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Her Biggest Downfall

Her Biggest Downfall

Auteur: KhayCee

En cours


Her Biggest Downfall PDF Free Download


Ji Hyo loves Jong kook through out her life. Eversince she knew him, she knew that he is the one. She's an actress, love by everyone except Jong Kook who only sees her as a sister. And she will do everything to make Jong Kook falls all over her.

Chapter 1

  "Cut!" As I heard the signal I stopped myself from crying. I was crying so much and I guess the director was satisfied of my acting.

  "Ji Hyo my dear! You are such a good actress! How can you cry so fast and deliver those lines so perfectly?" The director praises me.

  I smiled and thank him. I wouldn't have done it without my co-actors. I bid my goodbye for everyone and to my staff who assisted me very well. I was really tired so I closed my eyes for a moment until I heard my phone ringing.

  It was Somin.

  "Ji Hyo!!!! O to M to the G!!! You would not believe this news!!"

  "If it is about Kookie. Let me hear it."

  "It is about JK! He introduced her girlfriend to his friends and apparently he is really serious and have plans to propose!"

  I couldn't believe what I've just heard.

  "You're kidding"

  "I'm not!! Sechan told this to me. Why would Jong Kook propose to her? Like he only knew about the girl for like weeks or months?" She said like it was a matter of fact tone.

  "Let me call Kookie to confirm that. That Kookie doesn't know that he only belongs to me!"

  "Okay Sissy! I got your back! Call me afterwards if you're not fine okay?"

  "Okay. I love you"

  She replied and we ended the call. I went to my contacts then found his name, saved as Kookie.

  It took him five rings to answer my call.


  "Oh Ji Hyo you called. What is it?"

  "I heard you have a girlfriend. Care to explain?"

  "I do have a girlfriend. And why should I explain that to you?"

  "I am your girlfriend! I already announce that to everyone. All of our friends knew that, even your mom and dad loves me"

  "Stop doing that Ji Hyo. Everyone knows that I see you only as a sister. I'm serious this time and stop doing any antics just to scare away my girlfriends just like what you did to any of my ex-girlfriends."

  "Kookie. You are mine. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

  He ended the call just like that. I almost cry while talking to him. He is such a meanie. I remember that I did do such things in the past for his ex-girlfriends well they are meanie and I don't think they deserve Jong Kook as much as I deserve him.

  He deserves better. He deserves me. I am the only one who knows him so well.

  Jong Kook and I know each other long before we know. And since we were a kid I knew from there on that I like him. No scratch that. I love him.