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Auteur: Zemira Fortunatus





Faith Hoewar, a savvy businessperson known for being cold and untouched by anyone, never expected to be trapped in a marriage with a beautiful doctor named Kasih Alayah. Initially, Faith desperately wanted to reject this arranged marriage. However, she couldn't do anything because her grandmother was seriously ill. Her grandmother wished for Faith to marry as soon as possible and give her a great-grandchild. Coincidentally, the doctor caring for Grandma Meri's illness was Dr. Kasih. Dr. Kasih couldn't refuse the arranged marriage due to her family's frequent assistance from the kind-hearted Grandma Meri. Will their marriage be successful? Especially when they don't love each other. Moreover, Faith despises women more than anything in the world. "Can Kasih bring love into Faith's heart? Or will they have to part ways?"

Chapter 1

In a hospital in central Jakarta, a beautiful and friendly doctor is seen accompanying an older woman in the garden next to the hospital. They appear very close, and the kind doctor patiently feeds the older woman, even though she sometimes refuses the food.

"Oma ... Oma, it would help if you get more to recover quickly. Then, when you're better, you can go back home," Dr. Kasih gently persuades while she's with Oma Meri.

Oma Meri, however, responds angrily, "Why should I get better? I don't want to get better! It's pointless. No one cares about me except you and your family, Oma."

"Oma, please don't say that. It's not good ... you'll only get sicker. Kasih doesn't want anything to happen to you. Kasih cares for you deeply. Even if others don't care about your health, there's still Kasih here who will always take care of you. Kasih hopes you'll get well soon," the doctor says to Oma Meri, trying to comfort her.

The doctor's name is Kasih Alayah, a beautiful and kind-hearted young woman. She's currently the doctor assigned by the hospital to care for Oma Meri, a wealthy older woman.

Oma Meri Hoewar, an elderly and frail woman, is a commissioner for several large companies in Jakarta. Her busy, business-minded family doesn't have time to care for her health. They have entrusted Kasih's parents, who work at the Hoewar residence, with caring for Oma Meri's needs, both at their spacious home and in the hospital owned by the Hoewar family.

The Hoewar family, deeply involved in business, specifically assigned Kasih to care for Oma Meri's health. For the past year, Kasih has been providing the best care as a doctor.

Kasih, who comes from a humble background, wouldn't have been able to afford medical school on her own, as it's pretty expensive. The Hoewar family made Kasih's dream of becoming a doctor come true as a gesture of gratitude for her parents' long service in their household.

Kasih's lifelong passion for medicine makes her genuinely love her work. She enjoys every day caring for Oma Meri at the hospital.

After feeding Oma Meri, Kasih asks, "Oma, would you like to stroll in the garden?"

"Are you sure, Kasih? I feel like I'm a burden to you all the time," Oma Meri says sadly.

"Don't say that, Oma. I'm not burdened at all by taking care of you. It's my duty. I consider you like my grandmother," Kasih replies, pushing the wheelchair through the hospital's garden.

In the morning, in a tall building in New York City, a tall and athletic young man is busy in front of his laptop. Max, his assistant, brings him coffee.

"Good morning, Mr. Faith. Here's your coffee," Max says.

"Just place it on the table," Faith replies.

Faith Hoewar is Oma Meri's beloved grandson. He's busy reviewing essential documents from his clients.

Faith is the CEO of RFH Corp, a company based in New York. His father, Mr. Heru Hoewar, entrusted him with expanding the business internationally. For the last ten years, Faith has been living in New York to work on this.

However, Faith receives news that Oma, his beloved grandmother, is seriously ill. This requires him to return to Indonesia immediately.

Faith is on the phone with his mother, Mrs. Rara Hoewar, explaining everything.

"Mom, what about my work here? Should I leave it? I'm swamped right now, Mommy," Faith asks.

"Faith! What do you think is more important? Oma Meri's health or your work?" Mommy Rara asks.

"Of course, Oma Meri is more important, Mommy," Faith replies.

"If you realize that, then hurry back to Jakarta. We're all waiting for you," Mommy Rara says.

"But, Mommy, what about my work? Oh, how about Oma coming here instead?" Faith suggests.

"What did you say, Faith? Oma coming here?" Mommy Rara responds.

"Yes, Mom. Oma is coming here. I'll take her around New York," Faith says.

"Do you think Oma wants to travel there? Oma Meri is sick, Faith! Anyway, Daddy and Mommy don't care; you must return to Jakarta immediately to see Oma Meri one last time!" Mommy Rara concludes, and she abruptly hangs up.

"Damn!" Faith mutters, frustrated.

His mother's final words tear faith. Nevertheless, he deeply cares for Oma Meri and doesn't want anything wrong to happen to her. He chooses to see his grandmother, even if it means leaving his crucial work behind.

Especially after spending ten years abroad, he hasn't returned to Indonesia. They have met only a few times when Oma Meri visited him. That happened several years ago, and it seems like they haven't seen each other in a long time.

Faith instructs his assistant to find the fastest flight to Indonesia.

"Max, find the fastest flight to Jakarta," he orders.

"Understood, Boss!" Max replies, opening his laptop.

Meanwhile, Faith is concerned about how to expedite the completion of his work, which has a deadline of this week.

Indonesia, Jakarta.

"Ra, what did Faith say? Oma Meri asks, eager to know what her grandson said.

Her husband, Mr. Heru Hoewar, is also curious about Faith's response, as it could determine the fate of his business, which Faith is currently managing a major project in New York.

They are both at the hospital, precisely in the VVIP room where Oma Meri is being treated.

"Faith will be back soon, Oma. At the latest, next week, as he's finishing his work first," Mommy Rara says happily. It turns out that the mother also misses her son.

"What?" Daddy Heru exclaims, unable to believe that Faith would leave his work.

"Why are you so surprised, Heru? Aren't you happy our son is finally returning to our homeland?" Oma Meri retorts.


Oma is a term for grandmother.