
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: Press Lee

En cours


Inhuman PDF Free Download


Stuck in the middle of two different kings she ended up expecting for one of them which puts her life in danger. They fought against themselves but still protected her.They had both caused her pain and love. At the end one of them sacrificed his love for her and let her go but will it be forever?

Chapter 1

He moved his fingers a bit and opened his eyes slowly. The air inside the room was fresh and he could feel the pain in his belly as he breathed.He had fallen from the flat at school from the balcony. He closed his eyes and could recall the incident. He was just playing with his friends when he stepped on a banana peel and fell off from the building and fell on the sharp side of corrugated iron.Some students who were outside there quickly pulled him off to prevent further damage.He was taken to the hospital and spent his first night. The owner of the banana peel was suspended from school after being punished. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a human figure beside the bed and in a blink of eye he was lying on the bushes far away from the Town. He signed deeply as he tried to regain his strength. He raised his head up and was surrounded by a group of guys,one of them stepped forward and held him up.He blew him with a fist right at the wound and he fell on his back, letting out a painful groan.Blood showed up on his t-shirt as the wound had opened up.The stitches had tore.He was helpless. The guy moved closer to him and squatted.They all had masks on as they avoided being recognized. "Arch Meyer... it seems like my messages had been no good" He said softly. He got up,held his leg and pulled him to the road. The other guy's followed them."I'll give you this last chance "He added and they left. He kept hoping someone would pass by and give him a ride.He didn't have a slightest idea of whom they were,why he wanted him dead.How did they find out he was at the hospital and the room he was in?His name and his number. They had been stalking him. A few moments later a truck passed by and took him home. His mother took care of the wound and gave him some pills to ease away the pain.He started feeling a little better. His phone beeped, it was the same message, being told to stay away from Becky.They had been dating for a few months and who could want him to stay away from his girlfriend? He didn't have an answer. What if the person wants to hurt her?No,he couldn't do it,he couldn't listen to the threats. He had to be by her side.

He made it to school after three day's and was alone in the classroom when she stepped in.She hugged him and sat down. He held her hand and squeezed it." You know.. I've been waiting to see you again and here you are.. you fell so bad"

"Yeah don't worry now cz am back forever, nothing will happen again, I promise I'll be extra careful wherever I go" She hugged him again. He groaned. "Oh am sorry, did I hurt you?"

"Yeah a bit but it's ok,it's still paining but I'll be fine my love just don't be anxious"Other students entered and the classes began.After the second period he went to the restroom to wash his face. He couldn't concentrate well in class. Martin entered and used the toilet. He got out and washed his hands." You seem unwell, what's bothering you apart from the pain?"

"Its.. well.. I just.. aah forget it"

"No man we're friends, I'll help"

"No you won't but thanks, I'll tell you when we're with Rick" He patted his shoulder, nodded and left him behind. He took out his phone,a message appeared on the screen and he read it out loud "Am watching you Meyer"He furiously threw the phone and shouted "Dammit!"Martin came back running and picked up the phone from the floor." Arch calm down you're not well, come on let's go to class"Held him by the waist and put his other hand around. They walked back to the classroom. During lunch he told them everything and yes there was nothing they could do rather than being by his side whenever they can."I don't know how to explain it but when he hit was like being hit by a heavy metal or something, there was so much strength and power that I had to fall a few inches away from him, he seems dangerous "He added as he ate his chicken." Have you asked Becky if she knows sombody dangerous? "asked Rick.He shook his head sideways." I don't wanna scare her"

* * *

"Becky am happy your guy is well" said Barbra. "Yeah yeah he made it,I was scared to death that he might lose his life..I mean nobody would've have survived that fall"

"Well he did..maybe the doctors Gav him the best treatment ever..I just hope Rick doesn't experience the something like that" said Belinda. Becky took out the burger's and ate hers."You see.. the way I love Rick,I don't wanna lose him"She added and the other two starred at her and laughed. "Its ok to brag..pass me my burger"said Barbra. After school they parted and Arch walked Becky home as always. Martin had went for a sleepover at Barbra's home as her parents were away. He took a bath while she prepared dinner. He put on his pyjamas and joined her at the table after she had served. His breathing increased and felt a little hot." Honey what's wrong?"she asked. "I don't know.. my body is paining" He got up and walked outside and she was right behind him. He fell on his knees and she was now panicking. "Should I call an ambulance?"

"No..I'll be fine,it happened before so I'll be fine..I just need fresh air" He said as he inhaled deeply and ex hailed. What was wrong with him? He took off his shirt and wiped the sweat."Barbra.. am good don't take it seriously "

" scared were in pain,I can't just turn a blind eye and unsee what just happened" she said between sobs. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her."Am ok,I'll get to the bottom of what's happening to me and find a solution"

"Yeah I hope you do..Arch had an accident and now its you with this.. who knows what could happen to Rick..anyway what did Arch say?" He refused to tell her as he knew she was going to tell Becky.They went back inside the house to eat dinner. She was still scared but he kept convincing her that he was fine. When it first happened, he went to see a doctor and was told it might be fever or something hideous. The next day at school the three boys were absent. Barbra was so worried sick and couldn't tell anyone he had asked her not to talk about it with anybody. During tea break they met up and Rick showed up out of nowhere. He held Belinda's hand and smiled. "Am skipping school today, don't you wanna come with me?I just miss you"

"Oh my God..Rick I can't go away, why are you skipping school?" She asked. "Its nothing.. Its fine if you wanna stay..I'll see you tomorrow then"He replied in low spirits. He tramped off.The girls were left in awe.What could be happening?Barbra took out her phoned her boyfriend. His phone just rang till it went off. Becky too tried Arch but his phone also rang till it went off.Barbra couldn't keep it to herself and told them about Martin and Arch's incidents.Pain shot through Becky.How could he not tell her he was being stalked and threatened? She didn't have any idea whom it could be and why." Please don't say a word,Martin will be angry at me"

After school she went straight to his home and found him at the backyard. "There you are" He said with a twinkle in his eye.He hugged her and kissed her forehead. "Am mad at you... how you skip school and please be honest.. I want you to stand by..what's going on?" She asked. The look in his eyes showed he was hiding something. "Arch talk to me,tell me what's really going on with you?"

"Am sorry I can't tell you but soon everything will fall into place" He cleared his throat and held her hand. "Becky Thorne, I love you and don't want to involve you in this, since you want to know.. I'll tell you,i got attacked by my stalker,looks like he wants me to get away from you but no I won't.. I'll rather die protecting you" He wiped tears that were rolling down her cheeks with his hand and kissed her."I love you too Arch and please be careful "

"I'll always be..I swear to find my stalker" He moved his hand through her hair. In the evening when he was all alone he took out his bandage and was shocked to see that the would had healed,the stitches had fallen off and he was left with a scar.He pressed his belly and couldn't feel any pain. Now he had more questions than answers.

The next day Becky found her friends in the restroom crying. They both told her the reason. The boys had just broken up with them with no reason. She could see they were really broken inside. There was nothing she could possibly do.She was afraid Arch was going to do the same thing.The girls had not blundered but were not given any reason why they were being dumped.The day went well and she went to Arch who too didn't know why his pals did that.They walked out of school and while she was still looking away he pulled his shirt up and saw that the scar had dissapeared. He just kept his cool for her not to be suspicious.While walking by the road he felt something was off and asked Becky to go alone. He tan off to the forest and his speed kept on increasing. His heart beat increased, sweat came out and suddenly he jumped and transformed into a massive brown wolf and kept on running. After realising what just happened, he stopped on his tracks. He was scared. He was a wolf,but how?so everything that has been happening was a sign that he was inhuman. The quick recovery, the pain on his bones he's been feeling before. His wolf form had been trying to take over. Oh no,what if he had changed while in school? It could have been a disaster. He's a wolf and his girlfriend is not.How was he going to tell Becky?No..he was afraid to tell her,what if she leaves him and tell people. He couldn't risk.It was a very handsome wolf.Still in his wolf form, he wistfully walked around hoping to change back into human form and go back home.