
Allons Lire Le Monde

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Auteur: Lola Ken

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Mikael Kane is the CEO of Kane's Enterprises Inc. He has lived for decades and has died every night of his twenty- fourth birthday as a result of a curse that had been placed upon him because of his decision to cherish his heart's desire, Blair who is the daughter of a human and the ancient Greek god, Zeus. Each year, he meets Blair and they fall in love over and over again with him dying simultaneously. This becomes a tragic cycle. Mikael becomes colder and a little less humane after each death and reincarnation. When they meet again in the 21st century, with Blair as his PA, can she be courageous enough to free him from this terrible curse?

Chapter 1

First of all, I'm going to start by saying thank you for giving this book a chance. This story is a supernatural book. It could contain some angst, fluff, a lot of sass. It might get a little frustrating, but I'll need you to hold on.

I hope you'll enjoy it.

This is purely fiction, don't forget that!


I've been running away from the sun.

A girl obsessed when it's all said and done.

Cause they can't tell me that you're not the one.

So baby, come and find me.

You need to come and find me.


The underworld.

7 Centuries Ago.


               The rose gold moon glowed it's brightest tonight, the stars dotting the turquoise sky. The night was surprisingly calmer than usual. Moreso, it was somewhat eery because every creature that existed in this realm was oddly silent. In the silence of the eery night, a feminine figure sneaked out of a huge palace that housed Zeus and his household. The feminine figure stealthily climbed the surrounding fence that was twenty feet tall, not even stopping once to catch her breath. When she finally got to the top of the fence, she jumped down on the other side, landing with a feline grace. Jerking her head, from left to right, to check for signs of anyone following her, she straightened and smoothened her white tunic.

Satisfied with her quick survey, she stepped out of the darkness and began to run Eastward, her speed increasing as she ran. With the moonlight reflecting on her, her beautiful goddess- like features were exposed.

Her eyes were a bright purple, surrounded by a ring of black. Her nose was quite slender but perfectly complementing her beauty. Her lips were blood red and she had a dimple in her left cheek. Beside her left eye was a black royal sigil. Her  bright red hair hung below her waist in a single braid. She finally got to her destination, a cavern that was located near Poseidon's territory. She grabbed a torch from the side of the cavern and lit it up using her mind. As she stepped into the cavern, an excited smile curved her lips.

"Altan!" She called out.

"My love, I'm here!" She tried again. When her lover did not reply, fear started to creep into her heart. Altan was supposed to meet her there. Besides, this was their secret meeting point.



Worry blossomed in her heart and a small frown creased her smooth brows.


She panicked when a large hand covered her mouth, preventing her from making a sound. Just before she could attack, she heard a familiar drawl coming from behind her.

"Missed me, princess?"

The man behind her brought his arms around her and buried his face in the crook of her neck, a smile tugging at his lips.

The princess immediately spun around on her heels and started to playfully hit her companion with her eyes holding fondness for him.

"You idiot! Why would you sneak up on me like that?! I could have hurt you!"

He chuckled, grabbing her hands to stop her from hitting him.

"As you can see I'm perfectly fine, darling. Oh, and that reminds me. You're looking stunning, meu amor"

A pink flush bloomed over the princess' cheeks and Altan laughed, wrapping his arms around her as she buried her face in his chest.

She raised her head and kissed him deeply, her hands still positioned around him. She felt so emotional and Altan could feel it through their kiss.

"Is something wrong? You seem disturbed" he said, rubbing her arms gently.

"Just let me kiss you again, please" she whispered and he kissed her passionately.

She heaved a sigh, confirming Altan's fear.

She looked into his indigo colored eyes and brushed his black hair out of his eyes, fondly.

Her thumb began to caress the side of his face as he continued to gaze at her.

"You know I love you so much. You know that you mean so much to me, right?"

"You're starting to scare me-"

The princess silenced him by placing her finger on his lips. "You love me, don't you?" She asked and he nodded.

"I'm worried, Altan. My father wants me to marry Poseidon's first son after three moons. I don't want to. I'm scared, Altan. What if my father finds out that you, my guardian is actually my lover? I can't loose you, my love. I just can't-"

Just then, a loud bang resounded through the cavern and both lovers let out strangled gasps. They could hear angry, loud chants and footsteps heading towards them.

"No! No, this can't be happening! Altan, we need to run, now!" the princess cried and grabbed her lover's hand. Together, they began to run towards the other exit that they had created just in case something like this happens.

As soon as they stepped out of the cavern, they were paralyzed by fear because they were certainly not expecting to see Poseidon's first son standing right there with his men.

The armed men quickly separated both lovers and the princess burst into tears.

"Please leave him alone! He did nothing wrong!" She cried but all her cries fell on deaf ears.

They journeyed all the way back to Zeus' palace, Poseidon's men whipping Altan all the way.


At the palace, the king of the gods paced back and forth his anger rising by the second.

"I trusted you, Altan! I trusted you to be my daughter's guardian, not her lover, you bastard!"

"I'm sorry, sire. I love-smack"

Altan's pale cheek reddened as a result of the slap the king had given him.

"I cannot have you defile my daughter! I cannot stand the sight of you, you disgusting pig! Guards! Take him away! He must be burnt to death!"

The king ordered.

"Father! No! Please!" The princess cried as she struggled to free herself from the grip of the guards who were holding her captive.

"Take him away, now!"

Several guards took hold of Altan and began to drag him to the front of the palace. He was tied to a pole and stripped completely. The underworlders gathered around the front of the palace to watch Altan's execution.

"Any last words?" The king said, his eyes blazing fire.

"I love her. I always will"

Altan was immediately consumed by fire, his screams filling the air.

Meanwhile, the princess ran out of the palace and began to run towards the front of the palace when she heard Altan's agonized screams.

She collapsed to her knees in front of Altan's burning body, unable to do anything but whimper and cry hysterically.

"I-I love you, Athena" Altan choked out his last words and took his last breath.

Hera, Athena's stepmother stepped forward, glaring at her with disdain.

"You are cursed, Athena. You disgusting child. You have brought shame upon us. You will know what pain is soon. From now henceforth, you and Altan will relieve this day over and over again. You will fall in love with Altan and months later, he will die. This cycle will become your fate" Hera said and spat on her stepdaughter before walking away.

The rest of the underworlders began to disperse, leaving a broken Athena with her lover's burnt corpse. Shakily, she placed her hand on her stomach, more tears cascading down her pale cheeks. She was going to tell him that they were going to have a child. Now, he was gone.

It was useless now.

Clenching her jaw, she took out a silver knife from her boot. With trembling hands, she gripped it with both hands and raised it above her head.

"I'm sorry, Altan. I love you" she croaked and stabbed herself in the chest. Choking on her own blood, she collapsed on the ground.

Her blood mixed with ashes from Altan's body and she took her last breath.

The night had become silent once again, tragedy and loss hanging in the air.
