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Princess Arina's love adventure

Princess Arina's love adventure

Auteur: Lia luo

En cours


Princess Arina's love adventure PDF Free Download


Arina venturing to another dimension. There she met three generals who were ready to protect her. The meeting that finally led Arina to a love triangle story. The battle that occurred was inevitable the enemy also came and intended to kill. hostility and sacrifice take place in wars in the name of love. Arina can't remember who she loves, even though her heart still remembers her true love

Chapter 1

  Arina is just an ordinary girl. But who would have thought that her fate would change. She is now in the middle of a war in a foreign world that she never knew existed before.


  Arina's life went on as usual. to campus and busy with lecture routines. Doing assignments from the lecturer. Nothing special. Sometimes she feels bored. However, Arina realized that this is the life that many people live. Nothing will change. just like any other, after graduation she will work, then marry, have children, grow old, and finally close his eyes forever. That is what will happen if there is no tragedy in the middle of life's journey.

  Set ... set ... set ....

  A hand that swung quickly interrupted Arina's reverie. Immediately the girl with long hair turned and looked irritably at Cynthia, her best friend.

  "In the morning you were daydreaming, it's not okay, Girl" she said.

  "I just feel bored. Life is like routine no surprises or anything has changed. "

  "Changed? What changed?"

  Arina shrugged.

  "I don't know, maybe I'm just bored."

  Cynthia smiled.

  "Maybe one day you will be grateful we live an ordinary life. Imagine if we live in a battlefield, how can we sit and chat comfortably like now? "

  Arina nodded with a smile.

  "You're right, but don't act wisely."

  Cynthia burst into tears. then she took out a rather large piece of paper from her bag.

  "Instead of being bored, it's better to come with me to watch them," she said, holding out the paper.

  "Who are they?" asked Arina with a quick glance. There are three handsome young men decorating the poster. Cynthia laughed again, shaking her head at her best friend's question.

  "How can your life not be boring? You don't even know who they are. They are Tristar's rising boy band. Girls are crazy about them now. At first glance they look like Korean artists, "said Cynthia with an exasperated tone. Her best friend is too nerdy, doesn't even know what's popular right now.

  "I'm not interested," said Arina while returning the poster sheet. She then hurried to her feet.

  "Hey, at least stay with me!" cried Cynthia. Arina turned around, raised her glasses that were almost drooping, then shook her head.

  "Soon the exam, I'd better study," she said.

  "Tsk," complained Cynthia, "it's no wonder your life is boring."


  Arina studied late into the night. She was known to be very diligent and accomplished. At a glance, the girl look at the circular clock hanging on the wall in the light blue painted room. The hour hand had shown past twelve. It's so late. however, she was used to studying until dawn.

  'There is something strange. Why does my body feel tired and my eyes are so heavy? I've learned everything, maybe I should rest,' muttered the girl to herself. She finally gave up, even though she had wanted to repeat the lesson one more time.

  The girl then lay down on the bed covered with light blue sheets. Not long after, she was asleep without noticing a streak of light coming out of the large mirror attached to the wardrobe. the light grew brighter and brighter. Before finally disappearing and Arina was not on the bed.


  The morning sunlight penetrating the leaves disturbed Arina's sleep. Those beautiful eyes slowly blinked open. Dumbfounded, confused by the situation around her.

  She was no longer in his bed, but in a place that resembled a forest. Trees grew tall all around her. Likewise, various plants and weeds.

  Immediately she rose to her feet to clean the leaves and dirt stuck to her clothes and hair. Arina then looked around once again.

  'Where am I? Why am I here? Could I have been kidnapped? ' she said to herself.

  'If not, this must be just a dream.' Slowly she patted the cheek hard. The girl immediately groaned in pain.

  'This isn't a dream, it means I was kidnapped. I have to get out of here. '

  Before Arina could take a step, three young men dressed in armor appeared. Their hair is long. One of them who was at the very front drew a sword around Arina's neck. The girl's body trembled at once and she fell down.

  "Don't blame me if you guys kidnap wrong," she said in a trembling voice.

  "Hey, hey, Rion, lower your sword," said the young man who was standing on the left. his cute and innocent face almost resembles a child. He smiled kindly at Arina. Even so, Arina was still scared.

  "I will not!" said the young man who was still drawing the sword. His voice was almost ice cold. Arina sank backwards. Tears almost rolled down her face. His parents might not be able to pay for the kidnappers in strange clothes, so she must be dying now.

  "You don't see she's so scared. How can you draw a sword at her?" said the same young man again.

  "Shut up, Erland, stay out!" snarled the young man beside him in a booming voice.

  Erland just shrugged as he gestured to the other boy.

  "Rion, have you forgotten about the prediction about the arrival of the princess. Aren't we here to look for her?"

  Suddenly the young man named Rion laughed.

  "You mean this ugly girl is the princess? Impossible. She must be just a con artist ordered by the queen who wants to trick us."

  "I ... I don't know what you're talking about. But don't ever call me ugly!" exclaimed Arina, rising to her feet. She was just trying to be brave because the young man named Rion had insulted her.

  Rion returned to draw his sword towards Arina. His eyes were fixed on the girl.

  "You see, she's just pretending. We should kill her now, "he said as he prepared to swing the sword. Arina screamed loudly. She also closed her eyes tightly.

  "Don't kill me. My parents will definitely pay you off. Right now they must be looking for a loan of money!"

  Arina felt no pain.

  "Am I dead?" he said questioningly. Slowly he opened his eyes. Erland suddenly appeared in front of her smiling. The girl let out a startled cry.

  "Calm down, no one will kill you. Aldrich and I will not let it, "he said. The girl then saw Rion was talking to another young man named Aldrich.

  "Let the girl live. I don't think she's a spy. If she really is a princess, aren't you making a big mistake?" coaxed Aldrich in a calm voice. Everyone knows what Rion is like. Cold and heartless. If you insist, then Rion will fight even more.

  "If one day she is a spy, I will take responsibility and kill her with my own hands. How?" asked Aldrich again.

  "No need to question," said Arina.

  "I just wanted to go home. I don't know about the spies you guys were talking about. Can you guys be generous and drive me home?"

  Arina stepped back with an expression of fear again as Rion turned around and walked over quickly. He gripped Arina's arm so tightly that the girl winced in pain.

  "You're not going anywhere. Now that you are under my eyes, don't hope to escape! "he hissed.