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Trapped with him

Trapped with him

Auteur: Don yeon

En cours


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Joyce played a dare game with her friends and she was told to kiss the famous Rich boy from their school and not just that, they told her to bring evidence or pay ten thousand dollars as penalty. But instead of a kiss she got herself a husband and unwanted marriage. Two months later she ran away from her husband with a pregnancy and few years later she came to work in her husband's company without knowing.

Chapter 1

  " Where in the world is the God damned man, does he ever go home" Joyce muttered to herself as she squatted beside a car in front of the paradise night club.

  She wouldn't be here if not for that stupid dare she made with Jamie and her friends. After this one she would never make a bet again in her life she swore.

  Joyce looked at the time on the screen of her phone and it was 1 am in the morning, she sighed and continues waiting for the target.

  Actually Joyce has no idea what waya sheng looks like. She has never met the legendary Playboy who has stolen the hearts of all the girls on the campus. But Joyce was very sure that no matter what he looks like she would not want that bunch of trouble in her life.

  Joyce regretted making that bet again for the hundredth time that night. The bet was that she has to kiss the handsome waya and take a picture or video of it as evidence or pay ten thousand dollars, and of course she chose to kiss waya sheng because she doesn't have any money to pay them or she wouldn't be here now waiting for the so called waya.

  " What are you doing?" someone whispered softly in Joyce's ear and she jumped in surprise, she turned around and saw a very handsome face leaning very close to her face.

  Joyce stared at the most beautiful face she has ever seen and forgot herself for a while." Hey you, please come back to planet Earth" The stranger said as he snapped his fingers at Joyce. "Uhhm who are you" she asked him when she finally found her voice.

  " Oh me?, I am just somebody" waya sheng answered as he looked at the woman in front of him. Is it that this woman does not really know him or is she just pretending, waya wondered to himself. He has been chased by girls all throughout his life. Is there really a woman in this whole city that does not know me?

  " What are you doing here?" the woman asked again. With the confused and unhappy expression on the woman's face waya sheng concluded that the woman in front of him might not really know him or else she wouldn't have wasted time to seduce him. What woman wouldn't put on her best smile and attitude to impress him, but this one is actually frowning at him?.

  "That was my question remember?" Waya sheng answered back. " What, can't I be here?, Joyce wondered. " What does it have to do with you?" She asked back.

  "Why do you keep answering my questions with questions?"

  " Why can't I do that?" Is it against the law?' waya asked again. She could see that the man is doing a great job trying to suppress his rising frustration with the way she talks back but she doesn't care. She only wants to bore the man and get him to leave so she can concentrate on her mission.

  Though the man is very handsome but she doesn't have the time to admire handsome men this night. She has ten thousand dollars at stake and she knows that she can't get it by looking at handsome faces.

  Waya had decided to go back to his house since the club was so boring today. He was not interested in all the girls that never gets tired of throwing themselves at him. He just had a few drinks with his friends and decided to go home when he saw a woman squatting beside his car.

  At first waya thought that it might be another oneof those girls trying to get on his bed but when he bent down beside the woman he found out that she was not dressed like a person coming to seduce him. She was wearing a jeans trousers and also a sweater that covers everything up to her neck. He was a little disappointed that he couldn't see any layer of skin when he saw the beautiful face.

  "Are you looking for someone?" Waya decided to try again. I might be able to help you out with that, he added. Joyce looked at the man and thought for a while. She doesn't know this waya guy. She only recognized his car because her friend had shown it to her before she left her in front of the club, and that is why she was here waiting for the owner.

  " Do you know waya sheng ?" She asked him. Waya frowned a little, so she is like the other girls, and here am I thinking she was different, waya thought.

  " Why do you want to see him?" Waya asked

  " Do you know him or not?, you don't have to know why I want to meet him" she answered

  " I have to know why you are looking for him, I can't just tell you about him without knowing the reason you want to meet him, he said.

  " Ok fine, I will tell you" " I have to kiss him tonight, I can't go back tonight unless I kiss him, with evidence too".