanda

"It's okay wildcat. We won't forget you. You'll always be right here" said Armstrong pointing to his heart and Amanda smiled.

"Bye Amanda, our parents are waiting for us" said shedrack. Armstrong kissed Amanda on the cheek and ran with shedrack to their parents. Amanda touched her cheek and her mouth remained wide open. Carlos,Arabella, Sara and Daniel were looking at their naughty kids running towards them.

"You naughty boys. What were you doing over there?" Asked Arabella

"A boy was bullying Amanda and we had to help her" said shedrack.

"Oh really and what was that kiss for?" Asked Sara to Armstrong

"Aunt she is going to miss us and she has no friends. I was just comforting wildcat" said little Armstrong

"Naughty just like your fathers" said Arabella and Carlos took the two boys for a hug.

"That's my boys" said Carlos and the all got into the car. They all waved at Amanda as the car left. She was still watching them as they left.

"I'll miss you cheetah and fox" said Amanda looking at the gifts they gave her for remembrance. A woman then came to her and embraced her. It was her dear mother. She took little Amanda and crossed the road heading to their house. They had just arrived in town a week ago and had not made any friends yet.

Carlos and his family arrived in Katarine around 8pm in the night. They had taken a flight there. Katarine was quite far from where they were from. They got into a well furnished house and arranged their staff. They were done by 10pm and they had their supper. They had also made arrangements about their children's school before they arrived there. They had joined them in the best school in the city. They had also made arrangements of their school uniform and the kids were to begin school the next day.

"Hey fox, what do you think about joining a new school?" Asked Armstrong when the boys were in their room.

"I don't like it. We'll have to make new friends all over again. I don't know how my classmates will behave. It's just okward" said shedrack.

"I agree but we are cousins and bestfriends. We'll stick together always. Do you think We'll ever meet wildcat again?"Asked Armstrong

"I don't know cheetah. Do you miss her already?" Asked shedrack and gave out a small laugh.

"I just pity her. She is beautiful. I wonder how she'll look like when she grows older. I bet she'll be an angel like our moms" said Armstrong and the boys laughed.

"At least you found your wildcat. I hope to find my bear in the new school" said shedrack.

They chit chatted abit longer before going to bed.

On the other hand, Amanda was in bed with her mother. Her mother had asked her where she got the necklace and watch and she explained.

"Mum, do you think I'll ever meet cheetah and fox again" asked little Amanda

"Only hills and mountains dont meet but human beings meet. Just pray to God to keep them safe" said her mother and they hugged before switching off the lights to sleep.



Early the next morning, the fathers dropped the kids to school and left for the new business. The ladies stayed home to take care of the house. The young boys were in the principal's office before the bell rang for the first class. A beautiful lady came in and took the boys to class. She was Miss Helena their new class teacher. She was a nice lady.

"So may I know your names before I get to class?" Asked Miss Helena

"Am cheetah and he is my cousin fox" introduced Armstrong and the teacher was surprised.

"What sort of names are those?" Asked Miss Helena and gave a soft laugh.

"Sorry about that miss. My cousin is just used to our nicknames. Am shedrack and he is..." said shedrack but Armstrong held his mouth before he mentioned his name.

"Teacher, if i tell you my name, promise it will be our little secret. None of the students must know my real name" said little Armstrong.

"You seem very naughty" said miss Helena and little Armstrong brushed his hair using his hand and gave a cute smile.

"I took after my dad and mum. So do we have a deal?" Asked little Armstrong.

"Okay deal" said miss Helena and Armstrong whispered his name in her ear.

"Nice name. Now let's get to class cute boys" said miss Helena and the boys smiled.

In the class, the kids sat in three per desk.

"Attention class. We have new members today. This is shedrack and this is cheetah" said Miss Helena.

Miss Helena directed them to a desk where there was a little girl drawing and not concentrating on what miss Helena said. When cheetah and fox went closer, she moved at the centre without facing them.

"She's a weirdo" whispered Armstrong to shedrack who looked at the girl and smiled.

"Your name is even more weird. I have sharp ears sugar. Hi shedrack?" Said the girl and faced on her left raising her hand to shedrack.

"Hi bear" said shedrack shaking her hand.

"Am Judy not bear. Anyway it's cute" said the little girl.

"I'd love to call you bear. You can call me fox" said shedrack.

"Okay. Can we talk more during break? Miss Helena is looking at us" said Judy and they all turned to the board.

After two lessons, the kids were out for short break and the three remained in class as others went to the washroom before the next lessons to long break.

"So Judy, what were you concentrating on when we came in?"Asked cheetah

"I was drawing and i hate distractions when I draw" said Judy

"I like drawing too" said shedrack

"We'll get along so well" said Judy and smiled at shedrack.

"Well good for you shedrack. I wish wildcat was here" said cheetah and sulked.

"Hey cheetah we are all friends" said shedrack and Judy rolled her little eyes.

"It's okay fox. You can hang our with Judy. She doesn't like me anyway" said cheetah still sulking

"But I like you. We can be friends forever and I can be your wildcat" said another little girl popping up from nowhere

"And who invited you Maria?" Asked Judy

"We can be friends Maria but you can't be my wildcat" said cheetah

"It's okay I don't mind cheetah. We'll meet during long break. I'll share my snacks with you if Judy doesn't want to " said little Maria and smiled at cheetah who smiled too.

"Thank you Maria" said cheetah and Judy rolled her eyes more.

"Look cheetah, Maria is not the type you want for a friend. Am telling you the truth" said Judy

"But atleast she wants to be friends with me unlike you" said cheetah

"I dint say I don't want to be friends with you. You called me a weirdo just like everyone does" said Judy

"You called my name weird too but anyway sorry" said cheetah

"Sorry too. We can be friends" said Judy and raised her hand for a handshake with cheetah. That is the begining of their friendship which was strong like the three musketiers. They studied together, ate together and went home together. It was a great bond for the three friends. Maria had also fixed herself in the group just because she wanted to get close to cheetah. Many had seen that she had a crush on him. Even after ten years, Maria had not stopped going after cheetah who was not interested at all.

Life had been successful for the three friends after the ten years. Shedrack was now a successful police officer while Judy was a successful doctor. Cheetah was a successful business man. He was running a company he started off on his own when he was in campus. Shedrack was helping him in running their fathers company after they retired. In short they were just rich. Their parents were now running the largest restaurant in the city just to keep themselves busy. The women cooked while the men became waiters. Maria and Judy were now getting along. During their free days, the four kids webt to help their parents in the restaurant. Four mothers, four fathers and six kids. They were now six because both cheetah and fox had baby sisters. They went by the names Jael and Juel. Their parents called them little rabbits. Maria had an elder brother who was out of the country while Judy was the only child in their home.

One day as the four friends were in the restaurant a very beautiful lady walked in with a briefcase. The friends were sitting at a table when the lady passed next to them. She chose a table and sat down. She seemed to wait for someone. Cheetah couldn't stop looking at her. She was an angel dressed in a black trouser, black top and black glasses. She she a slender sexy body and the clothes she wore drew her shape really well. Maria had grown up to be a really beautiful lady but this one was just hotter. Cheetah kept staring at her until Maria cleared her throat to bring back his attention.

"What are you staring at?" Asked Maria and cheetah gave a small laugh.

"It's nothing Maria. She just looks familiar" said cheetah

"Really? I've never seen her around. Anyway cheetah, what's your real name, all my life I've wanted to know your name" said Maria holding his hands.

"Yes tell us. We've never known your name" said Judy

"Relax guys. Am cheetah and That's it" said cheetah and just then two men walked in dressed in official suits. They went and sat next to the Angel in black. Cheetah peeped outside and saw other men outside. He sensed the lady was in great danger.

"Guys I think the lady is in danger. Let's listen to their conversation carefully" said cheetah and their table was silent.

"Where is your boss else I cancel this deal with you" said the lady in black.

"Listen, you better give us the briefcase or else..." said one of the men in black but was cut short.

"Or else what? Am not scared of you guys and you can't double cross me. Give me my money and I give you the briefcase" said the lady in black. The men then ganged up on her and cheetah stood up from his seat. He was dressed in a black trouser and a white vest which was in an unbuttoned white t-shirt.

"Let the lady go!" Commanded cheetah

"And who do you think you are? Get out of our way or she dies here" said one of the man and took out a gun but cheetah was fast enough to kick it in the air and gave a blow to the man. Fox jumped in and gave a side kick to the other man. Just then, the rest of the gang outside walked in. Cheetah and fox attacked them not giving them time to use their weapons. Carlos and Daniel saw the men were too much and wanted to join in but stopped suddenly after seeing the lady in black fighting back. She was not just any lady. She faught in skills. She was trained. She teamed up with cheetah and fox. Everyone at the restaurant was surprised to see the lady fight. When there was only one man standing, cheetah held the lady's waist tightly and the lady grabbed his shoulder's tightly before jumping and giving a kick to the last man. Shedrack had called up for his fellow police men and they had soon arrived.

The lady in black let go of cheetah quickly and ran away with her briefcase without noticing that she had fallen her necklace. The police arrived and arrested the men laying down.

"Hey you dropped your..." said cheetah but the lady was already gone. Cheetah looked at the necklace and gasped.

"Wildcat!" Said cheetah to himself after noticing that it was her mom's necklace.