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Auteur: KK. Daisy

En cours




A story of Arnav and his REPLACED BRIDE Aadhya. He doesn't want to get married but was forced by his mother and she doesn't know that she was about to get married. Will he accept her as his wife? Will his family accept her? Why she was replaced in someone's place? Can she love her unexpected husband? To know more start reading.

Chapter 1

Raizada Mansion:

The house is beautifully decorated and there is a hustle and bustle of guests.

All the workers were moving from one place to another to check the arrangements.

They wanted decorations for this wedding to be perfect and classy. As the wedding is of Raizada's youngest son and most eligible bachelor in their city, ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA.

Raizada family is famous in India for their company Raizada constructions which are in number one position in India.

Although his family is the richest in India even though his father wanted him to join his office, Arnav wanted to be a fashion designer. So to pursue his passion and dream, Arnav went to London for his studies after completing his secondary education in India.

After graduating from Harvard University. He started an AR Fashion house in New York with his savings which he earned during his studies as his family sponsored his studies. He wanted to start his company with his earned money.

His father Arshad wished to offer him help, but he refused, saying he likes to make his own place in the outer world by his hard work without any option left. His father agreed with him.

In the span of three years AR Fashion house became the No. 1 Fashion house in New York and In the Top 10 in the world because of his outstanding designs and hard work from that time he settled in New York. He was known as ASR in the fashion world.

It is the only thing that irks Ratna most. She wants her one and only son to live with them. Arnav faced a tough time convincing Ratna nevertheless she agreed to his happiness from that time Arnav only came to India to visit them.

Arshad is handling his company with the help of his son-in-law Shyam.

He wanted Arnav to handle his company after him which he inaugurated and brought to a high level on his hard work, but he doesn't have the heart to go against his son's wish after all he loves his son so much.

In that busy house, Ratna was pacing back and forth in her room trying to dial someone's number.

“What happened to you, Ratna? ” Arshad asked, after observing her for a while.

“Arshad I am trying Arnav's number.

His marriage is in three hours, and he still hasn't arrived in India.

I acknowledged his wish of forthright marriage without any Pre Marriage rituals, but that doesn't mean he will reach before an hour.

What to do with this boy? ” Ratna replied, once again trying his number.

“He would have come if this wedding was out of his will,” Arshad said, without glancing at her.

“What do you mean to say?

Are you saying that he was forced for this marriage?” Ratna asked in a stern voice.

Arshad walked out of the room without giving any reply. Twisting her lips Ratna concentrated on her work.

Arshad met Shyam on his way out of his room.

“I know dad, Mom and Bhavna are doing wrong by forcing Arnav into this marriage,” Shyam said while walking with him.

“Yes, shyam. Arnav wouldn't have agreed to this marriage if Ratna and Bhavna didn't pull that stupid stunt” Arshad said, expressing his sadness.

“I just hope some miracle happens, and this marriage gets cancelled,” Arshad muttered.

Shyam nodded, praying silently to make his wish come true.

He doesn't want his brother-in-law to have a loveless marriage.

Bhavna's room:

“Bhavna Arnav's mobile is switched off,” Ratna said, coming into her room.

“I think he is in flight.

Mom, you should get ready, only three hours left for marriage” Bhavna said while doing her makeup.

“Yes, Nisha and her family will reach any time,” Ratna said, leaving to get ready.

Varma's house:

A young girl was busy in the kitchen preparing sweets.

“I wish madhumati mam was alive Aadhya,” said a servant, who is helping her in work.

By listening to Madhumati's name tears formed in her eyes but controlling herself she asked.

“Why are you saying Vimala Aunty?” Aadhya asked.

“Madam and Sir making you work like servants.

I can't see you like this,” Vimala replied.

“They are my Uncle and Aunt.

I don't have any problem working for them” Aadhya said and continued her work.

Vimala has been working for this family for the past twenty years.

She observed how Aadhya's life changed in the past two years.

Rakesh and Sumitra are Aadhya's parents. Then died in an accident when she was five years old.

Rakesh was the owner and founder of Varma construction. He worked hard to establish it.

Purab was his elder brother who used to work under him. He was a greedy person.

When Rakesh and Sumitra meet by accident. Purab grabbed that opportunity to take over the company. He took custody of Aadhya so that people should think he is a good person, but he and his wife, Heena, never cared for Aadhya as they were busy enjoying their new lavish life.

Madhumati, the younger sister of Rakesh and Purab came to live with them after a few months they took custody of Aadhya as her husband died.

She used to take care of Aadhya and her needs. Aadhya also becomes attached to her, as she knows her before.

Life was beautiful for Aadhya although her Uncle and Aunt never cared for her as Madhumati never let her feel low.

She used to be there with her when she used to cry for her parents. Until Madhumati's death. She died two years ago and after her death her life became miserable.

Purab halted her studies after her secondary education and made her do household work.

“I just hope God fills your life with happiness” prayed Vimala.

Nisha's room:

“How can she do this, Heena? ” Purab shouted, seeing the letter which Nisha wrote before leaving.

Letter content:

I am sorry dad, I don't want this Marriage. I am leaving to pursue my passion.

Sorry, mom and dad.

“I don't know Purab,” Heena cried.

“Now, What are we going to do?

We have to go to the Raizada mansion in half an hour.

What about my reputation in society?

What will people think if this marriage gets cancelled?” Purab was shouting angrily.

“Aunt, I finished preparing sweets,” Aadhya said, reaching into the room.

Purab got an idea, looking at her, Which can save his reputation in society and also marriage will not get cancelled.

“Heena, prepare Aadhya as a bride.

She is going to be the bride instead of Nisha, ” Purab ordered.

Heena and Aadhya looked at him with shock.

“How can you do that Purab?

How can you replace her with Nisha?

Are you going to get her married into the Raizada family?” Heena showed her disinterest.

“Where is Nisha then? ” Purab asked, causing Heena to close her mouth.

“But Uncle... ” Aadhya was interrupted by Purab.

“I am not requesting you Aadhya.

Get ready for this marriage” Purab said and left the room.

Aadhya broke into tears. Heena gave her bridal dress to wear and did her make up and covered her face with a veil so that no one could recognize her.

She was sitting in her room fully ready as a new bride. Vimala walked into the room.

She heard their talk as she also came with Aadhya to inform about sweets.

“Aadhya,” Vimala muttered.

“Vimala Aunt, How can Uncle do this to me? ” Aadhya cried while hugging her.

“Don't worry Aadhya.

I think God wanted you to escape from this house, that's why Nisha ran away from her marriage,” Vimala said.

“But Aunt, How can I marry the person whom Nisha is supposed to marry?” Aadhya asked.

“Aadhya, Nisha didn't get married to him.

So don't think like that just go with the flow god knows what is best for you” Vimala replied.

Aadhya nodded.

“Take care. I will miss you,” Vimala said.

“I will miss you too Aunt” saying Aadhya hugged her.

Vimala left from there before Heena returned.

After a few minutes, the Varma family along with their guests started for the Raizada mansion with Aadhya as the REPLACED BRIDE.

Delhi International Airport:

A man clad in a three-piece business suit with six feet height and devilishly handsome walked out of the airport, glancing around. As he spotted his driver, Mohan he went towards his car.

Mohan has been their driver for the last twenty years.

“Hello, It's a pleasure to meet you, Arnav sir” Mohan greeted.

“Hello, Uncle” Arnav greeted him. He stepped into the car and soon the car was on Delhi roads to reach their destination.

After a few minutes, his mobile phone started ringing. It was from his Manager and best friend, Aman.

“Yes, Aman, I reached Delhi safely, and I am on my way home,'' Arnav said before Aman could question him.

“Oh without question you're giving answers not bad Arnav” He heard him laughing out loud.

Arnav and Aman are friends from their college days. After graduation, Aman joined with Arnav to start AR. He works as a manager in AR.

“I can predict your question Aman, anyways take care of AR. I will be back in three days,” Arnav said.

“Arnav I think you are going for your marriage not someone else that you are saying 'I will be back in three days’.

Enjoy your marriage and take care.

I am stuck here because of the deal, otherwise, I would have come with you.

I want to dance in your marriage,” Aman said with sadness.

“Ok bye” saying arnav hanged the call.

By the name of marriage, Arnav remembers the day his mom and sister blackmailed him to agree to the marriage.


It was three months before Arnav came to India to visit his parents.

Purab and Arshad were business partners. Ratna saw Nisha at one business party. She liked her at the instant her eyes laid on her.

She always wanted her daughter-in-law to be modern and match their status. She felt Nisha is perfect for Arnav according to her.

So kept this proposal before Purab and Heena. They accepted this proposal gladly. Getting ASR as their son-in-law is not a small thing.

One day, she informs Arnav about this proposal.

“What mom, How can you fix my marriage with any random girl?” Arnav Freaked Out.

“Arnav she will be perfect for you as a wife” Ratna tried to make him agree.

“No mom, I don't want this marriage” straight away, Arnav refused.

“Arnav listens to mom. She will always think for your betterment” Bhavna said.

“No Bhavna still my answer will not change” Arnav refused.

“Ok then be ready to lose your mom,” Ratna said.

“What do you mean, mom? Arnav asked, being confused.

“If you deny this marriage I will drink this poison” Ratna replied, causing Arnav to stand up with shock.

“Mom What is this?

Give it to me,” Arnav panicked and tried to take the poison from her hands.

“No, I gave them my word. If you don't agree I will die,” Ratna said stubbornly.

Arnav glanced at his mother in shock.

Without having any other option, Arnav agreed to the marriage.

When Arshad and Shyam came to know about it. They shouted at Ratna and Bhavna, how can they force him for marriage, but it was too late. Arnav gave a promise to Ratna.

Flashback ends.

Today he came to fulfil his promise. His thoughts came to a halt by Mohan's voice.

“Sir, we reached,” Mohan said.

Nodding at him he stepped out. Reaching the main door he saw his mom with an angry look.

“What is this, Arnav?

You came now. Your marriage will start in half an hour.

All guests reached.

You came late then guests to your marriage” Ratna shouted in anger.

“Mom, I will get ready in five minutes,” said Arnav, leaving for his room.

Arshad and Shyam signed in disappointment. They were hoping that Arnav would run away from this marriage.

As they don't like Nisha. Arshad always wanted his daughter-in-law to be traditional with modern thoughts.

Nisha is modern, but she doesn't have any idea about traditions. So, he was still hoping that this marriage would get cancelled.

Heena is sitting beside Aadhya so that her veil should not drop and talking with relatives who came to see Nisha.

When Murat time

Auspicious time

came the priest called for the bride and groom.

Arnav clad in sherwani sat in his place without showing any interest. After a few minutes, the priest announced to bring the bride.

All guests sat around the mandap


to witness the wedding.

Heena brought Aadhya and helped her to sit beside Arnav.

When Aadhya reached mandap.

Arnav felt a cold breeze hit him which caused his tensed heart to relax.

Whereas Aadhya who was still thinking about Vimala's felt a sudden relief after sitting beside her unexpected groom.

As if her head had its mind, it turned towards the right side to see her groom. She didn't get a proper view due to her veil, but she felt relieved and thought Vimala's words were right.

Whereas arnav wished to get a look at his bride, but he saw only a red colour veil.

The priest started their marriage rituals. He asked Bhavna to do gathbandhan

It is a ritual done during Indian marriage

. She did it while smiling at Arnav. Who maintained his expressionless face.

The priest asked them to take seven vows. After taking seven vows Arnav filled her parting with Verimoli at the time Heena said to lower Aadhya's head in her ear so that Arnav will not be able to see her face.

He tied a mangal sutra around her neck. The priest announced them as Husband and Wife.

Ratna and Bhavna became happy to get Nisha as their daughter-in-law and sister-in-law.

Purab and Heena signed in relief.

Arshad and Shyam signed in disappointment that the marriage wasn't cancelled.

Whereas Arnav and Aadhya were in their own world tracking the reason for their sudden relief.

To be continued........