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Lily Of The Veil

Lily Of The Veil

Auteur: WritingForMortals

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Lily Of The Veil PDF Free Download


Trigger Warning: Please be advised this content contains: Violent Imagery, Murder, Sexual Assault, Mental Illness, Physical and Verbal Abuse, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Self Harm, Sexism and Explicit Language. A long long time ago, gods ruled the lands. But they became cocky and neglected their believers. The believers suffered terrible chaos among the lands and prayed for help. But the gods didn't answer. The believers decided to turn to Atheism and slowly the gods started to parish Until a Prophecy is told of a solution to stop the extinction of the gods. But and ultimate evil lingers around this prophecy. One day, far into the future, one girl with a tragic life will forever be changed. Note: This is being turned into a graphic novel so apologies ahead of time on any descriptively weird scenes.

Chapter 1

In a different time, very, very long ago, the Gods and Goddesses Ruled the lands. The faith and undying love from their believers made the gods and goddesses wealthy in time and riches. This made the Almighties fall to Greed’s wrath. One by one the gods got lazy, forgetting about their duties to their living creatures and preventing chaos. This caused terrible times for the people who loved and worshipped their Almighties. In the end this caused doubt and loss of faith and love from the creatures of the lands. Without believers, One by one the gods and goddesses started to weaken and simply stopped existing. Lost to time. Lost to stories, lost to love and prosperity. Never again to be remembered.

After a few years and a lot of fighting for believers between the remaining of the Almighties, one goddess decided to seek out advice from a Realmwalker. This Realmwalker is said to have the eyes of the future that can see anyone’s fates and the heart of the past where they are able to see and feel the seekers intentions and motives. It is said that for the right price and intentions the Realmwalker will grant you one solution to your situation if desired. But it's also said that the Realmwalker is sly and can be extremely vague on the solution and how to find and or seek it.

The Goddess sought out this Realmwalker after deciding this was a desperate time of need for all the Almighties. Upon investigation and searching the lands, the goddess found a Name to the Realmwalker. He is said to go by AelBre’k Grey. The few creatures the Goddess spoke to on her travels described AelBre’k Grey as a tall man with a strong jaw, kind eyes and a body so strong he is a force to be reckoned with. The Goddess also found that he may be staying in an area nearby at one of the Inns while on their travels.



The goddess appears outside the small towns walls and makes her way inside. It looked like a small town with dark secrets, most of the street lamps had already gone out causing an earieness about the town. Suddenly the goddess hears a howl in the distance.

"Weird." She thought.

As she got closer to the gates, she noticed a window upon the middle of the main gates. The goddess gave a thunderous rap against the enormous door.

A moment late someone slid the window open, huffed out a lowly "one moment maiden." The goddess hears some clanking and the door in front of her starts to open. The Man behind the door, was older with salt pepper hair and tired gold eyes. His skin was greying and I noticed a set of larger canines when he spoke. Possibly a elder oark.

"State your business, maiden" the gatekeeper flightedly exclaimed.

The goddess replied "I look for shelter for the night and a warm meal sir gate keeper."

The gatekeeper looked closely at the goddess before deciding to let her pass.

"Find shelter immediately, a pretty maiden like yourself shouldn't be walking around after nightfall." He clambered as we waved goodbye.

At first no one notices her, and she is glad for this. She quickly tries to find a cloak to cover her weapon and lavish dress of silver and lavender. She finds one and quickly throws a barter coin to the stands tender. She then finds the Inn towards the center of town. The Inn was stuffed between a whore house and a funeral home. It looked rough and aged. The sign on the inn read "Last Drinks At the ‘Inn’ of the World." It was painted black with golden lettering with an image of a ruined world beneath the letters. The goddess walked into the Inn and took a seat at the bar pulling her hood down close.

Barkeep: *Taps counter* “What will it be, Miss?”

Goddess: “Gin and Information!” *The goddess says in a low voice, she tilts her head slightly upwards to meet the gaze of the barkeep*

Goddess: “I'll make it worth your wildest dreams, barkeep.” *throwing a gold coin

The coin was gold with a shield and heart barren on the face

, she observed the barkeeps face twist into interest*

Barkeep: *with a twisted smile* “I'll get you that Gin and we can talk”

A short while later the barkeep bounds back with the goddesses Gin.

Barkeep: “So how may I lend you, my services Goddess?”

Goddess: “I’m seeking the RealmWalker and my sources have led me here….”*an uncomfortable brief silence in a room of chaos descends upon the scene* “Barkeep, is the RealmWalker staying here? I seek his services and I don’t intend to give up until I am able to speak with him.”

Barkeep: *feigning ignorance for a moment retorts* “what RealmWalker do you speak of goddess? They are heard to be just a fable. A scary story for children, so why would you think one is staying here? Goddess?”

The barkeep's eyes have turned into a darker blue color and his smile contorted making his face look crooked with craze. The Goddess states with amusement and lazily retorts with a tinge of impatience…

“Barkeep, why would I come all the way down here if such a thing was just mere rumor? Why would I waste my time and energy and put myself into danger to seek a myth? Do you think of me as an ignorant woman? Now, …”

*she takes a deep breath as she realizes she started to curl into anger and spite, she straightens herself up*

“I'll ask again, Is the RealmWalker, AelBre’k Grey, indeed staying at this Inn and if so I urge you not to say another word and to immediately let him know I, Goddess Of Wrath and Beauty, seek audience with him for a Perales matter”

*She watched the rigid and stunned barkeep stumble as he rushed to relay the goddesses request*

A short time later the barkeep walks briskly back towards the goddess.

Barkeep: *with eyes now emotionless and a face that resemble the emotion of concrete, the barkeep lowly said* “Follow me and keep quiet”

The barkeep motions towards the back of the room, at the back was a dark and dreary hall. The goddess, hand on blade and at the ready, follows the barkeep. The hall was dark, and damp and you could smell urine and facies in the air along with vomit and filth. The sound of yelling, sex and an ominous dripping scattered across the stale air. They came to a large door that bore a large 6 in iron upon it. The door looked heavy like oak. The barkeep wrapped on the door, hard, 3 times. It echoed through the hall. Four heavy footsteps crossed the room and slowly opened the door.

Door: * in a deep voice behind the door a low growl escaped* “Come In!”

The goddess without hesitation stepped foot into the door and it closed behind her with a soft thud as the barkeep was left alone in the dark hall.

Upon inspection the goddess noticed the room had low light and bared a bed with satin red sheets near the window, a chest that looked heavy sat at the end of the bed. Next to the bed there stood a nightstand with an oil lamp lit upon it. Across the room near the door stood a table and 2 chairs that all looked of oak as well. Cards laid strewn across the table as if a game were interrupted. The goddess did not care. She turned around to address the man.

Goddess: “Aelbre’k Grey, I seek a solution from you…. Will you be of counsel?”

A silence fell upon the room as Aelbre’k and the goddess studied each other for a moment.

Aelbre’k: “What kind of counsel do you seek? What problem do you face to where you need a solution Goddess?”

Goddess: “The Almighties are a dying breed of Immortals as you may already be aware of Aelbre’k. I seek a path, a solution to bring faith and peace back to the lands and restore the extinction of my kind, the almighties, back into a existence.”

Aelbre’k “why would I look for such a solution when it was the almighties own faults that caused the great disappearance of the Almighties across the lands in the first place?”

*Aelbre’k looked at the goddess with an emotionless expression but his eyes she noticed showed all the emotion that he stored deep down, and it showed something deep she did not recognize*

Aelbre’k: “Why, now, do you truly care when you haven’t for so long?”

Goddess: “Because ….” *She looked down for a moment lost in thought as sadness crossed her face for a moment. She snapped her head up quickly with anger in her eyes.

Goddess: “Aelbre’k, I have to follow this path to the end, please help me?” *she quickly looked away as she held out a bag of gold towards Aelbre’k. *

Aelbre’k looked at the goddess and then at the satchel the goddess was holding out towards him. He sighs and softly pushes the bag of coins back to the goddess. She looks at him in slight confusion.

Aelbre’k: *with a soft look but a deep stern voice*

“Goddess, I will help you towards what you seek. I can feel your passion and relentlessness for what you believe in for this cause. Please, Goddess, Do Not underestimate me as a fool or weak compared to your Almighty powers.”

*He pauses for a moment while studying the goddess. She had to be only a mere 5’8” with dark brown hair that curled slightly at the ends. Her eyes showed a deep passion and fire within her. Paired was a defined nose and soft red lips on a creamy colored skin. She looked strong as she gripped her sacred sword at her hip. She looked elegant and nearing impatient*

Aelbre’k: “Goddess, come and sit at the table with me”