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Lost Crest's Prowess

Lost Crest's Prowess

Auteur: nadelyaj

En cours


Lost Crest's Prowess PDF Free Download


Hoshiko Sato lives with his sister Miyari Sato. Hoshiko Sato acquires the Lost Sacred crest and Miyari has the Savior Sacred Crest. The god of darkness, Erebus, took Miyari Sato from Hoshiko Sato, manipulated her and made her as his servant. Erebus slaughtered Hoshiko Sato ‘til he’s in perk of his death yet with the lost sacred crest, he managed to survive. He had mates that betrayed him. He gained his revenge and continued his journey to save his sister from the hands of Erebus. He fought monsters and enemies until he got to enter the door of the Divine World where Erebus and Miyari were in. He fought Miyari due to Erebus’s manipulation but he managed to seal her. Thereafter, as Hoshiko Sato and his sister leaves the divine world. Hoshiko Sato and Miyari Sato lived their life again and suddenly, Erebus attacked the world and fought against Hoshiko Sato. Hoshiko Sato defeated Erebus and freed her sister form Erebus’s manipulation.

Chapter 1

"Enough! I’ll take your sister with me now."

The god says while looking at Hoshiko Sato from the sky.

"No, give my sister back! What could you even get if you’re taking her from me?”

Suddenly, a massive boulder of iced magic hits Hoshiko Sato.

"What benefit? Well, do you even need to ask that your sister has a sacred crest that can even rival gods? I’ll take her to be my servant, don't worry, i will raise her and become my ultimate weapon." The god says while smiling toward Hoshiko sato.

"You-- What will you do to my sister?! Give her back otherwise I’ll—“


Another boulder of iced magic hit Hoshiko Sato.The god looks at Hoshiko Sato and suddenly smirked.

"You'll what? You’re weak, you can't even do anything right now"

"You bastard god! I’ll kill you... even if I’ll die. I promise I’m going to kill you, even in my next life!"

Hoshiko says while he was lying on the ground.

"HAHAHA! Do you think I’ll let you live?"

Suddenly, three sword-shaped ice magic pierced through Hoshiko Sato’s body. Before the last sword-shaped magic pierced through Hoshiko Sato, the god said,

“Do you think you can kill a god?" "Hoshiko?"

Hoshiko opened his eyes and saw Zena poking his face.

"Huh? Oh, Zena."

Sato says with a confused face.

*That dream again.* Hoshiko thought.

“Hey Hoshiko cook us some food we are hungry." Gordon Taylor commanded Hoshiko.


"Hurry we are hungry...tsk…that’s the only thing you can do with that useless sacred crest of yours and you are still being lazy. Be grateful that I let you join the party".

Sacred crest is a mark that appears in the body of each person since birth. Sacred crest has six categories: Mage, Tank, Healer, Lifestyle, Savior, and the Lost every category has a specific role in society. *It’s been 2 years since the incident happened and nothing has changed, I’m still the useless Hoshiko Sato. Well, Gordon says he'll help me take my sister back.* Sato thought while cooking.

"Boo!" Hoshiko startled and saw Zena

" got scared!"

"Don't startle me like that while I’m cooking."

"Hey, Hoshiko, when will you give me that bracelet? You said you'll give it to me."

"This is the only item I got from my mother, so i can't" Hoshiko replied.

“Tsk... okay" Zen said with a sad face.

"Hey, Gordon said hurry up the food because he is hungry." Zena said with a smile.

"Give me a minute" Hoshiko replied.


Hoshiko looked around and saw Gordon punched the wall.

"Hey stop the flirting and hurry up the food...geez…why did i even add you to the hero party"

Gordon angrily said.

*Gordon. He’s always angry at me. Well, i can't blame him since i can't do anything because i don’t know what my sacred crest could do. Maybe for now, he is just very hungry.*

While serving the food,

"Thank you Sato!" Rafaela said to Hoshiko with a smile.

Hoshiko smiled back at her.

*Rafaela. She is the one who saw me and brought me to this party. Without her, maybe I’m already digested by a monster.*

"Don't thank him for doing his job because he must do it!" Mash said while staring at Hoshiko.

*Mash. Well, he rarely talks to me and every time he does, he always stares a dagger at me*

Hoshiko Sato saw Zena and Gordon leaving the kitchen together and asked Zena,

"What are you two talking about?"

"Oh we were talking about monster subjugation today!" Zena replied.

"But it’s already afternoon?"

"Yeah it’s only a goblin subjugation that’s why Gordon, you and I are the only ones that will go because Rafaela and Mash have to go somewhere."

"Oh... Okay" Hoshiko replied while being worried.

"Don't worry we have Gordon and it’s just a goblin, we can finish it in no time"

*Zena. She is my girlfriend so of course I trust her. If she said that it'll be fine, it will be. Zeni is not the type of person who will go if things are hopeless for her or us. Well, Gordon will be there, he is hero so I bet he can take the goblins head on by himself.*

Hero party is a group for defeating demon lords. The Hero party that Hoshiko sato was in consists of 5 members: first is Gordon Taylor who has a savior crest and holds the title "Hero”, second is Mash who has a tank crest and holds the title "Divide shield", the third member is Rafaela, who has the healer crest and holds the title of "Saint of healing", the fourth member is Zena, who has a mage crest and hold the title of "Advace Water Sage”, and the last member, Hoshiko Sato, who can do dismantling and has the lost crest yet without title. Since the incident happened 2 years ago, Hoshiko got picked by the hero party, specifically by Rafaela when he fainted on the ground. Hoshiko Sato has no idea on how he is still alive after the incident. But now he is the porter and cook of the hero party. While walking through the forest, Hoshiko Sato noticed that they took the wrong way.

"Hey, this is the wrong way. This way leads to the Hole of no return!"

"Yeah we are heading there." Gordon replied.

"But no one who entered that hole has ever returned."

"We are not going in there."

"So what are we doing here?"

”You’re the only one who’ll go.”

Gordon suddenly smirked and punched Hoshiko in the stomach.

"Aggh...What are you--?"

Hoshiko sato looked at Zena

"Hey, Zena Help me."

Zena walked slowly towards Hoshiko and said

"Should i help you? Oh…yeah maybe I should."

Zena then used Paralyze magic and paralyzed Hoshiko.

"Ahh!!..Zena what are you—aggh."

Hoshiko looked at Zena and saw her clinging at Gordon.

"Maybe i should help you with your death" Zena said while smiling.

"Zena... What are you doing? Why are you clinging at Gordon? Why did you paralyze me?"

"Why? Well, before you even came, Gordon and I were already with each other so, obviously, i can cling to him whenever I want. To be honest with you, i only want the bracelet. If not for this, i won't even sit beside you HAHAHA! You didn't even realize that it was a magical item so..."

Zena walked towards Hoshiko and gets the bracelet off his hand.

"I’ll be taking this."

"Zena give it back to me! That’s the only thing i have to find my parents"

"Well you don't need to find your parents when you’re dead so, goodbye"

Zena replied before kicking Hoshiko to the hole of no return.

"Aggh...Where am i? I see... I was thrown inside the hole of no return by Zena and Gordon.”

Hoshiko woke up and after observing the place, he was shocked and scared of everything he saw. Before his eyes are piles of bones and even a fresh dead body of a person and when he turned to his back, a monstrous being is smiling at him.