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His Revenge, Her Entanglement

His Revenge, Her Entanglement

Auteur: daizy dee



His Revenge, Her Entanglement PDF Free Download


Jeremy Ace, A young man who lives alone in a deserted hill in Houston Texas. He was only 28 years old when his wife was killed by his boss named Greg who was an arms dealer. Ace happened to have to have stoped a massacre from occuring,he was instructed to deliver a truck loaded with ammunitions. But after receiving a clue from his friend that the weapons were going to be used to attack innocent protesters. Ace didn't deliver the weapons and this made his boss angry. Ace and his family were seized and both his wife and don were killed by his boss, Greg. Ace was also forced to live in an hill far away from Houston, to be killed if seen anywhere near the town Ace was angry and he seeked revenge for the death of his wife and son. But this seemed impossible as he had no connection to the city again. Fortunately he stumbled upon an stranger who got lost, Her name was Jane Harrison. As the story progresses Jane realised that her father was responsible for the ordering of the weapons that were supposed to be used to attack the protesters. So knowing well that helping Ace would put her father in danger, Jane was left with a hard decision,either she helps Ace get his revenge or she goes and never return.

Chapter 1

chapter 1

Ace's pov

I used to work for a popular arms dealer named Greg,I deliver almost Four trucks loaded with weapons to appointed places per week.

I get paid a fair amount and was married to a very beautiful woman, I had a son.

Greg received a call from a minister one day demanding for a truck of Ammunitions,Greg quickly told me to go pick up a truck and load it up.

“why can't do this important task” Nick who was also a worker there objected. my boss reminded him that I was a fast and better driver compared to his slow way of driving. He was annoyed, I could see it in his face but he dared not utter a single statement for the fear of losing his job.

I quickly went to the truck and started driving off to the destination,I was driving when I received a call from my best friend Andrew “He also works for Greg” he told me not to take the truck to the appointed place!

I was baffled,“The weapons are to be used to attack innocent protesters over the rape and killing of a minor” Andrew said,I was shocked and scared at same time.

I didn't know what to do. I stopped to think and later concluded not to deliver the truck. I quickly parked the truck under a near by bridge then took a cab home.

I went in shivering and my wife quickly noticed something was wrong,I explained everything to my wife and told her to quickly pack our stuff that we were boarding a bus to her mum's place.

We were still packing our stuffs when two hefty men barged in,one grabbed me by the neck and gave me a hard punch on the chin causing me to fall. The punch was so heavy and I was subconscious.

I later regained consciousness and I was at work surrounded by my boss and my co workers,I tried to get up but realised I was tied. My wife and son were beside my boss.

“you think you can mess with me and go Scot free huh”? Greg asked and was holding a pistol,I panicked and pleaded solemnly “Am sorry I was confused and didn't know what to do" I said in somber.

“oh, you were confused” he asked. “yeah, I think things are getting complicated this days and I am also confused too ” he said and ruthlessly shot my wife in the head.

She fell to the ground and blood oozed from her head. “Noooo!” I cried out.

“Take his son and drown him in and make sure nobody sees you” Greg said to one of his bodyguard, my son was dragged away as I screamed and begged for his life, That was the last time i saw my son.

“I am finding it hard to believe i dont wanna kill you yet, guess I'll keep it for later, take him away You know where he should be Right " Greg said to Nick and Davis. my colleague

”And if I see you near this city I will drive a hot rod in your ass and have you tied to a tree, you'll get whipped before finally killing you kill Greg said and walked out.

“I was bound and also blind folded then placed in the back of a truck.

The vehicle drove for about 4 hours then suddenly stopped, my blind fold was removed and I was united then led up a hill to a spot where there was an old looking house.

I was told to go in,I went in and found the place looking dirty and dusty. There was a dirty looking bed and i sat on it then laid on my back.

I was laying and thinking of my wife,I wept silently and sweard to get my revenge,I soon slept off.

I slept and dreamt of my wife, I saw her wearing a white dress stained with blood. I tried getting close to her but she kept on running away from me yelling at me to go back, I was still dreaming when i felt a hand touch me slightly.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw it was Nick, I stared at him, stood up and went outside and stretched a bit,it was already getting late, I was feeling a little bit better, but still feels very heart broken inside. His colleague Davis was standing near a tree there.

“we have brought the rest of your clothes and stuffs for you,Greg says if he sees you near the city again he will ki...."

I know that already I said as I cut Davis off angrily,I took my stuffs and went in I started arranging my stuffs when my stomach suddenly grumbled, “well I don't really care if I starve to death now”, “My son and wife mudered in one day and my stomach is grumbling?!!”.I thought to my self.

Nick suddenly came in interrupting what I was doing,I felt like jumping on him and choking him to death. “Not yet” I thought. He looked at me with an evil smile on his face an said “we'll be back, we are gonna get you something to eat” he said and walked out.

“something to eat?!!, I don't want anything from you!!” I yelled at him almost with a teary face.

I came out watched them as they walked down the hill, “I will kill you one day” I said silently as I heard their car drove off. His friend, Davis was different. We barely had grudes but that doesn't spare him “i will kill every last single soul working for Greg”. I thought as I walked back in.

I went back in, locked the door and looked around,I sat on the floor and started thinking of my wife again I wept bitterly cursing Greg for what he did. “he will pay with his life”. I said to myself.

I laid there for about twenty minutes thinking. I laid there and slept of.

I was woken up by a large bang on the door I sat up and stared at the door furiously. “Hey open up we've brought you something to eat. A voice said,it was Nick.

I didn't answer I just sat and rested my back on the wall. “we are gonna live it here,you should eat if you don't want to die” he said and laughed, I heard his footsteps as he walked away from the door.

“Who cares if I die? I have nothing to lose” “i have lost everything I have so I have no reason to live anymore” I thought and wept silently. I laid on the floor till I slept off.

I woke up the second day and was feeling very weak. i stood up and sat on the bed.

“is this how my life is going to end,will I even get my revenge ” I thought.

“i have to survive for my wife's sake, I am not going to starve my self to death without getting my revenge” “I must eat something else Greg us just gonna get away with what he did” I said trying to cheer my self up.

I stood up and went outside, I saw the food Nick dropped,I kicked it away angrily. “am not gonna eat anything he brings”, “Am gonna get my self something to eat ” I said as I started making my way down the hill.

I got to the muddy road and I made my way into the trees, I started going deep,I walked for about five minutes but all I could see was trees and flowers.

I was walking until I heard footsteps.. I paused

“what in the world could that be” I thought, I turned back and there was a wolve standing there staring and growling at me.

I was scared,I was practically shivering, “There is no way am gonna die this way” I thought and started taking steps back but it was also moving closer,I suddenly turned and started running, I looked back and he was chasing me too.

I ran as fast as I could until I triped and fell down, The wolve started moving slowly towards me growling, I closed my eyes and was waiting for what ever was going to happen.

I suddenly heard a gunshot, I opened my eyes and Nick and Davis were standing both holding pistols. I looked at the Wolfe and it was shot in the leg.

“Follow me or you can just stay here and wait for more wolfs to join you here” Nick said and started walking, I followed him till we got out of the trees to the muddy road .

I went up the hill and met a big shopping bag outside the old house, looks like they've went shopping.

“Greg gave us some money to get you some food stuffs,This should be enough for some couple of weeks we'll come back and give you more later”, Nick said.

“And by the way if you need anything, a farmer lives nearby,we are gonna pay him some money to give you anything you want in case you need something. His name is Mr Derek.

He turned to leave, I stoped “ I need to take my bath where am I supposed to do that?”. I asked. “follow me” he said and turned.

I followed Nick and we went down the hill,Davis was also following us, we walked till we reach a lake.

“Do you remember the route” Nick asked and I nodded ,we then went back to where there truck was packed and they both drove off.

It was getting late, I went back to the house and went in and arranged the food stuffs he brought,stored some beefs in a friedge which though wasn't working, The house has many stuffs,looks like an hideout. A bed fridge,two chairs and many kitchen utensils.

It was already dark when I finished, I laid down, I was not feeling so hungry anymore.

“I think I'll postpone the eaten to tomorrow ” I said and laid in the bed.

I thought about my wife and son, how we used to spend times together. I still couldn't believe I would loose her so easily, “Well she is not just gonna did just like that ” everyone will pay.

I laid until I slept off.