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His 'meant to be' (kaisoo)

His 'meant to be' (kaisoo)



His 'meant to be' (kaisoo) PDF Free Download


Kai was a simple guy . with a normal peaceful life Kyungsoo however seemed to be rather violent in little things as hating others for no reason or delivering painful punches ,he was the little brother of Kris (Kai's best friend ) both of them didn't really get along that well and Kris was the only bound which kept them still seeing each other and getting annoyed by each other . but that all changed on 1 day After a car crash Kyungsoo woke up after 1 month . finding out Kris wasn't that lucky and still in a coma .he had nowhere to go ,so Kai didn't have a choice, he took him in . with only one question ,bothering him at that moment . ,, how can i help a thickheaded blind boy ?"

Chapter 1


"Kyungpook !?"

he rushed around the apartment looking for him.

"Kyungpook !?" where on earth was that boy.

he didn’t .. he wouldn’t .. oh no

Kais head instantly turned to the side towards his door to .. the outside.

his eyes widened and his breath hitched as his face turned pale and he stares at the open gape of the door, before a helpless whine escaped his lips and he rushed over to the door

swinging it roughly open he started running down the stairs to the main door.

" Kyungpook !? " He kept calling even when he opened the main door to look outside.

but he was nowhere to be seen so he took a few steps fore ward to see to his side and ...

there he was. a sigh of relieved left his lips as he ran over to him seeing how the shorter felt his way foreword by touching the cars .

" What are you doing !?" he exclaimed grabbing the boy’s hand.

" What does it look like, idiot!? I’m going to visit my brother now!" Kyungpook snapped as he ripped his hand out of Kais and started walking away again until Kai grabbed his again.

" who's the idiot now? how do you expect to get to him? -"

"oh because I’m blind ?? I can handle myself thank you "

"you're going to get yourself killed!"

"Then so be it!" at that he had enough and grabbed the younger boy throwing him over his shoulder carefully having his injuries in mind.

"Yah what the fuck !? stop it! put me down !!" he struggled around but the elder only chuckled.

" I’m not going to be the one who lets you walk off and get driven over, we'll go to the hospital, but we'll go together and I’m actually going to drive a car " proudly raising his head Jongin walked the way back to his apartment ignoring the cursing of Kyungpook and the glanced and stares they were getting.

knock knock

knock knock

knock knock

knock knock

" Oh, my lord I’m coming! geez!"

Kai groaned as he stood up and walked towards the door. not even taking properly steps as he felt too sleepy.

knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock-

" WHAT !?" he opened the door harsh. and looked at the boy standing there. His fist still in the air as he looked up right into Kais eyes seeming amused somehow.

but then the shorter face grimaced as he looked more closely over Kai

" eww.." he spoke in disgust before walking past the taller inside not bothering to take his shoes off or even say hello.

" Kyungpook? .. " The taller still blinked in order to get awake as his eyes followed the latter’s form walk around "what are you doing here ??"

" Relax it's already 7am " Kyungpook looked around as if he searched something.

Kai looked at the clock behind him and slapped his forehead instantly

Kyungpook was always the annoying guy who woke up early and was super Hyperactive and it pissed Kai off since he couldn't shut his mouth or leave people alone when they clearly are tired like he is right fucking now.

" What do you want?" he then asked annoyed

" Is Kris here?" Kyungpook looked around.

" Obviously not so.. get lost " faking a smile he walked away from the door again

" I lost something. Kris said he found it but-"

" what did you lose?"

" As if I tell you .." the latter chuckled weak

" When will you learn respect?"

" you're like 2 years older than me .. or are you?"

" Watch it kinkajou "

" you too Suncream "

Kai looked up onto his ceiling cursing silently and raising his fists. dear god ... what the shit is this

" Please,.. please leave " he begged bringing his head back down to face the other.

" Why? you're begging me now ? you wouldn't throw out the cute little brother of your best friend .." the famous puppy face was shown to Kai but to him it didn't do anything anymore since he used it too often

" you're not cute .. you're annoying .. " Kai sang whispering the last part depressed

" Oh come on your totally overreacting " he just laughed at that and continued looking around. but his search comes soon to an end figuring that it’s probably not here .he sighed disappointed but shrug it off and headed back to the door .

" Seems like I should go after all,

it smells like shit in here anyway. " The shorter held his nose as he made his way to the door. " See yak fatty " as a goodbye he joked and punched Kai onto the upper arm .

Kai rolled his eyes and closed the door after he had left. only to fall to the couch holding his arm and rubbing it in pain.

it hurt .. he had to admit. the smaller one knows how and where to hit .

but he wasn’t going to admit that of Corse .

" So .. " Kris said awkwardly as he drove the car, in the back was Kyungpook and in the front was Kai . it has always been awkward when both of those 2 were with Kris together. always arguing or not even daring to open their mouth since it would end up in a fight anyway.

and sometimes Kris wondered if that would ever change

" He woke me this morning " Jongin told him. like a kid whose toy had been taken

", it was already 7 fatty " Kyungpook simply replied not taking his eyes off the window

as he found the passing trees and houses more interesting .

" Kyungpook " Kris interrupted his stare outside with a strict voice. causing his little brother to only roll his eyes

" Sorry, he was searching for something . I didn’t know he would go first thing in the morning " a simple apologize came from the eldest .and Kyungpook eyes widen as he opened his mouth again

" you know how important it was

and you said to knock .. I knocked"

" About a dozen times " Kai complained.

" Oh excuse me Mr. Telltale " Kyungpook leaned forward

" at least I got friends "the other answered cold.

" hey !" Kris interrupted them " can’t you 2 calms down for once .. just for once try not to kill each other?"

" How? when this ass kisser probably threw it away ." Kyungpook crossed his arms

" I don’t even know what you looked for!" Kai defended

" I don’t think he would have done that "

" thank you!" Kai said gladly throwing his hands in the air as he always did.

" Well then where is it? .. it was the only thing she left. and now it’s gone!"

" Kyungpook-"

" I’m going from here." Kyungpook said

this time in a calmer but hurt tone

Kris held the car and let Kyungpook leave it with his bag. before

he quick followed him out. and Kai just gave them that annoyed rolling eyes look .as he watched them argue further outside.

the younger obviously yelling around while his brother tried to calm him

they then stopped and Kyungpook looked down before Kris pulled him into a hug and Kyungpook gladly hugged back.

well Kai couldn’t deny that those brothers were indeed close and even though that stupid brat. was soo annoying and Kris was such a loving guy .it warmed Kais heart when he saw them hugging or doing other things together . Kris waved goodbye to Kyungpook and got back into the car

" What was his problem?" Kai asked

" Nothing ... let's just drop it .. and finally get to the market." Kris protested and started driving.


" you're not supposed to hold it up idiot!" Kris laughed at Kai.

" Well what am I supposed to do with it then?"

" you're supposed to hold it does not swing it smarty " Kris laughed as he held Kai in the right position.

they were at the Christmas market and Kai had a can in his hands that could also be used as a hat.

the loud music and loud talking as well as the sounds of games and laughter was heard from the background .

" it’s insane .. every year more and more people come .." Kai looked around

" and the market begins earlier and earlier .. seriously it’s still November and the market is all set up. " Kris looked at the waffles with his eyes widen

" fuck, they have waffles ."

"Oh no .. Kris you better not turn into an animal out here " Kai warned

" And I was trying to lose weight.. " Dramatically the elder looked into the distance which made Kai chuckle.

ding ding

Kris got out his phone

" it’s already 5 I better pick Kyungpook up .." Kris said as he put his mobile back into his pocket

Kai groaned.

" How old is he? can’t he take the subway ??".

"I don’t want him to, and you know why "

" It was one time .. geez and it was his own fault " he muttered annoyed since this kid would always interrupt their times .

Kris stopped and looked suddenly strict at Kai.

" don’t , ..just ... come or don’t come but leave my brother "

" he doesn’t even want you to mummy him all the time .that incident happened like 3 years ago you need to let him grow up "

" don’t tell me what to do!

they touched him!

those assholes, touched him and that’s never going to happen again !" Kris snapped at him.

and Kai stayed quiet.

"Fine!, then drive by yourself " he answered angry throwing the key to Kris and turned around .walking away .

" Kai ,..."Kris regretted yelling at him now since he was just .. angry at the moment and he didn’t mean it.

but the other ignored him and walked away.

taking the bus. he stayed quiet the whole ride. just listening to his music. he had turned his phone mute. not wanting Kris to annoy him further.


finally arriving at home he hung his jacket away and threw the key onto the table.

he hated the cold . he hated winter.

so full of it he turned all the heaters on and sat in front of the tv with a thick warm blanket. watching a tv show. until his eyes felt heavy .

knock knock

knock knock

Kais eyes opened slow, and he groaned loud. if it’s that stupid boy again than ... urgh!

he stood annoyed up and turned off the tv. walking to the door and opening it.

his eyes widen and his jaw dropped as he saw who it actually was

"Good morning" the police greeted but with no smiles instead they had sad faces that hid something.

running Kai entered the hospital. walking past the doctors and nurses . who tried to stop him?

he kept running even though he had no idea where he's going. his heart racing and sweat already dripped down his forehead. when

finally someone stopped him .

"sir calm down .." a nurse told him, and he looked at her .

he looked back at her with horror in his eyes

"I'm looking for do Kyungpook and Kris!"