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Meant To Be Yours

Meant To Be Yours

Auteur: Excelsior



Meant To Be Yours PDF Free Download


Katherine Iris Thornton was getting married in two months but all she could think of was her university crush Aidan Flint Waldorf. Six years ago, they had been best friends but Aidan had never known about the romantic feelings she had been harboring for him. How could she have told him when he had been dating her other best friend Jennifer Avery Calhoun? The past was catching up on her and she could not determine whether it was merely bridal jitters or her feelings for Aidan was more than a mere crush? Years ago, Aidan Waldorf had caught his girlfriend in the arms of his best friend Ryce Connor at his graduation party and from that day he had stopped believing in love. However, when he received the marriage invitation of one of his best friends Kate, he felt all the pain coming back to haunt him and vowed for payback. What happens when all four best friends reunite before the wedding? Sparks and revenge are expected but will they be able to sort out the past and become friends again? Will there be love in the air?

Chapter 1

Katherine stood rooted to the spot when she saw Aidan kissing Jennifer in a secluded place of the parking lot. Unseen by them, she felt the full impact of the pain as it consumed her making her teeth rattle under the force.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she brushed them off impatiently as she backed out from the sight and fled to the university campus. She needed some time to analyze her feelings; why was she feeling so hurt? Aidan Flint Waldorf had been her best friend from the first day at the university along with Ryce Vin Connor. Everybody knew them as the inseparable trio. That was until Jennifer had joined their gang. They had then become the fantastic four.

Jennifer Calhoun had been a nice girl; was still a nice girl but Kate had not been expecting that blow. While questioning herself, she did not why she was feeling so… so down. Her heart was filled with pain and felt as if someone had ripped it off her chest. And she was perplexed by the vehemence of her feelings.

Why was she so pained at the sight of Aidan and Jen together? She had caught Ryce kissing girls more times than she could count and apart from a mischievous comment, it had not affected her more than that. Was she jealous of them? At their new found happiness? What kind of friend did that make her?

With remorse, she remembered the day she had first met Jennifer and how she had been envious of her when both Aidan and Ryce had seemed smitten by her. She had thought nothing of it at that time thinking that she was merely losing the attention of her two best friends. But when she had befriended Jennifer, all antagonism towards her had disappeared as they had become girlfriends quite fast.

And that was why Kate could not understand why she was feeling so hurt on seeing them together. Was she angry because they had not told her about their relationship? She was their best friend and she should have known about the beginning of the love story.

“Kate!!” shouted a voice that sounded like Jen and she schooled her facial features to an impassive mask as she turned round to face her plastering a fake smile.

“Hey!!” she tried with a forced smile wishing that her tears had dried up.

“I have something to tell you,” her friend exclaimed gleefully and Kate had a pretty good idea what the something was about. But she was not interested. Not anymore.

Picking her books together, she pretended to be busy and cried after Jennifer that she would meet her later since she had a lecture. Which was an outright lie.


“Wait!” cried a male voice after her and she whirled round to see Aidan behind her as he took her in his arms and lifted her high up his face full of happiness. Keeping her up, he whirled her round in a circle and let out a laugh which accentuated his chiseled jaws.

“Oh, Katie! I’m in love!”

It was then that Kate realized why she had been so hurt when she had seen them together. She was in love with her best friend Aidan Flint Waldorf. The very one who had just announced her on a very happy and excited note that he was in love.

Words that she had longed to hear she now realized but as she knew it was not meant for her, she felt her heart break into millions of pieces as she tried to hide the pain igniting in her once again.

She was doomed; it was the kind of love which was supposed to change one’s life and Kate knew that hers will never be the same again.