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Auteur: Annie_grace

En cours




Eva had always had a crush on Sam ever since they were in highschool. It was never supposed to be more than a crush although she'd liked him for 5 years. But now, it just doesn't make any sense how she was getting married to him 5 years later and most shockingly of all , Sam admits that he likes her ...

Chapter 1

It was obvious from the beginning. 

That Sam and Eva were never meant to be. Despite it being a one-sided crush on Eva's part , it was just a joke to Sam. 

He  was close with alot of girls right from when they were in highschool so assuming he liked you was not your best calling because the next minute, he was with someone else. 

Eva never really understood though why Sam was always wanting to tease her. Maybe it's because she was a loner. 

But she was happy that way. And she didn't want to be drawn to Sam more than she already was. 

It remained a secret crush through out highschool and she pretended she hated Sam so that no one would get the wrong idea about them . 

So now it didn't just make any sense 5 years later  how she was getting married to Sam. 

She stared at Sam in disbelief and looked to her father " father, I told you I was going to get married. We don't need an arranged marriage " 

" Arranged marriage? Who said anything about arranged marriage"her father asked. 

" Then , what?"

" Sam here likes you "

Eva's eyes widened and moved from her father to Sam who was smiling " what?! "

" You are surprised too,aren't you ?"

Eva's heart skipped as she said " But father, I don't like him "

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her crush for 5 years liked her. 

It's another one of his teasing. She thought.

"That's not a problem " Sam said smirking " you will grow to like me" 

Her father smiled " he seems pretty eager, pumpkin"

And that's why I can't help but fell uncertain. Eva thought. He's too eager.

She stared hard at Sam's smirking face. What could he be planning now ?

" Father, please excuse us "

Her father stood up and left them.

"Nice to see you again , Eva. How long has it been? 5 years ?"

Eva clenched her fist hard." What do you want ?"

" Didn't you miss me ? I missed you alot" Sam whined.

Eva stood up "if you don't want to speak up the reason you are here then I'm out of here"

Eva walked out when Sam grabbed her hand " I really like you. Is that so hard to believe ?"

Eva looked at him with anger. He had no idea the things his words did to her. Him balantly confessing his feelings like this to her just proved her thoughts that he had an ulterior motive but what her of all people ?

She struggled from his grasp " let go of me "

Sam gnashed his teeth " Why are you so against it huh? Afterall you like me "

Eva looked at him in shock. It was clear now. He was aware of her feelings for him and wanted to use her for something.

Use her feelings. But she wasn't going to let things go his way. Whatever he needed her for, she was going to spoil it for him .

Her father walked in " so , have you two agreed on something?"

Eva looked at her father " we will get married "