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Auteur: Beauty Angel

En cours




Arabella Gomez, a daughter of a billionaire. A Lady that is known all over the world but there is one thing that she is looking for... She want to HIRE A LOVER without caring who he is. she badly needs a guy!. She doesn't really care about who he is.

Chapter 1



Searching for love


  Chapter 1

  Arabella's pov

  I walked into dad's room to see him still on bed, I went to peck his cheek and that woke him up,,,,

  " Dad "I smiled at him

  " Are you ready? "he asked sitting upright

  " Yes Dad, I am "I replied. He stood up and took his cheque book from the drawer,,, He took his pen and wrote some things on it before handing it to me

  " No dad, I can't take this cheque from you. I have enough already,,, you already gave me all you own! "I said

  He chuckled.

  " But that's not enough, you're my daughter remember? "He said

  " Okay dad "I shrugged and collected it from him.

  " What of your mom? "He asked as he slipped his leg into his sandal

  " She's at the dinning,,, I better start going. See you later Dad! "I said hurrying to the door

  " Alright dear,,, don't forget what we discussed yesterday "he shouted from inside and I scoffed as I finally walked out.

  There's nothing else he wants except for me to bring home a guy,,, he don't even wanna know if I love him or not.

  I'm Arabella Gomez, A daughter of a rich billionaire. My parents want just one thing from me, to bring home a guy. I just don't know how to please them,,,, maybe it's high time I work on it.

  I got outside and the driver came to me immediately he sighted me coming out,

  " Ma'am "He bowed at my front

  " Hi Gael,,, am going alone today "I said moving towards my car

  " Alright ma'am, bye! "he smiled as I entered the car, The gate was opened and I drove out

  Henry's pov

  " Come on Henry!! "Micah shouted as I carried the volleyball and then throw it into the high net

  " I did it! "I screamed and they all ran to hug me,,, this are my three friends. Their names are; Micah, Matteo and Ezra. We are here to have fun like always.

  " Let's get going "I said now facing them

  " Okay but you have to play one more time,,, right guys? "Matteo said facing the two of them

  " Yes! "they agreed with him

  " If that's what you want,,, Matteo get me the volleyball "i ordered and that made him glare at me and the others laughed

  " Go ahead! "I said when I saw he isn't making any attempt to go,,, he finally left and handed it to me with a smirk on his face

  " Thanks "I hit the volleyball on his head, he made to fight me back as I wanted to throw it into the net,,, A car was passing when it unfortunately bounced on the car.

  We turned swiftly to see the car stopped immediately and the car door opened and a Lady walked out,,, I sense trouble

  " Who the heck threw the ball? "she shouted coming over while I just turned my back on them like nothing happened

  " We're sorry "Ezra said to her

  " I asked a question right? I said who the hell threw the ball and made it hit my car,,,, who is that person??? "She yelled

  " I "I said turning to face her

  Arabella's pov

  " I "he faced me and as soon as my eyes met with his, I never wanted to take off my eyes from him forever. He's so fucking handsome!

  " So you're the one? "I finally said shaking off the thought

  " Yes, sorry. Let's go guys "I said and started walking away with them

  " Hey wait! "we heard her called and turned to her back

  " You think you can just go like that? Well no,,, it's not that easy. "I smirked at them

  " So what else do you want, we already said sorry. isn't that enough? "He said boldly

  " Yes, what else do you want from us? "The one by his side said

  My phone beeped in my hand and I opened the message,,,

  Where are you Bella??? you're urgently needed here

  " I don't have time for you guys,,, Till we meet again "I said and started walking away from them

  " I never wish to meet you again psycho " I heard him shout behind me and laughed out as I got in,,,though you don't wish to meet me again, but I want to meet meet you again handsome.

  Henry's pov

  " How do you find her? "Ezra asked as we walked back home

  " How else will I find her,,, someone who insulted us and acted like a psycho that she really is "I snarled

  " But she's cute though "Matteo said with a wink

  " I won't denial that "I said and walked ahead of them before they would start throwing questions at me


  We walked into the house and as soon as we entered my room, we started perceiving a kind of aroma. Am not sure it's coming from this room,,

  " Don't you guys perceive something? "Micah was the first to talk

  " Maybe it's from the next house "I said and sat down on the couch to take off my shirt,,,

  " Henry! you're back "I looked to see Valeria coming out of the kitchen,, I immediately put on my shirt back. what's she doing here??

  " Hi Valeria " i looked to see Micah smiling at her

  " Someone should explain how she

  entered,,, you're with the key right? "I faced Ezra

  " I was the one who gave it to her "he said scratching his head

  " Now that that we're back, thank you Valerie you,,, you can go "I went to open the door for her to pass

  " Have prepared something for you guys in the kitchen,,,, you too Henry "She faced them and then back at me

  She stopped before me,,,

  " My bag! "she suddenly said and hurried to the kitchen,I cast them a bad glare and they looked away

  She came back with her handbag, she was about to go out when she stopped and faced me,,,

  " Bye Henry "she smiled widely and I immediately looked away, she walked out and I shut the door loudly.

  " Why are you treating that girl like this,,, See what she just done. she cooked for you "Matteo said on my way to the kitchen, I stopped and faced them

  " Who told you am interested in the food, henceforth I don't want to see her here "I said and banged into the kitchen, I came out with the pot of food.

  " Who wanna eat? "I asked looking at their faces, they shook their head negatively at the same time.

  " Since you guys aren't eating, am going to dump it in the bin "I declared

  " What,,,, Henry!!! "The said in unison