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My Revenge

My Revenge

Auteur: Ella Taylor

En cours


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Tracy Taylor is a daughter of a terrorist. Her father Bob Taylor was falsely accused when she was young and sent to prison where he later died, while her mother Nicole Anderson- Taylor were locked up in a mental clinic. Tracy however vow to take revenge for her father false accusations also clear her father name. To do this, she returned to her town under fake name “Sarah” so as to get close to the family who pinned crimes on her father which led him to prison and in result deprived her of her childhood. How did it go? Watch Out As The Story

Chapter 1

Steve was in his sitting room watching the live broadcast of the most famous family In the US


gathering, he was talking to himself as he laments about how Roland’s family was behind his mentor going to prison.

Steve is Bob Taylor’s trainee and he has been checking on Sarah all his life.

While trying to change the channel, he spotted Sarah in the live-streamed gathering of Roland’s family and he immediately paused and Snap the screen with his phone, zoomed to confirmed his curiosity.

He then called Sarah and asked her where she is, Sarah on the other end look for am excuse to disconnect the line as she doesn't want anyone who she knows to know that she's in town.

Later that day, Sarah was in her room resting when she heard a knock, she opened only to see Steve right at her front door.

Steve what are you doing here and how did you even know that am here? She asked Steve, Did you track me? Or hack this neighborhood CCTV? Steve is a hacker.

She paused when she sees that Steve isn't answering any of her questions.

Tracy, what are you doing here? Steve asked!

She already forgot that's her real name as she is so engrossed with her new identity.

Oh Steve, please call me Sarah.

Steve reiterated, Oh Tracy don't give me that and just answer my questions.

I promised your father to protect you and never let you near Roland’s family.

So what the heck are you doing here? When did you even get to town? The last time I saw you, you said you want nothing to do with anything that has to do with your father!

Do You even know who Roland’s family are? Steve was angry at this point.

Save yourself the stress Steve, Sarah replied.

I'm here to take revenge for how my father was treated and also have his name cleared and yes I knew who Roland’s family are, They are behind all the atrocities that my father was locked up for.

And Steve, Dont even try to talk me out of this because my plans are already in motion.

You can decide to help me or stay out of this! She said on top of her voice.

Tracy uhhhm Sarah, Do You really want to do this? Steve asked! Yes, Sarah Replied.

Then I can't let you do this yourself, Tell Me What Your Plans Are and let's work it true.

I can't just watch them and do nothing, bob was my mentor and for what he went through, I can't forgive them for this!

Sarah was happy that she got someone on her side and happily relay all her plans to Steve.

So Tomorrow, The Roland’s are going to celebrate their company anniversary in their compound with all his family in attendance, Sarah said

Yeah okay, so what are you going to do tomorrow? Steve asked!

Well, am going to try and get close to Wilson, Sarah Replied!

Oh that's Roland’s first Son, Says Steve.

Yes, that's true, Sarah replied! So getting close you mean flirting with him? Steve asked

No, that will be too quick and suspicious, don't worry Steve, Wilson is going to want to be my friend after our meeting tomorrow. Sarah said!


Sarah, please be careful. Steve said as he relief a sign and worrying look at Sarah's face. You know what John Roland can do to an enemy if he smells one.

You can still think this true Sarah, It's not too late. Steve looked so worried.

Don't worry Steve, Everything is going to work perfectly as planned.

I hope so! Sarah????? Steve said

Sarah Stone, She quickly replied!

Steve nods and looked at Sarah one more time as he decided to Leave for his house.

And one more thing, if you need anything or anything happened , do not hesitate to text or call me. Steve said!

Sarah Nods and bid him goodnight as Steve exit the room.

Sarah went to her bed and started to imagine how tomorrow is going to be for her and reviewing how to execute her plan for tomorrow, she looked at her father's picture where he carried her on his shoulder when she was young and remember how her father used to play with her in their home. She snapped out of the thought to said to the picture, Dad I will clear your name and expose John Roland for the evil they are.

She then off her room light and sleep off!!!!

The next morning, Sarah got dressed and went over to Steve house, as she got to the door, she knocked .

Steve opened the door and saw how ready she is for the event holding at the Roland’s home. He then nods and said, Hey you ready?

Sarah Replied Yes!

Steve gave Sarah all she needed and also got dressed to attend the event, tho they didn't go together and Steve as well is well known in the city but nobody knows his closeness with Bob Taylor. !