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Auteur: Bossbaby

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Preternatural PDF Free Download


Having slept peacefully after relishing a bowl of noodles, Stokes Pritchard wakes up in a strange cave, his head being dipped inside a basin of water. The stranger was trying to suffocate him, he struggled to no avail till he was saved from a near death experience by two unknown people. Don McIntyre was one of them why Ruby Garfield was the other; these two survivors didn't know how they got to the strange cave either, this made the whole matter complicated and difficult to assimilate for Stokes Pritchard. He could still remember vividly how he slept off under his much loved ceiling fan after filling his stomach with homemade noodles. How could he have gotten here without waking up? The cave looks dangerous, if he would want answers he had to stay alive. Still trying to get the hang of what was going on, sounds suddenly came from underneath the cave, Don McIntyre and Ruby Garfield got their weapons and stayed alert. Stokes Pritchard was confused, what was coming? There wasn't any other weapon nearby except the basin which could do no harm, his heart raced and his body trembled, suddenly a creature jumped into the cave.....

Chapter 1



  I gasped for breath and tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, it was as if someone was choking the life out of me, I struggled on, but I still could barely breathe. It felt as if water was being emptied on my face with a towel tied around it. I tried to hold the person or whoever was doing it but my hands grasped thin air, my eyes where shut as if glued together, the more I struggled the less I could Breathe, then suddenly my eyes popped open, I was hoping to see my ceiling fan or the dim blue light in my room, but what I saw only increased my fear.

  My head was dipped into a basin of water, I could feel the strong and rough hands holding my neck inside the basin, I opened my mouth in the water to take a little air since I couldn't breathe through my nose.

  "What was happening?" "Where was I?"

  "Why are they trying to kill me?"

  All those questions ran through my brain. I clearly remembered I slept off after having a nice dinner of noodles and sardine; I had lay under my sweet ceiling fan that gave me the ventilation to put my stress away.

  How the fuck is someone is dipping my head inside a basin? How can I be carried and get my head dipped inside a basin without waking up.

  All those questions were unanswerable now, my life force was being taking away from me, I couldn't struggle anymore, the hand softened around my neck, all I could see now was the bottom of the basin, the silver shiny color were turning to black. suddenly I heard a sharp sound and the hands holding my head released it immediately.

  Even as the hand had released me I couldn't bring myself to stand , there wasn't any more strength left in me, moments later I felt hands, the hands dragged me out and laid me on the floor, everywhere was blurry, It was becoming clearer Little by little, I was praying to see my ceiling fan this time but all I could see was a guy together with a girl, they were saying something to me but I couldn't hear, slapping my cheek and performing the first aid like stuff on my chest, suddenly a huge amount of water gushed out of my mouth and all my senses returned with it, as if the water had been holding it back, I could hear them now, they were saying ;

  "Wake up, Wake up, and Stay alive "

  But I wasn't supposed to be awake, not in this place, I said in my mind.

  I coughed, so they knew I was back to life. I looked at the guy cautiously and then at the girl, they were stained with green dark liquid that and mixed with their blood forming an unknown color, the Guy's singlet was stained with the green liquid, his shirt was probably what the girl was putting on as it oversized her.

  "My name is Don", “Don McIntyre,”

  He said extending his hands to help me up, I didn't reply, still surprised at all what was happening, he didn't seem to bother about my reply, he continued.

  "This is Ruby Garfield",

  “She appeared here also, sometime ago, those things were trying to drown her in the basin as they did to you,”

  He was pointing at a creature that was human like, its fingers were only four, and it was like a cocks own, with sharp nails stained with blood, its head was round with one eye in the middle and a venomous tongue. Two horns came out of its head, front and back like it was stabbed on the fore head with a wood sharped at both edges.

  My heart jumped at the sight of it, was that the thing trying to drown me? I looked at the girl, she wore a white Jean stained with the green liquid and thorn severally, probably by those creatures fingers, her hair was loosed flowing down to her shoulders, now wasn't the time to admire a girl, I said in my mind.

  "What am I doing here?”

  I finally asked, Don Gaze shifted from the creature to me when he heard my voice. "We could ask you the same question new guy."

  He replied smiling, how he could still smile, was a mystery to me .

  "I mean how did I get here?"

  "We don't know how we got here either", the girl snapped, looking down at the lifeless creature.

  My confusion increased to the next level, I now realized we were inside a cave, there was an opening that brought light into the cave, I ran towards the opening, only to hear Don voice behind me;

  “It's not what you think it is”

  I ignored him till I reached the opening, we were in a cave inside a big mountain, I couldn't see the bottom of the mountain and there was no sky above, everything was just white, like a mist covered everywhere.

  "How the fuck did I get here”

  I murmured and sat down laying my head against a rock,

  "This is beyond my comprehension,” I thought.

  "So do you want to tell us your name?" The girl voice jolted me back from my thoughts.

  “My name......"my name is Stokes. Stokes Pritchard,"

  “Why are we here and why are you guys so calm knowing fully well you don't know how you got here either.”

  Don looked at me and smiled,

  “we had to face it, what's happening now is beyond our comprehension, don't try to think how it happened, believe me I did that for some time since it never gets dark here I don't know how many days, I adapted to this place after giving up on trying to find out how I got here, we need to stay alive, that's the only way we can finally get an answer to all this, and to stay alive you need to stop thinking, stop trying to comprehend what has happened, just concentrate on staying alive, luckily we don't get hungry in this place, he said still smiling.”

  Just as I was trying to assimilate all what Don had said, a loud noise came from beneath the mountains....

  To be continued....