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SHE WAS MINE- Fallen Sky

SHE WAS MINE- Fallen Sky

Auteur: Author Wizkiss

En cours


SHE WAS MINE- Fallen Sky PDF Free Download


Desmond a helpless romantic, would seek the help of a pretty, phone thief to get back his girlfriend juilet who broke up with him to follow a richer man. The pretty phone thief would agree to this, and her brilliant plan on helping Desmond get his girlfriend back is to make his girlfriend juilet jealous. How? Desmond and the phone thief would fake date. Desmond was reluctant at first but agreed to her plan at least. Along the line when by the help of the pretty phone thief plan Desmond was about to get back his girlfriend, Juliet he realized he no longer want her because he had infact fallen in love with the pretty phone thief. But then, Desmond best friend Edward who happens to be a number one playboy has eyes for the pretty phone thief and he also claims to have fallen in love with her. Two former best friends turn foes for the heart of the pretty phone thief but as the two boys do battle another suitor in the hidden place gradually tries to steal the heart of the pretty phone thief. Will Desmond, the helpless romantic end up with the phone thief? Or will his best friend the playboy get her love? Or are both friends another to lose her to this unidentified suitor? Find these out and more in this emotional, touching tale of love, betrayal and sacrifice.

Chapter 1

  Loud music kept on playing, filling the air with Afro pop beats...the whole place was crowded with people dancing and shaking their hips and waist the beats of the songs.

  As usual Desmond, a tall handsome looking college boy and his best friend Edward, who is also very quite handsome would never miss the chance to have fun on a cool Friday night.

  Infact that's the definition of their very existence....having fun and rocking life and since they got admitted into college it was as if they were thrown into an occean of fun, a new world of amazing things and they were not shy to venture into this world, they where ready to explore it to the fullest.

  Edward was with his new found girlfriend Clara, both were in the dance floor and the kind of manner at which they were dancing one can't differentiate whether they were dancing or in fact making love.

  Course Edward kept smashing his groins onto his girlfriend, Clara ass - giving her back a good rocking.

  Desmond on the other hand was riding solo tonight. This discussion was not taken by choice rather by circumstances.

  You see his heart was just recently broken, shattered to pieces by a girl who he so much love, this only happened not too long ago, a week and three days to be precise and his heart hasn't yet recovered from this.

  But a broken heart won't stop Desmond from having fun? Well If what you call fun, is sitting down alone and watching while everyone danced and rocked their partners in an erotic manner. Then I guess he is having fun...

  “ Dude come on! ”

  Edward had to yell so his friend could hear him due to the very loud music inside the club house.

  He came as to drag his best friend Desmond to the dance floor as he was frustrated seeing him sitting alone like one leper.

  “ No dude, I am cool go have fun, you don't want to keep your girlfriend waiting. ”

  Desmond said, taking his gaze Edward's direction where she was now dancing by herself.

  “ Are you sure you are okay? man you are in a party I am sure one of this girls will be willing to dance with you ” Edward said.

  “ It's okay dude, I ain't interested. But you better go back to your girlfriend, I think a dude is about to make a move on her ”

  Desmond said and Edward took his eyes to where she was dancing.

  “ shit! What! ”

  Edward exclaimed as he some other dude rocking the ass of his girlfriend with much passion.

  He quickly ran to meet them

  “ Back off dude...she is taken ” he yelled grabbing hold of his girlfriend Clara by the hand and taking her away from there.

  Desmond giggled and laughed alittle as he watched his best friend Edward fighting for a girl he knows very soon he was going to take to the dump truck.

  Yeah, Edward is a real time player, he uses girls and dump them when he was done satisfying himself.

  Sometimes Desmond wonder why it was so easy for his best friend Edward to use girls and dumped them without feeling any pain whatsoever while he is here suffering over a single girl that has probably forgotten about him...

  As he was in his thoughts, he caught something that got his attention.

  “ Ja-net ”

  Desmond muttered, as he saw his ex girlfriend coming into the club with a boy on dreadlocks, the boy had his hands on Janet buttocks as they move to the dance floor.

  She left me for him? Desmond thought not impressed at the guy he was seeing.

  He is much more handsome than him and he treated her nicely when they were together, infact Desmond treated her like a queen. So what made her broke up with him to be with this ugly boy he was seeing?

  It didn't take too long before his heart started beating really fast with anger and pain as he watched on as the girl he was madly in love was in the arms of another, getting ass rocked and breaṣts squeezed. The dude was treating her like a slut and that angered him so much.

  But the emotioner pains was much on Desmond, he felt like crying, all the emotions and feelings of heart break just came back to him in tenfold, that it was getting difficult for him n to breath properly, he's heart was really hurting.

  So he stood up and ran to the restroom passing a number of people making out on his way to the restroom as the tears were threatening to burst fort from his eyes.

  When inside the restroom where he was sure no one could see him, he burst out in deep, sorrowful cry, resting on the door behind him.

  And gradually his back slide down the door until his butt was sitting on the tiled floor on the toilet.

  Folding himself, he sat there on the not too clean toilet floor sobbing and wishing the pains he feels in his heart would go away.

  “ why... I still love hurts so much __ ” He was interupted by the banging on the door.

  “ Desmond!! Desmond!! Open the door Desmond!”

  Edward called out at the other side of the door.

  “ leave me alone!! Go away!! Just leave me alone, I want to be left alone!! Gooooo!! ”

  Desmond yelled with tears in his voice.

  “ Dude you are seriously embracing me here. What's wrong with you man!Why are you acting like a baby?.Man up and get out of that place it stinks for Christ sakes! ”

  Edward yelled trying to put some sense into his best friend head.

  “ I am okay here, just leave me alone okay! At least I have found something that stinks just as my life ” Desmond said and Edward sighed.

  “ come on man stop being melodramatic... It's not as if someone died, you just got dumped..everyone gets dumped everyday.

  Look at her, she is our there having fun, she has totally forgotten about you and you are here killing yourself.

  You think by crying and making a fool out of yourself will make her come back to you? No man, it will only make you look desperate and trust me no girl wants to be with a desperate guy ”

  Edward said.

  “ I know...she still loves me I jus__ ”

  “ Noooo she doesn't man, the earlier you realize this the better for you... She might have even forgotten your name even, and ask yourself is there anything like love? The answer is No, it doesn't exist anymore.

  Everyone just wants to have fun that's what am doing with Clara also, when I am done having fun with her I dump her. Seriously man you have to come out its weird talking to a door, people will start to think I am running mad or something ”

  Edward said, then the door started opening up slowly

  Revealing Desmond who was now standing, cleaning his tears with his palms

  “ She doesn't love me anymore? ”

  He asked again like a child who they had just told Santa Claus wasn't real.

  “ Man, she might have not even loved you from the beginning to start with. ” Edward said taking a deep breath “ you see girls like Janet are only after two things.. Money and catching Fun, you where a lot of fun until you started wanting to make things serious I guess that's why she left you. ”

  “ wihat? Are you saying because I wanted to make our relationship serious that's why she dumped me? ” Desmond asked looking shocked.

  “ Well, that's part of it and you saw that guy she came in with? ”

  “ yeah... I saw him the ugly guy with the dreads ” Desmond said in a frown.

  “ Okay well the guy is a real G-boy

internet fraudster

He has lots of cash man, you can't compete with that man.

  So please just face the reality. You guys had fun but it's time to let her go man. ”

  Edward said and just then his girlfriend Clara came to the scene.

  “ baby have been looking all over for you, they are playing my favorite song. Let's go and rock hard. ”

  She said sounding excited.

  “ Wow! Really? I am coming baby ” Edward said to her then “ I told you, it's all about the fun "

  He whispered to Desmond with a wink of the eye before leaving with his girlfriend Clara.

  “ I have to let her go, I have to get over her " Desmond said inwardly to himself.

  “ God what have this girl done to me! ” He said alittle bit loudly this time as he was just frustrated on why it seemed he can't forget about her.

  Those eyes of hers? those lips? Those sexy body of hers?

  “ I just have to stop thinking about it. ” Desmond said to himself, this time determined to finally get over his feelings for her.

  So he walked back out to the dance floor...

  Janet and his new boyfriend were still dancing and Desmond eyes was still on them.

  Janet new boyfriend was now placing his hands on her butt ssqueezing it.

  Goshhh I can't do this... I have to take a drink, Desmond thought so he stood up and walked to the bar stand.

  “ Barman give me some shots of your strongest liquor. ”

  Desmond ordered as he was ready to drink to the point he will stagger home.


  minutes later

  Desmond was dead drunk!

  “ Ja- net janettttt.. ”

  he called out totally drunk as he walking in a zigzag, uncoordinated manner.

  “ I... Love.. Her.. But..”

  He kept saying bunch of rubbish as he laughed uncontrollably