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Infernal Incarnation: Asmodeus To Ari

Infernal Incarnation: Asmodeus To Ari

Auteur: G. D. Retana

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Infernal Incarnation: Asmodeus To Ari PDF Free Download


Ari doesn't know it yet, but they are Asmodeus reincarnated. They had signed a soul contract to have their memories and knowledge hidden from them as they embark on this journey. Another lifetime. Asmodeus (Ari) viewed all of the possible timelines and personally chose the lessons they wanted to learn as part of their human experience. However, he had elected to not know the outcome of what they were signing up for in advance. Afterall, how bad can going through a human lifetime be?

Chapter 1

The existence of one’s soul or consciousness before birth and after death is a topic that has been contemplated and debated since the beginning of time. The truth is, no one who is existing in this plane, within this universe, on this timeline can tell with any accuracy. Although some have gotten really close, what with string theory, theories about the multiverse and theories about the world humans live in actually being a holographic simulation. The truth lies somewhere in the middle of all of the available theories. There are currently 42 active timelines within this universe and this universe is part of a larger multiverse.

Additionally, the fabric of space and time is slightly different in each of the universes that make up the multiverse. There is also a master creator that exists outside of all time and space, who has access to all multiverses, universes and each of the timelines. Different cultures call this ultimate creator by different names, have different creation stories, beliefs and histories. However, many of them overlap and coincide with one another if looked at objectively.

You see, before humans are born, before they start their life cycles and are placed into their chosen vessels, their essence

or soul, if you will

makes a deal. This deal is known as a soul contract. Within this contract some souls agree to a clause that their soul would forfeit all of their prior knowledge and experiences before embarking on their journeys. It’s honestly not the best of deals because as soon as the deal is made, and the soul signs the contract, none of the details of the experience they are signing up for are remembered; and there are no takebacks. So, if a soul signs up to have an overall grueling experience so that they may learn lessons to help them become stronger overall, their human avatar may constantly wonder what they did to deserve such a hard life.

No specific type of soul is excluded from incarnating to have a human experience at least once. Entities, celestial beings, star seeds, and rogue travelers of the galaxies are all given a chance to experience life on earth within any of the 42 currently active timelines. There are multiple timelines, universes, deities, creators, etc. Souls are not limited to the number of times they can reincarnate. However, sometimes they are made to reincarnate even when they do not volunteer because there is something they must endure or learn for their soul to be whole. However, that’s another story for another time.

For now, let’s concentrate on Earth in timeline number 17, where celestial beings from 6 other universes volunteered to be incarnated to learn specific lessons about love, life, and loss from the human perspective.