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Ecstasy-Qween Boj

Ecstasy-Qween Boj



Ecstasy-Qween Boj PDF Free Download


She widened her eyes and quickly looked at the man beside her. Everything came replaying in her head: 'It's bank accounts, and you can have all the money..''Why are you such a ding-a-ling…''follow the rules...''i threw it away...''just throw them out…''I own it.' Emily began to connect the dots one by one...The man she was living with was the CEO of Empire World Corporation. No wonder he looked familiar when she set her eyes on him the first time… no wonder he was always so arrogant… no wonder he seemed inhuman—he was a powerful man.

Chapter 1

"Aisshhh!...Nothing works out perfectly for me." Emily pouted her lips and threw the soju she was trying to open away.

"Hhsss..." She inhaled as she propped herself up on her elbows.

She stared at the mirror and clicked her tongue. "tsk tsk tsk."

"You are such a failure Emily." She let out a small smile.

"Ahhh,it's a good thing I got dumped today." She nodded her head vigorously.

She stood up from the chair and grabbed a sweater from her closet,she wore her slippers,took her earmuffs and took her last cash from her purse before walking out of her studio apartment.She had decided to visit a bar for a cocktail shake.

At a certain corporation,the conference room was cold as usual,not because the air conditioners were on,but because the CEO of Empire World was not in a good mood as usual.He had never been in a good mood but it seemed his mood that day was critically worst.He had kept the officials in the room for good four hours straight.Even though some of the officials were older than him,they dared not complain.

Considering the fact that the ACs were on and functioning perfectly well,everyone in the conference room were supposed to be freezing from cold but the reverse was the case.The officials,Noah,the CEO's personal asisstant included were sweating profusely like they were on the hot seat.

Joel lazily placed his left elbow on the arm of the office chair he was sitted on and slightly raised his left hand in the air where he sat at the far end of the conference table.And then,on the cue,Noah stopped reading.

'Thank you Lord Jesus.' Noah cried innerly.He had been reading non—stop for hours.

"That's all for today." Even though Joel's voice sounded cool,it still made the officials shiver in their seats.There was that cold aura his voice had.Even himself.

He lazily stood up on his feet,buttoned his well ironed tuxedo and took long strides out of the room.

The officials quickly stood up on their feet and bowed.They dared not look in his face even though he wasn't looking at any of them.And even if they wanted to,his cold aura wouldn't let them.They all had their eyes on their scripts till Joel left the room.

Noah quickly arranged the blue scripts he had been reading and trailed behind his boss.

Immediately the officials were sure that the CEO and his assistant had left the room,they swiftly packed their documents and scrammed out of the room in different directions.Some of them were already trembling from starvation.

The few people that met Joel on their way in the company bowed their heads,the cold aura coming from him making them fidget uncontrollably.

Joel got in his elevator and just when it was about to slid close,his assistant ran in.

'boss' legs are always too fast.oh! life is so unfair to me!.' Noah cried in his mind.

Immediately the elevator reached the ground floor,Joel took long strides out of the building and headed towards his car with his personal assistant run—walking behind him.Something flashed through Joel's eyes and he stopped abrubtly.

Noah who didn't know his boss was going to stop so suddenly,ran right into him.

Joel turned around and swept his cold gaze over Noah.

"I—am—s—sorry s—sir." Noah stuttered,breaking into cold sweats.He quickly bowed his head.

"Hand over my car key." Joel ordered as he stared expressionlessly at his assistant.

"S—s—ss—sir?" Noah stuttered,his face to the ground as he dared not look at his boss,the CEO of EMPIRE WORLD in the eyes.

Joel's face darkened.

Noah quickly gulped,even though he wasn't looking at his boss in the face,the sudden cold he felt told it all. *DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF*...

Noah hastily brought out the car key in his pocket and handed it over to his boss.

With a swift movement of his hand,Joel grabbed the key from Noah and got in the uniquely parked benz.

Noah bowed. "Good night boss"

The screeching of the car moving out of Empire World onto the tarred road of Seoul replied Noah.

Noah raised his head and opened his mouth.He shook his head.

'my boss is....' he waved it off.

"Y—yo—you need to seeee t—th—the way he y—yelled at meee." Emily belched.

"Oh...such a loss.." her life saver shook his head.

She had been attacked in the bar by a gang who had wanted to harass her and luckily,a guy had saved her from them.She had then decided to take her time to tell him about her breakup since she was very drunk and had no one else to tell.

"" She stared drunkily at the guy.

"I don't mean you.I mean the guy...he lost such a pretty lady." her lifesaver smiled.

"Yeah ..heee e—ev—even called m—meeee ugly...tsk tsk tsk." Emily clicked her tongue.

"Hmph.He's blind." her lifesaver grinned.

"Exactly!..even t—the blind ma—man can see that I am very—very beauti—ful!" Emily propped herself up on her left elbow.

Her life saver raised his brow and stood up.

"I have to go now miss." He smiled down at drunk beauty.

"Ahhh...arasso." Emily nodded her head.

"May I know your name miss?" her lifesaver asked.

"Emily." Emily smiled.

"Thank you Miss Emily,bye." her lifesaver smiled and walked out of the bar.

After her lifesaver left,Emily drank more liquor for a while before she decided to take her leave.

"Ahhh..I better s—sstart going tooo." She staggered to her feet and blindly,she found her way out of the bar.

Emily hadn't walked ten steps when she felt a very stinging pain around her arm and slumped on the road.

"What the fuck." Joel cursed silently and lazily,he stepped out of his car.He checked his bonnet and wing to see if they had any scratch.After he was satisfied that his car had no scratches on it,he heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked down at the body on the ground and squatted beside the girl.He noticed that she was already unconscious and carried her in a bridal style.He placed her in the backseat of his car,got in the car and drove off.

After driving for sometime,he found a hospital by the roadside and parked his car.He stepped out of the driver's seat,opened the backseat and carried the girl out of the car.

Joel took long strides into the hospital and handed the girl over to first nurse that came his way.

The nurses at the reception had never in their life imagined seeing their city's sweetheart in their hospital.They couldn't help but keep gasping and whispering amongst themselves as soon as they saw Joel Manchester step in.