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Ripper Of The Pitts

Ripper Of The Pitts

Auteur: Ripperman

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Ripper Of The Pitts PDF Free Download


Welcome to the Pitts, a mega-city housing humanity rejected, mutant-kind. In the Pitts, there is no such thing as law and order. Here gangs rule and fight each other for territory. Experience the tale of the Ripper, a infamous mercenary working for one of the many gang bosses of the Pitts. Follow his story which will take him throughout the different regions of the Pitts, meeting the many races dwelling in the dying city and shake the world to it's very core. Content warning: this story contains scenes of violence and sexual activity, which some people may find uncomfortable.

Chapter 1

Gazing down from darken clouds hanging like curtain above a stage, we see an ancient city. Welcome to the city of Dis, a mega city and the last of its kind, home to over one hundred million souls all trapped behind its towering high walls, for protection? Or for containment?


The city of Dis covers tens of thousands of square kilometres in all directions, a near endless mass of towering buildings and highways spread far into the horizon, but in truth this city is divided.


Split into three regions so diverse from each other that they are considered cities in their own right and those cities are Paradiso, Limbo, and the Pitts, where this tale takes place.

A thick layer of deadly grey smog hangs over us, birthed from distant factory of old. Towering stone-black skyscrapers breach the smog layer, reaching high into the heavens like hands begging for salvation but no matter how high they go, they will never a clear sky, for none exist.


Welcome to the Pitts, a massive urban jungle housing tens of millions of people. The streets below bustle with movement, the denizens of this city live out a meagre existence, surviving but not thriving and doing whatever they can do to live their lives as comfortably as they can.


Zooming onto the busy streets we see a middle-aged man in a lab coat, walking down a crowded street. However, he isn’t like you and I, he is a Mutant.


Yes, a Mutant, a freak, the product of a bygone age created by Humanity and he isn’t the only one because here as in the Pitts, everyone is a mutant. The people of the Pitts are a horrible mix of different peoples with some looking very human while others look to be a unholy union of man and beast.


Hence the old saying “ a mutant is just an animal given human form “. However, Humanity grew to hate their creations and cast them away to live in squalor within the mega slum we call the Pitts.


Returning to the middle-aged man walking down the street, we see he is a bunny mutant.


The bunnies are a common race found throughout the Pitts with males standing an average of 183cm while females stands around 170cm in height. Bunnies bare rabbit-like features, such as having long rabbit ears and patches of fur covering their backs, arms and legs which can range from black to brown and white.


However, besides that they look very human looking with light skin and small frames. This particular bunny is of white fur with light skin and a tired face with sad brown eyes. He is dressed in what seems to be formal ware with a green vest and dark brown pants with black shoes.


All these in addition with his lab coat, we can clearly see he is a doctor.


As the doctor walks down the busy streets we can see other mutants heading home to rest and to be with their loved ones. While others are heading to work, to slave away their lives for long hours in ancient factories or wasting their time running shops, selling goods at marked up prices. But some others are just walking for the sake of walking with no hope or purpose because stopping would mean they have accepted death.


However, a few are lucky enough to be educated to be able to land an specialist job like our good doctor. As he walks the doctor is constantly checks behind him, almost as if he’s being hunted by something but by what it is, he just doesn’t know and not paying attention to his front he bumps into a Toros.


The Toros are a large bovine-like people found mainly within the eastern side of the Pitts, with large muscular fur covered bodies ranging from black to brown. Their face bare a remembrance to a bull and they bare long horns.


 The Toros the doctor just bumped into is a male of the species, commonly referred to as a “ Bull “.


This Bull is large with a muscular body coated by brown fur with large ebony horns. He is dressed on a white shirt with baggy brown pants and he towers over the bunny doctor, which is of no surprise since on average bulls are 2.75 metres in height, and this one is no exception.


The bunny doctor releasing what he has done nervously says “ I’m sorry I didn’t mean to..”. However the bull doesn’t care about the doctors apology as he lowers his head and staring the bunny in the eye  he say in a deep angry voice “ fuck off or I will kill you  “.


The bunny doctor having heard the message loud and clear, quickly walks away trying his best not to draw attention to himself while clutching a briefcases containing some important documents.


As we have just seen with the bunny and Toros, that the rang of mutants can vary however, regardless of how different they may be they are all regarded as mutants.


Sadly the Bulls behaviour is far too common within the Pitts as here the weaker races are at the mercy of the stronger ones because for mutants, size does matters as larger mutants dominate the smaller ones.


Here might makes right as many mutants give in more animalistic side, killing, robbing and raping as they please just like the animals they are or the monsters Humanity deems them to be.


However, besides this fact, many mutants do try to live out honest peaceful lives however, there is one group of mutants that take the cruelty of the Pitts to an extreme.


They are not bound by races, instead they are bound by a brotherhood and live by extorting, threatening and killing their fellow mutants. These mutants are gangsters.